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Looking for a volunteer


This is an interesting situation and I believe there is a way for every SO receive an SSN fairly quickly based on SSA policy. One thing is to allow USCIS enough time to get them entered into their system so a paper request is not required, supposedly 2-3 weeks.


Let's get Creative and try to use the existing laws to our advantage instead of allowing the Bureaucracy to run over us.


The SSA has a help document that is titled: When am I legally required to provide my Social Security number?


It gives a few situations where Federal or State Law REQUIRES AN SSN and a few of these may be a way to resolve some of the problems people are having getting an SSN.


1. Apply for a Student Load - Federally Required to provide SSN - SO planning on going to school get the application and instruction sheet.

2. If in a property tax state, then have SO added to title - State Law requires a SSN in many cases.

3. Name on Mortgage - Federally required (not sure about this one)

4. U.S. Treasury for U.S. Savings Bonds - BINGO!!! Your SO desires to invest in the good ole USA


The basic requirement is to provide in writing that an SSN is required by Federal or State Law. You must prove it is REQUIRED to comply with Federal or State Law which places the burden on SSA to provide the SSN so you can comply with Federal Law.


Take your SO to your local Bank for the purpose of buying a savings bond, your SO will be the purchaser and they will require the SSN. While with the EE and I bonds the SSN is not used for tax purposes it is stated as a requirement to purchase. You just need to get this in writing stating it is a Federal requirement for your SO to invest in the USA. Got a friendly officer at your bank? :lol:


No one says you have to buy the Savings Bond or anything else, you must only prove you have encountered a situation where it is REQUIRED as stated in the following help link. I am in the U.S. on a temporary visa. Can I get a Social Security number?


I believe even the most twisted among us can see the perfect logic of the US Treasury requiring your SO to have an SSN. No guarantees, but doesn’t this just seem convoluted enough to get past the bull?


Now who is able to take their SO to the bank and give this a shot?


Now don't be shy :rolleyes:

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Did quick search to get something going. this may be old news to some here, but all new stuff for this newbie.


At www.ssa.gov/online/ss-5.pdf, titled,"Application for a Social Security Card" it states in item 3 the following:


"Item 3. If you check "Legal Alien NOT Allowed to Work", you need to provide a document from the government agancy requiring your social security number that explains why you need a number and that you meet all of the requirements for a benefit or service, except for a number. A state or local agency requirement must conform with Federal Law."


To apply for an original card, you need 2 docs as proof of:



lawful alien status


If the reaeon for a ssn is non work related, it will be stamped not work related.


If you go to www.utsystem.edu/bpm/66Apx/Federal.doc, it will provide a summary of activites that require assn. Of theis list, there are 2 that seems to be the most viable for request; one is tax matters, which treasury bonds would fall into this catagory, and blood donation. Of course id a so is planning to go to school, file for financial aid, and an ssn is also required.


Chapter 43 of the Unites States code seems to cover most of the matters here, so give it a whirl.

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From Social Securities website. As you can see K-1 is permitted an SSN according to SSA rules. All that is required is the passport with I-94.



Original Social Security Number for a Noncitizen


You must complete an application and be interviewed by an SSA employee at your local Social Security office.


We need at least two documents as evidence of your age, identity, and lawful non-citizen status.


Age: We prefer to see your birth certificate. However, we can accept your passport or a DHS document which shows your date of birth to establish your age.


Identity: We must see a document in the name you want shown on the card. The identity document must be recently issued. We prefer a document with a photograph. However, we generally can accept a non-photo identity document if it has enough information to identify you (e.g., your name, your age, date of birth, or parents’ names). We can't accept a birth certificate or hospital birth record as evidence of identity. Some documents we may accept as proof of identity are:

Driver's license

Marriage or divorce record

Military Record

Employee ID card

Adoption record

Life insurance policy


Health Insurance card (not a Medicare card)

School ID card

DHS Document.


Alien Status: We need to see an unexpired document issued to you by the DHS, such as Form I-551, I-94, I-688B, or I-766. We CAN'T accept a receipt showing you applied for the document. Your documents must show that you are authorized to work in the United States (here's a chart of immigration classifications that allow you to work in the U.S.).


If you're not authorized to work in the U.S., we can issue you a Social Security card if your are lawfully here and need the number for a valid nonwork reason. Your card will be marked to show you can't work. If you do work, we will notify DHS.


Effective October 27, 2003, we don't assign a Social Security number when your only reason for needing a number is to comply with a State statute requiring an SSN for issuance of a driver's license.


We'll continue to issue SSNs to noncitizens who aren't otherwise eligible for SSNs for the following nonwork purposes:

a Federal law or regulation requires that you provide your SSN to get the particular benefit or service or

a State or local law requires you to provide your SSN to get public assistance benefits to which you have established entitlement.


