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Which Washington Agencies?

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Our K-3 visa was approved by DHS on Feb 9 and received by State on Feb 12. State continues to say, after the 30 minute minimum dial and redial, that there is no timetable for our application's return from "various Washington agencies" where it is undergoing "administrative procedures." What kind of horse patootie is that? I know a lot of you are going through the same frustrating ordeal. Does anyone know which agencies are responsible for this lack of movement? The State Dept "Call Center" told my US Senator's office the same thing that they told me....NOTHING! This is NUTS! I would be happy to write to these agencies, if I knew who or what they are. Doing nothing for this long is too frustrating. Even if my letters wind up unread in the circular file, I would at least have the satisfaction of knowing that I did what I could to at least TRY to expedite our reunion. Can anyone offer any advice? Thanks!

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Do you use valium, prozac or vicodin? Try not to let it get to you. keep calling DOS and emailing GZ Consulate. If nothing else it builds up a record of concern in your file. It is in process and all they will answer boils down to chill and wait.

Good luck.

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Welcome to Frustration City!


Our K-1 was selected for secondary background check of the beneficiary by Washington Agency.....


Which agency? "Can't tell you"

How long? "Can't tell you"


It's been like this now for 3-1/2 months....our government protecting us from ..... from what? Going nuts?


At least you don't have to feel like you are the only one,

Phil & Yun

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Thank you for your kind words and assistance. Yeah, what a royal pain! I've been lurking here for quite awhile, but haven't updated myself in months. Good to know you're still here. Too bad we're all in such a bind. But it does end happily, doesn't it? Eventually...... I'll keep in better touch from here on in. :rolleyes:

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The NVC, which probably has your file now, is rather secretive about what it actually does, but one of the agencies it deals with is the FBI which does the name checks on the visa applicants:

Secretive is the operative word here.

Since the NVC pretty much did away with their webpage and the NVC office complex being built on the site of an old air force base, I get all kinds of strange and scarey thoughts about them, like, are they strange visitors from another planet? Could they be a branch of the MIB?......hmm, makes one wonder!.................. :huh:

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