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Consular Interview Participation...

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Have been thinking about this for a while now... What is the general perception of sponsor participation at the interview? Pros, Cons, Suggestions? Have heard that in some countries this is discouraged... I know some people in CFL are experts in this topic, so feedback would be greatly appreciated. I'll be with my wife in China, but if I should refrain from participation, I'd certainly like to know. Thank You!

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:( Sorry in Guangzhou that decsion has already been made for you .................. You don't get to attend <_<


Ouch! That hurts! My lao po was excited about the possibility of me being by her side... I guess we just roll with the punches, huh? :(

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Yes, that's about all we can do. I was there also, I wouldn't have missed for anything. The best we can do is have everything prepared for them so that what ever comes up and be answered. Then we get to wait outside, also being there should speed up any overcome problems if the visa is not granted.


That is one of the great things about this site, by the time it is your turn you have actualy been through about 100 interveiws <_< Talk about prepared :(

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Yes, that's about all we can do. I was there also, I wouldn't have missed for anything. The best we can do is have everything prepared for them so that what ever comes up and be answered. Then we get to wait outside, also being there should speed up any overcome problems if the visa is not granted.


That is one of the great things about this site, by the time it is your turn you have actualy been through about 100 interveiws <_< Talk about prepared :(


Thank you very much Gene! I feel good that I know this now and won't have a nice little surprise down the road... I think you are right about this site. With each new day I feel a little bit for knowledgable and confident in the process. Thank you CFL! :(

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