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being at the interview

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i know this has been asked on here 1,000,000 times but i need some comforting here ? ( LOL)

we got married in hong kong and that is where there interview will be taking place.

i will not be able to make it to the interview unfortunately ( unless i win the lottery).

i don't have enough paid time off to make the trip. the PTO i do have i planned on using it when my wife gets here. plus i can't afford to go :lol:

do you think me not being there will afect the VO's decision? i know ADAMCHLIDRESS got married and had their interview in hong kong also but he was able to attend the interview. he emailed me telling me about the process and it kinda made me feel it was better that he was in fact there for his wife.

well any info will be helpful! thanks! todd and dhel

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Many pass in GZ without being there. Not much data on HK. I know in HK they will let you attend the interview with her. That alone is a huge difference. My best advice is if you can somehow swing it to be there then do. I think it makes a difference. If you just possibly can't then do the best you can to prepare for her going alone.

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As far as passing or being denied I don't think being there is a factor for the decision process. Most seem to feel the decision has been made before hand. The interview is important as it is a last chance for them to detect fraud. They would be more interested in the SO's inability to supply info about you or lack of personal contact. The photo proof of relationship appears the most critical and most often asked for at interview.


Go over all of your personal data with her so she can answer the questions confidently. Be sure she can pronounce your name! Read through the experiences of others, have plenty of documentation (phone bills, emails, etc.)


You will do fine.

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The data itself does not appear to support the idea that being there makes a difference in the outcome. I think the main issues that being there cover is that it adds another trip to your total time together (which is a positive for the VO to consider) and lends tremendous emotional support to the SO.


If you cannot make it, follow the advice given... support her from afar and stay connected. You will do fine.

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It might not matter, but I would recommend writing a short letter saying why you aren't there. In my case, I was with my wife for 2 years (we were dating for 1.5 years, and then were married for 6 months) before I returned to the US in August. My excuse for not being there is because I returned first to get a job, house, car, and get everything set up. I wrote that in my letter. Her interview is on November 2nd, so we will see. We have pretty strong photographic proof, so I am not too worried (pictures of us all over Asia, with her family, and her with my family, at different times of the year).


So, just prep her for the interview and hope for the best... As others said, it doesn't seem to make much of a difference if you are there or not.

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