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Ok guys, i have checked Don's list of K1 P4 forms here:

Don's P4 page


and i have checked DavidZixuan's list from this thread:

see list a few posts into the thread


we are missing the form OF-171 and the "P4 Letter" from Don's list (maybe #1 or 2 from David's list??).


Are these important?


Or, has P4 changed slightly for K1s?


I should mention that Edith says that packet does appear complete, even in the absence of these forms. She says she has instructions for both her medical exam and the interview.


This seemed to be asked twice before in the last couple months, but no one responded.




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I don't recall from past posts reading that the P4 list has changed.


You should be able to download the missing ones from Don's locations.


Those documents listed on the 171 are needed to be brought to the medical exam... so it's important to read through this and bring the proper docs.


you could send an email to GUZ, selecting the "Other" topic.. and explain the urgent timeframe you have, and you are missing some documents (state which ones), ask if there are online versions available or if they can mail them to your SO? You'd still have Don's available, but at least see if they give you any info.

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I don't recall from past posts reading that the P4 list has changed.


You should be able to download the missing ones from Don's locations.


Those documents listed on the 171 are needed to be brought to the medical exam... so it's important to read through this and bring the proper docs.


you could send an email to GUZ,  selecting the "Other" topic.. and explain the urgent timeframe you have, and you are missing some documents (state which ones), ask if there are online versions available or if they can mail them to your SO?   You'd still have Don's available, but at least see if they give you any info.

is it safe to assume that OF-171 has not changed?


i guess i hear the GZ like to *shake things up* once in a while to prevent the whole process from being predictable.


we did receive a letter similar, but not the same as the "P4 letter". i wish i could see her forms, mabe this is item #1 or #2...


i tend to over-analyze things, so maybe everything is in order. edith seems to think everything is fine. i never expected that we'd have to do a rush-job for our interview prep... now we do, and it's going to annoy the heck out of me... things won't be neat and perfect, and that i fear is what GZ expects... so many little details we won't have time for now... :ph34r:


well, thanks for the advice... i think i'll send GZ an email and ask them about OF-171



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is it safe to assume that OF-171 has not changed?


i guess i hear the GZ like to *shake things up* once in a while to prevent the whole process from being predictable.


we did receive a letter similar, but not the same as the "P4 letter". i wish i could see her forms, mabe this is item #1 or #2...


i tend to over-analyze things, so maybe everything is in order. edith seems to think everything is fine. i never expected that we'd have to do a rush-job for our interview prep... now we do, and it's going to annoy the heck out of me... things won't be neat and perfect, and that i fear is what GZ expects... so many little details we won't have time for now... :lol:


well, thanks for the advice... i think i'll send GZ an email and ask them about OF-171



I think the OF-171 on Don's site should be fine.


As for the rush, it is a very fast turn around date... most people on CFL call DOS as they approach the estimated interview date and so can get the date a few weeks prior to the mailing.


Good luck

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As for the rush, it is a very fast turn around date... most people on CFL call DOS as they approach the estimated interview date and so can get the date a few weeks prior to the mailing.  

i thought at best you might get a few days notice... i thought DOS might now the interview date around the time GZ sent out P4. if i knew it could have gained us a few weeks i certainly would have been calling DOS more frequently.


my SO is in GZ, and she said the date that package was shipped was May 13th... she received it May 17th. Do you think we could have known much sooner than we did?


well, i think we have time. it's just a little tight, and my plans to join her at the interview probably won't happen. :D

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My impression is that most on CFL get the interview from DOS (by calling them frquently !!) before the P4 gets to the SO... I'm not sure how much prior time you could of saved..


but your reality is, you now have the date !! A little tight, but no less happy !!


you saying it's now too tight to go to the interview???

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The letter format may have changed, but it should be the sheet of paper that says what day is your interview.

You need the letter that says what day is your interview, to be used for the medical, and to show the guard while waiting in line for the interview. I think some one recently had a letter that was wrong, and went to the consulate the day before to get a correct one. (The petitioner did this).


Last two short notice people were MRMC of 22 days, and rogerluli of 15 days.

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the medical exam must be done in one of seven approved places in China



of course.. I meant choosing from the approved list... just didn't explicitly say it (I was not clear enough).


nooneufo's comment suggested 'what day is your interview for the medical' , as if we are told which exam location to go to and on what day we must be there... that's what I wanted him to clarify...

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Sorry about that typo, meant to say that my fiance had to have this letter at her medical because they asked to see it, and the guard asked for it as well standing in line at the consulate the day of the interview..


The medical as Docmartin817 says. We met a couple who had done theirs previously in Shanghai, whereas we did it in Guangzhou. Need to allow time for this, even with same day fees, because we saw someone who could not get this because they were too busy.

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Sorry about that typo, meant to say that my fiance had to have this letter at her medical because they asked to see it, and the guard asked for it as well standing in line at the consulate the day of the interview..


The medical as Docmartin817 says. We met a couple who had done theirs previously in Shanghai, whereas we did it in Guangzhou.  Need to allow time for this, even with same day fees, because we saw someone who could not get this because they were too busy.

And with the changes to pick up the visa a few days later.. and going to GZ a few days extra early for exams, it's easily a weeks stay in GUZ.


People should call ahead to the hospital and have a backup plan as well...


I'm hoping to have my SO do her exam in BJ, but since the visa fee must be paid at certain locations, not sure how that can be done if most of the pay locations are around GZ...

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