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About Michael&Guiying

  • Birthday 11/12/1952

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  1. I checked for messages here but I don't see any information from you. (BTW, all the files I am collecting are going straight to my senator's office, not to some attorney seeking to make payments on his/her new BMW! LOL!)
  2. I got my info straight from a consulate official's mouth. His name was Jacob. A Korean-American, son of Korean immigrant parents. He was raised and educated in Utah before going to work for the government. I looked him straight in the eyes and told him not to deny the fact that there were crooked vo's working with outsiders. That's when he turned off the recorder and admitted they had just fired THREE vo's for malfeasance and accepting bribes. Perhaps I have misunderstood you? Exactly what do you mean when you said "And to think that I was assured that anything like this could not possibly happen by a member on this site."? Who assured 'what'???? Kind of an old touchy subject with me at least. I entered into a subject about B2 and was told by a then member that these underhanded thing with VO's was impossible or was non existent more or less. He don't post any longer here but is still a member. Our full conversation was posted in part publicly and via PM's. Larry Anyone who says there are no crooked vo's at any embassy is one of two things; 1> At best, he/she is completely ignorant of the facts or 2> a total liar who can not be trusted about anything. That member who told you vo's wouldn;t do anything underhanded is at least a fool if not worse. BTW, I understand you being touchy about the subject. Imagine if you had a loved one as a victim.
  3. I got my info straight from a consulate official's mouth. His name was Jacob. A Korean-American, son of Korean immigrant parents. He was raised and educated in Utah before going to work for the government. I looked him straight in the eyes and told him not to deny the fact that there were crooked vo's working with outsiders. That's when he turned off the recorder and admitted they had just fired THREE vo's for malfeasance and accepting bribes. Perhaps I have misunderstood you? Exactly what do you mean when you said "And to think that I was assured that anything like this could not possibly happen by a member on this site."? Who assured 'what'????
  4. ... and in the meantime, my little town has been invaded with illegals and nobody is lifting a finger to do anything about it. Here's hoping those crooked and fired vo's have been deported, charged and imprisoned. (or at the very least having to find work on some manual labor road crew SURROUNDED by illegals!)
  5. It has been a long time since I have been here but I've been a member of the Yahoo Asian-American group. My Guiying was denied her K1 in August 2008 at the Guangzhou consulate. The vo said we didn't have a real relationship despite us having a huge volume of evidence. Afterwards, USCIS was going to review the case but our case was closed due to 'administrative reason'. (Our case had expired) So! We applied again and this September (2010) I met Guiying AGAIN, this time in Guangzhou so I could bend some ears at the consulate. It took almost 45 minutes to explain to the embassy official about how Guiying was approached by a 'helpful person' outside the embassy who offered to 'check her paperwork' for completeness and accuracy the day before her interview on August 2008. Guiying was then approached by an 'attorney' the next day, one hour before her interview, and she was told he could guarantee her visa if she would pay a fee of $5000! She refused and went for her interview. At the 'interview' a vo known as 'mc' asked her one question, did NOT allow her to answer, did NOT look at the evidence, and told her she was going to be denied. After she left the consulate, the same 'attorney' approached her and said he could still solve the problem and get her the visa if she would pay. When I told the embassy official about Guiying's denial in 2008 he turned off the recorder and told me 'off record' that they had just fired THREE (YES! I SAID THREE!!!) vo's for malfeasance and bribery. Yes, too late for us but it set me on fire to do something! We are now waiting for USCIS to approve our new I129f. In the meantime, I have developed a friendship with one of my US Senators and I am collecting emails from others who have been cheated by dishonest and crooked vo's. If I can get enough legitimate cases, there very well could be a Congressional investigation about these matters. I hope those of you who have doubts about the honesty of the consulate officers who have denied your visa(s), please send me your stories. I have already collected a good number but we need more. PLEASE do NOT send me email or posts simply stating you were denied. You must truly believe you were cheated or offered a visa for a price as we were offered. In the meantime, DO warn your significant other to NEVER EVER accept ANY offer from ANY 'helpful stranger' offering to go over your paperwork. ONLY DEAL WITH EMBASSY OFFICIALS *INSIDE* the embassy! DO NOT BECOME A VICTIM as happened to us! That was at Guangzhou. God only knows how prevalent and common are the crooks working at other consulates.
  6. I was just talking with Guiying. She told me that as she ws getting her physical, she was told that the consulate was rejecting almost everybody. That almost sounds as if the consulate is under order to deny or reject as many as possible. Could there be any truth to that? I talked with an immigration lawyer today and after I told him of the documents and package we had ready for the interview, he was very surprised that Guiying had been rejected, let alone denied. WTH is going on in GUZ? I sure wish senators Graham and DeMint would call a Congressional hearing about what is going on. BTW, I forwarded the letters I wrote to my senators to the State Department. I can't help but wonder if I've opened up a can of worms or dug my own grave or if that letter will even be read.
  7. There IS NO appealing the consulate's decision. What HAS HAPPENED (Goerge&Li) is that they were white-slipped, it was returned to the USCIS and they got a court hearing. The case was won, and the USCIS re-affirmed the PETITION and returned it to GUZ. It is STILL up to the consulate to decide whether to issue a visa, or not. FOR THIS ONE CASE (very rare) they decided to issue the visa. But the appeal ONLY concerns the petition, not the visa. What fun! Appeal? Spend your money? Win! Get the petition re-affirmed? Gets sent back to GUZ and maybe get the same #&%* VO all over again? Perhaps if enough people complain to their senators and reps there would be a Congressional hearing and a revamp of this evil entity called 'U.S. Consulate'.
