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Posts posted by Razbre

  1. We were RFE'd twice with the AOS. First time they wanted full medical on wife and med supp. on daughter. Sent in the original med supps on both(we had send copies made by doctor) and a copy of their web site detailing about the medical good for a year.

    Got the second RFE wanting med's on both, we figured that we would need them for interview time and went and had them done and sent them in. next thing we knew...approval and no interview....

  2. Hi All...

    The wife and daughter are going back to China next month and see the family after a little over a year here going through the AOS process and finally getting their green card. :(


    Following are clips I got from searching about traveling back to China and am wondering if things are still the same...or anything changed?

    What DID catch my eye is the 'AOS STAMP' inside her passport...She has no such thing and wondering how does she get? :angry:


    lol...She set up the flight yesterday, couldn't sleep last night because she was so excited.... :P


    frank1538: "I think that she would be able to travel to China without the need for a Chinese visa - just her Chinese passport and ID. For her travel back to the US, her Chinese passport and her green card should do the trick."


    donahso:"For any travel outside of the US, they are Chinese citizens and travel on their Chinese passport. The green card is only good for their reentry into the US. The only country I know for sure that is easy for a Chinese citizen with a green card to enter is Canada, although there may be others."


    warpedbored: "Don't worry about name change her passport will have an AOS stamp inside it. Do make sure you buy the tickets in the same name as her passport though or they won't let her on the plane."
  3. It's been a while since any posting, although I do drop in to read from time to time so thought I would drop a line of progress.


    Yesterday Yunling and her daughter Leyan got their conditional green card in the mail. Both were VERY excited! :clapping: They arrived Feb 20, '05 and we've been married almost 1 year(Mar 22nd) and started the paperwork last April.


    Our paperwork was eventually sent to Cal and we were RFE'd 2 times.


    1st time they wanted Vac supp. for Yunling and full medical for Leyan. We had originally sent copies of the vac supp that the doc had made, wanting to hold the originals for the interview. Ended up sending the original vac supps' of both back with a copy of the regulations about exams lasting a year and all that stuff with the first RFE.... :clapping:


    2nd RFE was wanting a med exam on both, was going to protest when we decided that they were going to probably be needed for interview anyway, so might as well get them done. Exams were done in Jan '06 and paperwork sent in. Got noticed by email that they had recieved and that it shouldn't take that long for card as much of the paperwork was already done.


    Last week got notice that things were approved....no interview needed!!!!


    Was in the nick of time too as Yunlings EAD was about to expire and we were pondering renewal or waiting for AOS. Well....waits over!!!!!


    Now planning on a trip home..... :(


    You know...I again must thank CFL and all it's members for all the help and info gleened from these posts. Having kept things in perspective through the whole process seeing that we are not alone in the long drawn out trail of paperwork and governmential stumbling blocks..


    It's all been worth it though....and would do it all agian... :redblob:

  4. This is the first full winter for the wife as well. Although she's been driving since July, figured we better go out and get a 4 wheel drive. We picked up a an '03 Jeep Liberty the day before Thanksgiving.....The following Saturday, she slides off the road and creams a brick wall...Status of Jeep? Totaled.. :cheering: over $14,000 to repair.

    Her pride more hurt than her with just a slight bruise on her side and wondering if we still have to pay for the Jeep :cheering: . Daughter was unhurt in the back seat. We go out this Friday for another and give it a go agian...

    Figure this...she's been driving our 3/4 ton Dodge pick-up back and forth to work without a scratch.

  5. I still browse here also, although not on a daily basis as when watching P-4's being handed out and waiting for our process to snail along.


    Yunling and her daughter arrived in Feb and it has been pretty much non-stop since they got here. we married in March and started all the paperwork and finally have it alllllllllll in. Had the 485 returned as we didn't have a copy of the 693 vac supplement with it.


    I know there has been much debate as to include it or not for AOS...my only advice is to remove any question and send it along. I had an appointment with a civil surgeon all set up, Yunling said she read we didn't need it, I argued for a while that it didn't hurt to send it along, nevertheless...I lost...and now it my chance to say 'I told you so'!!!!!! But we got that done last week and back in the mail.


