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Interview date is closer, any advice?

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Hi All

it's been a very busy week, just come back to GZ from BJ. now i have only three days to prepare for my wife's interview material. please help me for the final check.


wife went for the medical exam on thursday, did everything except, x-ray, vaccination and Ultra-B. the docotor at the examniation center insisted her to do the ultra-B, but we refused to do it because she is 2.5 month pregnant. her doctor from another hositipal also recommanded not to do ultra-b at this stage. anyway, we did not do ultra-b, and the examiner made us sign a paper saying that all consequences due to this action isn't responsiblity of the hospital. any idea if not doing the ultra-b could be a problem for interview?


another question from the p4 packet. it asks for the money order receipts from aboard. we don't have the money order receipts, nor wire transfer receipts. these fees are too high. another reason is because i often commute between China and US for work, at least every other month, last year, i spend more than half year in China without leaving. i leave cash for my wife whenever i am back in US. would this be a problem for the interview? any suggestions?


right now i am trying to write up the last form for the family composition form (giv-24), do i write chinese next to the English for every item?


any other things that we need to aware of or be prepared of for the interview? our interview is at 8am? when is the best time to arrive at the consulate? what are the process like after we arrive there? I am going with my wife? but not sure if i can go in with her together.


any pointers on preparing the interview would be greatly appreicated.

I can't thank enough for what this web site has helped us during this gruesome experience. but finally I see the light at the end of the tunnel




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money order receipts for what?


It's not a problem to leave cash, but would not use this as any sort of relationship proof... not sure if this is what your asking.


Everyone has the same interview time of 8:00am.. and arriving early gets you nothing but standing there early and maybe inside to sit first.. but the order of reviewing the packet is not set by the arrival... so most suggest by 7:30.


Will she have the different items in separate thin folders or easy to retrieve??


If you send me an email, I can send you some other info I have put into a FAQ on what to expect from the process... Only she can go into the consulate, so you'll have to wait for her first check-in (out no later than 12:00), and you return at 2:00 for interview...

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