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GUZ shutdown period

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[so, it's still best to stick to our CFL data.    The CFL P3s getting interviews just walked into february...   so we should watch that progress toward our P3, like a wave coming to shore...

I was hoping for a Tsunami

I thought the same thing and then decided not to put it that way !! :angry:

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Posted on May 27 2005, 06:50 PM


They can't be moving on June 22nd, my friend just got her P4- her interview is on June 23rd.



It is not that they were moving June 22, but the plan for the move would be announced on June 22

in my first post, I mentioned a previous post mentioning June 22 as the move.. This was a comment by King, correcting our July 1 thinking. All in all, the past is the past..

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Could the 7-25-05 referred to in the original post actually have been 5-27-05?  I have that problem all the time dealing internationally with the mm/dd/yy format we have here versus the dd/mm/yy format so many other countries have.


Just food for thought....or I'm an idiot.

ah.. I'll leave this alone... that would make it the worlds fastest P4-interview.. just days..

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I can't see how moving should hinder processing. Those employees don't move their own furnitures and pc's. Heck, the VO's are handling hard papers, not electronic documents. Nor do they use any 10 ft thick regulations book. All they use is their own thick heads.


With good management, one to two weeks worth of documents can be separated out to be processed at the same old office, while the rest of cases are moved to the new facility.


Ooops!, this are bureaucrats, so they need to have a moving holiday.

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amerchin Posted on May 29 2005, 12:10 AM


I hope they don't lose any of our paperwork on this move!  


I have had similar concern. Our package from NVC has been sitting at DHL in GZ since May 12. I hope it will be at the embassy soon, but have this vision/nightmare of Ying's P3 process occuring in the middle of the move

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