  8. I just wrote to my two U.S. Senator's secretaries (whom I know well from other matters) about what happened. Here is a copy (minus name/address/etc). I'm sure they can't help my case but maybe some good will come out of it for others in the future. Also, I would welcome any PM's advising what to do next. August 28, 2008 Dear Amanda and Patricia, My name is Alvin Michael Smith and I have been in contact with both of you in the past about talking with my senators about the matter of a K1 visa for my Chinese fiance, Guiying Liu in the past two years. Finally, after so much trouble, and after I spent 5 1/2 months in Guilin (in the 181 Hospital of the P.L.A., no less!) last year, Guiying received her interview appointment about a month ago and had her interview yesterday. She received a rejection. Her Guangzhou case number was GUZxxxxxxxx and I have attached the rejection (white) slip given her. Of course, I know the senators can not reverse a decision made by a consulate officer but I do want them to know what happened. Guiying went for her interview at 7:15 am and had to wait two hours before she was seen. Understandable, but while she was waiting downstairs, an 'American lawyer' called her to his desk and offered his services. He told her he could handle things for her for a price of 30,000 rmb and could guarantee her visa or her money back. She told me that had she had the money, she would have given it to him on the spot. I told her that it was nothing but a scam ran by shysters and nobody could guarantee an applicant a visa. Something strange though, she saw a man's face on the lawyer's laptop computer screen. The face was the very VO (visa officer) who attended her that morning. According to Guiying, the interview went like this; Before he even looked at her documents, he asked her if she had been married before and she answered yes. The VO also asked several personal questions about the divorce even though he had her certified and notarized divorce papers right in front of him. Guiying told him her divorce papers were there and all correct. He didn't even look at them. Next, the VO (his initials are 'MC') thumbed through the other documents and said, "No tax returns!". There was a letter from me explaining that I was on Social Security and even though my yearly amount did not meet the guidelines, the letter of reference from Bank of America showed checking and savings accounts MANY times over the poverty guidelines stated by USCIS. MUCH more than needed to support Guiying by anyone's standards! Next, he 'looked at' the evidence of relationship. He saw two pictures of us together, became very rude, and said 'Rejection'. The man (MC) didn't even look at the rest of the evidence of relationship that included letter from relatives (notarized) that said they knew Guiying and I were engaged and all were anxious to welcome their new daughter-in-law/aunt/and sister-in-law. He didn't look at the life insurance policies I included showing Guiying as beneficiary. He didn't even bother to read the certified letter from my doctor and the director of the 181 Hospital of the P.L.A. in Guilin that stated that they had treated me there and that Guiying, my fiance, had been with me the entire time I was there! None of this was read by the VO named 'MC', not even the lengthy phone bills and dozens of Western Union receipts. I understand that usually in such cases a BLUE slip is issued requesting more information. That did not happen to Guiying. She got the WHITE letter of rejection. I feel that Guiying and I were treated very unfair and that this matter needs the attention of Senators DeMint and Graham. Even though I doubt they can do anything about our case, perhaps an investigation can possibly prevent such treatment of future applicants. It has been heartbreaking for us and I hope it never happens to anyone again. Thank you for listening. Sincerely, xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxx (
  9. It was the white form. Dear K Visa Applicant: The Consulate is unable to issue you a K visa because, according to the section of the Immigration and Nationality Act, section 221(g), you do not fulfill the eligibility requirements for the petitioned visa. The Consulate has determined, based on your testimony, documents and any other evidence, that you do not have a bona fide relationship with your petitioner. The Consulate will now return your case to the Homeland Security, Citizenship and Immigration Services of the U.S. Department (CIS) for review and possible revocation. You will be infonncd by mail when the Consulate transfers the case file back to CIS. Once your case has been transferred, please contact CIS for infonnation on your application. Processing your case for return to CIS may take up to several months. Additional specific infonnation regarding the reasons for this decision can only be acquired during CIS appeal process. Jfyou or your petitioner contacts the Consulate bye-mail, fax, leiter, or in person, no specific infonnation will be provided nor will additional documents be accepted. What is our next step???
  10. Many thanks to all of you. Guiying is on the bus going back home to Guilin as I write this. I'll have her scan whatever the VO gave her and I'll be getting back to you asap.
  11. My heartbroken Guiying called last night and told me she'd been denied her visa. At this moment she is traveling by bus for Guilin. So far, from what I gathered from her call, she was denied because of inadequate proof of relationship and because there were no tax returns. The proof of relationship that was submitted was several photos of us together, Western Union receipts, A certified and notarized letter from the director of, and my doctor from the 181 Hospital of the P.L.A. stating I was a patient there for 5 1/2 months and that my fiance Guiying was with me the entire time (I stayed there last year for treatment of severe arthritis), my life insurance policies stating Guiying was beneficiary, and several letters from members of my family stating they knew firsthand of our relationship and anxiously await her arrival. The reason for no tax returns is because there aren't any to send. I am 55 years old and on Social Security disability. It doesn't quite cover the minimum requirements ($13,000 yearly) but I enclosed a letter from Bank of America stating I have over $16,000 in checking and over $70,000 in savings. (Also keep in mind my insurance policies that would take care of Guiying in the event something happen to me) My question is now what do I do? I have been told by a member of the Yahoo Asian-American forum I need to act fast to keep our case from coming back to the USA. I don't know what to do next but we are not about to give up! Hope someone here can guide us. Thanks to all of you in advance. Michael&Guiying
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