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AOS Interview Success

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The proof of us living together would have been tough, because I only have our joint (I added her name) checking account. I brought a bank statement. If they wanted more, I would have been scratching my head.


Like others have said, they ask simple questions; I think to get an impression that you know each other. But he didn't ask any tough questions directly of her; mostly to me, of her.


For example, he asked her "why did you get a divorce from your 1st husband?" I translated, and she gave a simple answer. The interviewer wanted more detail, so I gave him an in-depth explanation of things about her ex that she had told me. I think that, and other things we discussed, is the sort of thing that shows the interviewer that we know each other well (or at least that I know her well).


He didn't look at any of the paperwork I brought. He mostly corrected a few details on the application, like my wife's son's name, her mother's name, etc. I opened her birth certificate (the Chinese version) and read the name to him, transcribing it in pinyin for him.


I think this sort of detail tells the interviewer "these folks are a couple". I put some hours into preparing for the interview. If I had done nothing, we would have done just fine.


About the location and possible language issues: This was the San Antonio location. I think they're used to dealing with folks with budding English skills, because they deal mostly with Mexican immigrants. The interviewer didn't bat an eye; simply telling me to translate for her.


Good luck to you folks coming through process. : :lol:

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