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  1. I just found out that my oldest friend has stage 4 liver cancer and isn't expected to live more than two weeks. We first met when I was ten years old and my family moved to Nampa Idaho. He only lived about a half mile away which by rural Idaho standards is almost next door. We grew up together, went to High school together and even got laid for the first time at the same time in his old Rambler. My date and I in the front seat his date and him in the back seat. After High school we went in the Army together and were roommates afterward until I got married the first time. Dave had sarcasm down to an art form and if you didn't know him you wouldn't think he liked anyone. The ladies loved him and he was never without female companionship. Dave married and had three beautiful daughters. All grown women now. 21 years ago I quit drinking. Dave wasn't so lucky and could never seem to keep his demons in the bottle. He dried out I don't know how many times and went to rehab 3 times. His wife finally got fed up and divorced him a year ago. His drinking increased. 3 days ago his daughter took him to the hospital. Two days ago they diagnosed stage 4 liver cancer. I doubt I'll be able to get there before he passes but I've been talking to him daily. He still has his sense of humor. We were taking about an old girlfriend and he said "she's not too bad for and old broad who don't sweat too much." Dave you will be missed terribly. I hope your demons are finally at bay.
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