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Is any way we can know if GZ receive P3 returned

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We got P3 from GZ on April 16th, 2005 and mailed back next day, April 17th, 2005.

I am wondering that is there any way we can check to make sure GZ got our P3 docoments?

The reason I am asking here is because I saw someone's timeline in which they knew when GZ received the P3, or even knew if the P3 be entered in computer!


Any idea will be great appriciated!



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It's easy. Just contact the Department of State at 202-663-1225. Call after 8:30 am eastern standard time. when you get a voice message push "1" then "0" two times, then you can talk to a live voice.


They should be able to tell you when your information has been typed into GUZ's system. In addition, if you sent your package through EMS, you should be able to track it. Good luck.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi BrianSharon,


We are sort of in the same boat as you. We received out P3 on April 21st and sent it back on the same day.


So far I've asked the consulate and they cannot confirm or deny that they have recieved the papers, and I have tried to call DOS and they cannot confirm or deny. So we're still waiting for our P3 papers to be entered.


Did you find out if your papers have been entered?


We must be one step behind you guys.

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Guest DragonFlower

EMS confirmed our P-3 delivered to Guangzhou on April 15 .I have been calling DOS every day.Still nothing,very disappointing.I do not understand , how can they enter some in 7 days and others still not entered in 20 days.Where does it end,when do we send it again.Dos says do not worry. Losing months of your life does not seem to bother them.I guess I start Emailing GUZ.





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EMS confirmed our P-3 delivered to Guangzhou on April 15 .I have been calling DOS every day.Still nothing,very disappointing.I do not understand , how can they enter some in 7 days and others still not entered in 20 days.Where does it end,when do we send it again.Dos says do not worry. Losing months of your life does not seem to bother them.I guess I start Emailing GUZ.





Just because something is not entered or cannot be verified as entered, does not mean 'losing months of your life'... I think this is a bit too much drama around the impatience of an update on the P3... The more we micro-manage any process the more stress we'll feel from it.


When I got my EMS confirmation, I felt this was enough for a while. I waited a month to check in with DOS to see about an entry date...

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HHHmmm,at almost 11 months to your 5 to get to almost the same place.I feel I am entitled to gripe just a little bit.

Which center one must apply to is outside of our control. I'm not sure why there's a need to draw any comparisons.. If at all, you should just make comparisons to others from your center to gauge how yours is going... I don't live by a 'entitled to gripe' attitude... I think that I would be full of nerves and stress too much... And I cannot see wasting my energy on that... Save the energy for our SOs...

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Guest Gene
HHHmmm,at almost 11 months to your 5 to get to almost the same place.I feel I am entitled to gripe just a little bit.

Which center one must apply to is outside of our control. I'm not sure why there's a need to draw any comparisons.. If at all, you should just make comparisons to others from your center to gauge how yours is going... I don't live by a 'entitled to gripe' attitude... I think that I would be full of nerves and stress too much... And I cannot see wasting my energy on that... Save the energy for our SOs...

One of the benefits of this site is to have somewhere to vent and "gripe" and to be able to draw comparisons. I think your response was inappropriate :lol: If we can't be supportive then I think it is best to not reply

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Guest blsqueaky

Another way to contact


To respond to this email, use only the web form at

www.usembassy-china.org.cn/guangzhou/iv/email.html. E-mails sent via

"reply" will not be received. You can access limited case specific

information - confirm Visa Petition arrival at post and verify interview

date - at the National Visa Information Call Center (a for fee service).

See www.usavisainformation.com.cn/eng/index.aspx. Call Center # (China)

400-872-333 (International) 8621-3881-4611.




Immigrant Visa Unit

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Seems friday stress is rising on CFL. Has anyone ever noticed how sensitive, button pushing and crazy this place gets for Friday and Saturday. Maybe we all make plans for the weekend and it becomes painfully obvious that the person we want to be doing them with is absent. On top of it there is nothing we can do.


Now if we can prove GUZ is at fault this might be charge number 385 in our class action suite. May talk to one of our resident attorneys about whether this could be regarded as attempting to incite a riot. Otherwise I guess it is just part of charge #235 which was malicious intent to drive insane.


Calm down or you'll stir up the room for another weekend.


Inmates should be friends :lol:

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