    Have SS card for Yunling but waiting on EAD for her daughter, being 8 years old, do not think she'll be working this year, and figure only need it by the end of the year to be able to do income taxes without too much of a hassle. have savings account opened in her and my name...as well as her on my checking and savings account, she now designated benificary on all my insurances as well.


    Been learning to drive....lol...GOD....what a scary experince THAT is, she had a drivers license in China, but living in GZ, never drove, so it like learning from scratch. She pulls out into traffic so slowlyyyyyyyy...and I will be telling her....go..go..go..GO>>>GO>>>GOOOOOO as cars are doing 70 and she doing 25. But she is getting better. She is hoping to take drivers test this week.


    She has also made friends with another Chinese girl who has arrived as K1 in a nearby town...so she doesn't feel so 'far away from home', although she did start to cry the other day saying she missed her parents....what can one say...


    Her daughter Leyan entered school a week after they arrived and entered 3rd grade. Had MANY concerns about her being able to do it or not, knowing VERY little English. But last week she made it to 4th grade and her teachers were VERY pleased with her, and her English has improved more that Yunlings!!!!


    Starting to get a Medical history going here for both of them as well as visits to the dentist. So it is usually once a week trip to either heart doctor, liver doctor, blood doctor...or one kind of a doctor or another. Both are in good health although Yunling needs some dental work on an uncompleted crown.


    lol....Though we haven't had time to do much traveling around, Yunling has moved all sorts of flowers around, and both has seen more wildlife in the 'wild' than they have ever seen before and take great joy in the discovery of new things, Canadian gees and ducks with little ones that they feed, until they get onto the lawn and start leaving 'things' behind...Yunling now says..."eat them!!!!!' She has taken pictures of anything and everything around to send home......Took them both out the other night...showed them the fireflys flying around lighting up the night.


    lol....sheesh...guess this is long enough...although sitting here at work (pretty much the 'only' place I get some peace and quiet to browse) I could go on...and on...and on......

  6. Ok...am confused as have read conflicting (at least in my mind) if K1 can legally work or not after their arrival.

    Yunling currently holds a social security card in her maiden name, stamped on it is 'not able to work without DHS approval'.

    Now...my understanding is she can work 'legally' until her K1 expires. Is this true even with the ss card stating she is not able without approval? or does she need an EAD?

  7. very good.....thanks for all this info...definately clears my poor clouded mind up some...

    Can't see any near reason for her daughter needing a SS number before the end of the year....mainly to be able to claim her on income taxes...

  8. yes...we K1....

    ahhhhhhhhhhhh....although I have not seen the marriage license application yet...(I will be picing up the app this friday...) it seems that all the references I have seen is requiring an SS number for her as well on the marriage application.

    She just got a notice today in the mail that the SS administration got her paperwork and are checking the info she gave with the 'proper' departments to make sure the info is valid. said it should be about 4 weeks.

  9. I am just as confused...but Yunling says that I am always that way anyways....

    we did the 'usual' routine of pretty much everyone else here and had to visited a couple SS offices before she could get her SS card. that should be arriving in a couple weeks....

    OK...MY question is....we will marry soon and start her AOS, she has no real plans of working until she gets her green card.

    Will we still need to file an EAD with her AOS? Or when she gets her green card, she will be able to work without having to file the EAD? And the same for her daughter...her daughter is K2, so I know we need an EAD for her to get a SS card right now, but if we wait for green card for her as well, can we get a SS card for her without the EAD?

  10. SHE"S HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Met up in Chicago without a hitch, but we allllllllllllllllll know that in the visa process things get SCREWED up some how!

    Our flight home was for 4:25pm on UA. we are sitting at the gate at 4:10pm, looking out the window and see no plane! Go and look at the departures...and sure enough....flight is shown scheduled, go to the counter.....'ohhhhhhhhhhhh nooooooooooooooo....that flight has been changed to 7:00pm!' welllll...why no notice? 'wellllllllllllllll...guess they just haven't updated the board....' When did you find this out? 'At 2:00pm this afternoon'!!!!!

