I know this has been a topic before. Not sure if this method has been posted before: http://uk.reuters.com/article/2014/03/12/uk-china-unionpay-special-report-idUKBREA2B00B20140312 I thought I just saw an article on CCN the other day on this subject but couldn't find it today. It talked about being able to access large amount in Macau by just visiting stores around the casino's in Macau. It is probably a "grey" area but I wonder if there are foreign banks in Macau that that money could be redeposited into. Also maybe this could be done say in Hong Kong or maybe even New York City. The article said that citizens could get 50K cash from their Union Pay credit card. That is a lot money for a one day transaction. Of course if this is a "grey" method then one should consider the possible consequences. Danb