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Confidence for Interview

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Just thought I'd share a bit about my SO's experience in GZ for her interview which went over really well.


The thing that sticks out in my mind is that Wei said she was very confident from the moment she arrived. She knew our story was true...she had the documentation, and spoke English.


There were one or two questions where she asked the interviewer (the dreaded "Black Pearl") to repeat herself because the room was quite noisy, but that was the only holdup. She was convinced that her confidence won her over. She said she saw many women there who looked "defeated" before they were even called-up to interview.


Just wanted to throw this out to you all. Whe the time comes, and you've done all the preparation and worrying one can ever imagine...reinforce your SO's confidence.


We need every edge we can think of.

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While I'm at it...another thing she mentioned is that she noticed many "poor" girls from the countryside, as she calls it, who weren't dressed too well, and didn't think they fared too well. So, if need be, you may wanna send over some $$ to get a good outfit.


Seems rather arrogant to say...as an American, but also remember these women are being interviewed by Americans. So, if appearance can get a few pointx...do it.

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I agree that confidence will help. But, I must say that Jingwen was very nervous, at least going in. Two things weighed very heavily on her. One was that this was the first time she was going face to face with the mighty US government which had been holding her fate for a year. Second was her inability to speak English. I don't know if her nervousness was displayed during the interview, but she did a fine job as evidenced by the visa (now expired) in her passport.

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It clearly has all the appearance of a major pressure cooker, driving the nerves high.. and yet, as Don says, it is really a bit of a formality... When one waits 8-15 months for a 5 minute interview to decide their fate, it's going to make it hard on the emotions... What the SO goes through must be hell in those 5 minutes..

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Maybe the VO's are trained to sniff fear.

and insecurity, and indecision, etc... Think about passing through customs for that 1 minute... the officer asks you some questions like "How long did you stay" , "where did you stay"... it's already on the papers you gave them , so why ask !! THey are looking for something in a split second which raises their eye brow.. otherwise, you just move on... a complete formality.

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I agree that confidence will help.  But, I must say that Jingwen was very nervous, at least going in.  Two things weighed very heavily on her.  One was that this was the first time she was going face to face with the mighty US government which had been holding her fate for a year.  Second was her inability to speak English.  I don't know if her nervousness was displayed during the interview, but she did a fine job as evidenced by the visa (now expired) in her passport.



Did you go to GZ? Or did she ask you to go?

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Maybe that's why she didn't want me coming over for the interview.

hindsight is always 20/20, but I'm glad I wasn't there...with the exception of the practical joke she played on me afterwards....callling me up in tears to say she was refused, bringing me to my knees, only to share the good news in a follow-up call (minutes later.) Sorry, I just love sharing that story.


It's a mixed bag. The warmth, confidence, and caring we can provide would be a great benefit...but maybe that only works on an American fiancee. My Wei needed to think clearly for the interview, and if I was there, she'd be just as worried over whether or not i was enjoying my stay.


Run up the phone bill, send her some flowers (through one of her friends, if need be) but she knows you're behind her 100%, but that day she won't need to "care" for you.

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