    Ok....other flight out? 'yes...we have one at 6:51'....OK...We'll take that one!!! Gate C:10...we go to gate C:10....6:30 comes...noooooooooooo plane!!!!! WHAT? 'Thats been changed to 8:30pm'!!!!! as I look at the departures and see 7:00pm is boarding.....to late for us to run to other side of airport to catch....

    we finally made it home at 12:30am....and it 2:00am before we make it to bed for the night....

    I was steamed!!!! but...she and lucky are here...and THATS what counts!!!!!

  11. Hi Dan and Xiaowen!!!! Hey!!! how you doing? Thanks!!!!

    Yup...it 10:00pm here...and Yunling and Lucky are getting on her flight to Chicago in 1/2 hour in HK, will be flying there to meet them tomorrow and fly home with them. She was concerned about not much snow here...and wanting to see it snowing...told her, snow predicted for Monday...GOD...it has been a longgggggggggggg month waiting.....

  12. lol...oh mannnnnnnnnn...i can associate with a lot of this...even though Yunling isn't even here yet...last trip...it was hair cut....new clothes, AND mention of me shaving my mustashe off!!!! Diet....Quit smoking....


    :blink: :blink: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    MY GOD!!! MY MUSTASHE!!! My own kids have never seen me without it. When I got back home...my own grand-daughter who is 7 years old laughed at me...'Pop-pop...your hair is tooooo short' she said.


    She was also looking for shoes for me...but I was able to get out of that...

    Lord help me...what have I gotten myself into? :lol: :P


    yes dear....need it shorter?????? ok...yes....I like it!!!!! :unsure: Vegetables???? Oh yes....love vegetables...AHhhhhhhhh sweetheart...do I get any meat with these vegetables???? :lol:

  13. Just back home from GZ...Yunling got her white slip on the 11th....picked up her visa on the 12th...

    Asking her about the interview.....not many questions at all...the basic 'how did you meet'...etc. They did not look at my 134, or at my passport that she had. Main focus was on her ex-husband and if she had sole custody of her daughter...

    But....finally....she will be here Feb 20th...

    My heart felt thanks to all here....we would probably had a harder time through all this with out the info that was gleened from here and it's members...

  14. Gang uses Internet to lure in men


    A man in Shenyang, Liaoning Province, got more than he bargained for after going to meet a girl who he met online.


    They decided to meet at a bar, so some food and drinks were ordered.


    After some time, the woman went to the toilet - but she did not return.


    Not really sure what was happening, the man decided to pay the bill and leave.


    To his surprise, two bottles of local beer and four plates of nuts cost 588 yuan (US$70). Stunned and without enough cash, he called a friend for help.


    The friend paid once arriving and then demanded to look at the bill. Suddenly, the waiter took out a knife and stabbed him.


    It was later discovered by police that the premises were owned by a gang, who would rip off guests - particularly guys - who had come to meet women after establishing an online relationship. Members of the gang would rough up the men if they refused to pay, reports xinhuanet

  15. Marriage fraud gang stands trial


    2005-01-04 00:28:48



    BEIJING, Jan. 4 (Xinhuanet) -- Seven people involved in an international marriage scam stood trial in Yancheng City in Jiangsu Province last week.


    The seven, two Chinese men and five Vietnamese women, allegedly cheated more than 200,000 yuan (US$24,390) from Chinese men who were seeking a wife.


    The gang involved more than 10 other Vietnamese women who were still at large. The case had attracted the attention of the Ministry of the Public Security and was listed as the No. 1 case in Jiangsu.


    The Vietnamese women, who were smuggled into China after June 2002, cheated 213,600 yuan from residents in East China's Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces to Nov. 2003, the court heard.


    In June 2003, Lu Lianhui, a Guangxi resident, introduced one of the women to a man in Yancheng City, who paid 9,000 yuan to marry her. In September, the woman, identified by her Chinese name Shi Xiaohong, put poison in the family's dinner and tried to flee. No one was injured and she was caught by police, the court heard.


    In April 2003, Lu introduced two Vietnamese women to two farmers in Yancheng City, and together they cheated the farmers of 23,000 yuan, the court heard.


    He Xuekui, a Zhejiang resident, was also involved in the scam.


    The seven are yet to be sentenced

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