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I-129F and G-325A

Guest ShaQuaNew

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Guest ShaQuaNew

I have a question regarding the following forms:


1. I-129F---I have seen a few different Adobe fillable versions of this form. Some with only two (2) fields for previous spouses, and others with three (3). Will the USCIS accept forms that are not of the most recent version? I think 11/30/04 is the most recent of this form.


Is is acceptable to type in field 9, "Names of Previous Spouse(s)" to see Attachment "X"


...and to do the same for field 16, "If your fiancé(e)'s native alphabet uses other than Roman letters, write his or her name and address abroad in the native alphabet."


...The Adobe Acrobat does not seem to allow other than Roman Characters to be typed into the system, and there may not be sufficient room in these fields to enter all the information....


2. G-325A----I have pretty much the same question as above for this form, regarding the acceptability of anything other than the most recent version of the form. Additionally, this form requires a signature from the foreign spouse. Should this signature be in Roman Characters, or should it be in the native script, in this case Chinese. Also, is it acceptable to send an attachment for this field? I would think not, but I thought I would ask.


Thank you for your help...


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Yes, say "see attachment xyz" , clearly labeling the attachment name at top.


Yes, her signature can be an attachment, even a fax'ed copy, if legible...


My SOs signature was in chinese characters.. it went through the visa center without an issue. I figured this was how she signed official documents, so that's what i did..


I know that some other(s) or on other forms in P3, we had her sign both chinese character and pinyin...

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I did the "See Continuations Sheet" thing on so many questions for the I-129F because there were so many questions I could not answer in the tiny spaces they provided. In fact, my "Continuation Sheet" was 3 pages long. Just be sure to sign and date each page of your "Continuation Sheet OR they will probably reject it outright (see previous posts for this one). Also, its a good idea to put at the top of each page of your "Continuation Sheet" "Page 1 of 3", Page "2 of 3", etc.


For the Chinese name signed in other than Roman characters, question 17, since I typed my "Continuation Sheet" in Microsoft Word I was able to get my fiancee to e-mail me a Word document from China where she typed her name in Chinese characters as well as her address in Chinese characters. She doesn't actually have to physically sign her name on the I-129F. Then I just cut and pasted those into my "Continuation Sheet".

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