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Need help with typical K1 interview question

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I read the typical interview questions and I am trying to prep my SO prior to the interview. I have some questions......


1) How and where did you meet?

Is it better to give a concise answer (2 sentences) and wait for follow up questions? Or should my SO give a long answer to show the authenticity of the story? How much should we say? Please help.....


2) When and where will you marry? Please tell me your plan of marriage -

Answer: We can't plan until we have the visa, then we can decide how to get married.


Is this OK or should I have made wedding arrangements already? I am not religious so I don't think we'll get married in a church. I didn't reserve a church or make an appointment with a city official. How should I best answer this question? And is there any preparations I should make right now?


3) For later AOS, is it OK to get married in front of a judge or is it better to get married in a church? We know we'll have a big ceremony/reception in China. We haven't planned one in US yet. Is a big ceremony in US necessary for AOS? What to do?


Thanks for your help........

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You said you saw the typical questions, is this the 95 list?


I have a collection of actual interviews going back about 8 months.. so you get to see the series of questions and in many cases you'll get to see the answers... email me if you want it.


here is my impression from that list:


1) Shorter answers seem to be more normal

2) Those answering this one seem to have a city and relative date they respond with.. whether it is the set date or not, it shows that some thought and discussion has occurred... I'd give the city and month at a mininum... but if absolutely no date is even known or discussed yet, I am not suggesting she makes up an answer.. truth rules here. Make it a point of discussion in the next day...

3) I don't know the answer to this, but some have responded in a thread (I asked) that they had a small event with justice of peace, etc.. so I cannot imagine that size has anything to do with AOS.. AOS want to see that you two have established living together, etc (?)

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1) Your SO will only have about 5 minutes for the interview therefore just state the facts. For example if you met first on line and then when to China to meet her in person then just say that. They in turn might ask for proof of a relationship. Then she will take out all the emails, pictures, copies your airline tickets, passport (and or certified copy), etc.


2) I agree with DavidZixuan on this.


3) Big hoopla or not? This is just my opinion. This does not matter and depends on the individuals preferences. The most important thing is the proof of marriage and personal relationship. Showing financial ties (joint bank accounts, etc.) and a few friends affidavits that the both of you are an actual married couple is a better proof for the AOS than a big ceremony.

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