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being a Christian i think we are all children of one God.

my best friend is not a believer in anything, he believes in himself, do i condemn him absolutely not... he's a great guy he'll will do anything for anyone. we sometimes get into the conversation of whether there is a God or not. he always says "ohh thats such a nice story" he says that just to get me bent. do i think less of him?? no way, he's a great person. i do wish that one day he might have the same thinkng that i enjoy. all i can do is pray for him. he says "i dont need your prayer" DONT PRAY FOR ME!!

oh well i still do ;)

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My interaction with you, or anyone else, would be conditioned by things such as your personality, you attitude toward me, the conditions framing our interaction, etc. Unless you wore your non-Christianity on your sleeve it wouldn't even be a factor in typical interactions.


At present I work mostly with Muslims in the Middle East. I react to them as people ... individuals with their own personality and attitudes. Occasionally we even discuss religion. I've never had a problem with them in this area.


To use a typical Chinese expression, a "good heart" is what is important.


Very Well articulated. I couldn't have said it better. I don't care if someone doesn't beleive, I can respect them..... As long as they respect the fact that I deserve to be respected. I don't generally start conversations about religion. Many people may not know i'm a Christain at work, but i do not hide the fact. I do frown on people who just cuss all the time. I think that is a respect issue and a lack of inteligence.


Heck, I will lose it sometimes and forget myself, but 99.9% I try to be a calm rspectful person...I don't like me when I'm angry. My ex has had the ability to get me to stray away friom that at times and I blame that on my weaknesses. I don't respond as much anymore, but it has upset me sometimes when in the past. I pray that I'm better now.

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