If you don't have permission to work, but still need a number for one of the reasons mentioned above, we'll need a statement on letterhead stationery from the government agency that is requiring you to provide an SSN. The letter must:

Specifically identify you as the applicant

Cite the law requiring you to have a Social Security number and

Indicate that you meet all the agency's requirements to get the benefit or service except for having a SSN.


All documents must be either originals or copies certified by the issuing agency. We can't accept photocopies or notarized copies of documents.




Visa Classifications that Allow You to Work in the U.S.



Visa Classification Definition


E-1, E-2 Treaty trader or Treaty investor


F-1 Foreign academic student, when certain conditions are met


H-1B, H-1C, H-2A, H-2B, H-3 Temporary worker


I Foreign information media representative


J-1 Exchange visitor, when certain conditions are met


K-1 Fiancé of a U.S. citizen


L-1 Intra-company transferee


M-1 Foreign vocational student


O-1, O-2 Temporary worker in the sciences, arts, education, business, or athletics


P-1, P-2, P-3 Temporary worker in the arts, athletics in an exchange or cultural program


Q-1, Q-2 Cultural exchange visitor


R-1 Temporary religious worker with a nonprofit organization


TC Professional business worker admitted under U.S.-Canada Free Trade Act (NAFTA)


TN Professional business worker admitted under NAFTA



Please Note: If you have a different classification, you must show us evidence from the Department of Homeland Security that you are authorized to work.



Beneficiary form requires beneficiary’s SSN http://www.ssa.gov/online/ssa-788.pdf

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Seems K-1's have run into the same road blocks. The major problem is with governmenmt employees enforcing regs they haven't fully read or were misinstructed in. If you know the regs when dealing with said employees it is much easier. I have to do that in my job. In 24 years I haven't lost in a dispute with them. Most take the easy route and just agree with the GEs interpretation right or wrong.


Since I'm K-1 then I guess I can't volunteer.


an often misquoted quote says it all


"Our country, right or wrong. When right, to be kept right, when wrong to be put right."


U.S. Senator Carl Schurz (1829 - 1906)

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I like the idea.  What I can't understand is why we (K-1/K-3/CR-1/IR-1) always seem to have problems with SSA.  If I had to guess, I'd say that SSA is wrong more times than it's right when it comes to getting an SSN.


Figure they want to prevent getting an SSN based on immigration status redirection seems to be a wonderful way to get them to help accomplish the goal.

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Interesting to see this at the SSA webpage:







If you're a friend, relative, or potential employer of a non-citizen who plans to immigrate here:


Print the one-page flyer we've provided and mail it to that person. Click here to print a copy of the flyer in Word (.doc) or here to print a copy in Adobe (.pdf); and



Print and send the information sheet titled, "Social Security Numbers for U.S. Permanent Residents." Now a part of the U.S. Department of State's immigration visa material, the sheet describes the process for starting the Social Security number process while still in one's native country.




"Social Security Numbers for U.S. Permanent Residents."



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According to that information from SSA we should be getting the SSC in the mail within 3 weeks of entry. Has anyone ever heard of this happening?


I know that Tony got his in tens day or so in the mail... seems the Northeast has the visa process and SSN process in 'full tilt boggie' mode...

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According to that information from SSA we should be getting the SSC in the mail within 3 weeks of entry. Has anyone ever heard of this happening?


I know that Tony got his in tens day or so in the mail... seems the Northeast has the visa process and SSN process in 'full tilt boggie' mode...


This sounds like the DS-230 part 2, I'm not sure but I beleive this is completed by the CR1/IR1 in GZ and if the SO checks the boxes the SSN comes quickly.

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She checked intends to work and wrote in "as soon as approved to work" so we will see what happens. She also marked plans to go to school. The schools I have talked to require a valid student visa or the SSN, so this may be another angle for quick issuance of the SSN.

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According to that information from SSA we should be getting the SSC in the mail within 3 weeks of entry. Has anyone ever heard of this happening?


I know that Tony got his in tens day or so in the mail... seems the Northeast has the visa process and SSN process in 'full tilt boggie' mode...


This sounds like the DS-230 part 2, I'm not sure but I beleive this is completed by the CR1/IR1 in GZ and if the SO checks the boxes the SSN comes quickly.


tony (mod) was K1...


but I have also read somewhere about that check box... not sure of what expediting it does...

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Guest Gene
I like the idea.  What I can't understand is why we (K-1/K-3/CR-1/IR-1) always seem to have problems with SSA.  If I had to guess, I'd say that SSA is wrong more times than it's right when it comes to getting an SSN.


I think everyone has problems with the SS Administration, this just happens to be the part we are involved in at this time :D

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