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K-3 VISA Aff of Support? Which One?

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Which Aff of Support will i have to send to my wife, when she returns the forms for the P3?

I know i need to get my tax returns ready eventually, but do they need the date on the Aff of support to be dated "before she sends in the forms from p3"


Just confused because i am not sure how long the Aff of suffort is good for?


And if i send any aff of support now so she will have it, and then can sign " i have all the forms listed above"


any help?



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For the P3, have her check off all the items ASAP and return ASAP... no need to collect any items on that form prior to sending back the P3 since they could be older than GUZ wants.


After she sends P3 back, then she can wait 1-2 months to start collecting all the items (translation and notorized docs, passport pics, etc).


For a K3 interview, she needs to have the I-134...


I would send (and date) so she has it about 2-3 months ahead of interview. that will clearly look 'fresh' enough. So, wait about a month after your P3...


Your almost there !! :D

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