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Good news lately making even Eric optimistic

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though i AM becoming optimistic...  i am continuing the battle as if i had no good news at all.  i want to keep the pressure on.  i don't want anyone to feel like "well, we got it THIS far, we can take a break now."  i want GZ and DOS to continue to get inquiries on our cases.  if there are further breakdowns, errors, bungles, screw-ups, and "two-week delays" everybody will still remember "that guy from denver."


friday i delivered my sweeties valentines flowers to my senator's aid.  i just met with my congressman AGAIN this afternoon.  i will be meeting with one of my senator's later this week.  i will be in the face of anyone who will make time for me, and i will talk to anyone who will listen.


i said - "i will not rest" - and optimistic or not - i meant it.

Good for you Jon! Keep the pressure on. We have seen all too often in the past what can happen when we let up. I e-mailed Richard Adams last night and asked several questions. He should have seen the e-mail today if he was in the office. As of a few minutes ago, still no response. Will wait and see but I, for one, do not intend to let up for a minute.

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