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129f-i-130-325a same time

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Heres dumb and impatient..Even though folks here and my boss(wife) to turn in i-130 and 325a first i guess my desire for this to be over (right now) so can by her side everyday..no phone..no yahoo..no web..I (while mind was in china) mailed all of them at once..2 weeks later i get the whole package bad..with a short note saying..(whats wrong with you)..well..kinda said that..Felt so ashamed have to tell her..You guys told me what to do..even she did..and i still messed up..Just needed to say..thanks to you folks (and wife) for telling me what to do..Will never let wish (or my dumb mind) get in the way of you guys advice..Oh anyone know a good (cheap) round trip last of june ur in july? From NC if possible but LA..New york..its ok to..(promise will use advice) :) ..It would have cost us a fortune(that we dont have) to learn all we have here..and are still learning..You guys don't know how much that means to us..Thank you isn't enough

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