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multiple copies of birth certificate?

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Guest fhtb

Someone at 001.com said yesterday that our SO's should get FIVE notarized copies of their birth certificate before they leave China. Not for the interview, but for AOS and later use in the States. Has anyone heard of such a thing before? Has anyone ever gotten to the States and wished he/she would have gotten extra notarized copies?


Maybe this question should be moved to the AOS forum, but... if our SO's really need to get multiple certificates, it seems better that they know about it before they leave China, not after.


So, old-timers: what's the scoop? Has anyone ever been in a position where they needed to have more than the original?


We were thinking maybe my fiance should try to get an extra just in case we have a flood someday. Five sounds excessive.

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My husband's family told me he doesn't have a birth certificate because he wasn't born in a hospital.  When the times come, what will we need for better proof of this?

Many Chinese are without birth certificates. There are alternatives given in the instructions for filling out the forms from USCIS. The city notary can also issue a document that is accepted along with the marriage, single, noncriminal certs.

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Dan -


"Many Chinese are without birth certificates."


That's quite true, for those born before 1980 (or some years around that time). The first birth record would be at grade school where each kid must register. The second and subsequent records of birthdates and names would be at high school, university, and employment.


One gets an official birth certificate from the district court, by showing school, employment, marriage, and other records, and the court uses those data to issue a birth certificate.


I found this out from my wife. She doesn't have the birth certificate from when she was born. She had to get one from the court.



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