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About NicolaNSam

  • Birthday 02/24/1977
  1. Your saying from the time my friend applies to the date of her interview should be only five months? It used to take 8-13 months and we were lucky to have finished around 8 or 9 months. Are there people applying and getting interviews within five months now? That's incredibly lucky
  2. Thank you guys so much for replying. It feels great to go back to a familiar place and ask for advice from trusted people. When I was applying for Nicola's visa I remember being advised not to get married in China because you could undergo a name check that would possibly delay you for a year or so if your name was matched with anyone in their system. I had met a few people that were stuck in this long name check process and also wished they had done a fiance visa. Has this all changed now? Maybe I misunderstood something back then and thought it was better to get a fiance visa. Thanks in advance for everyone's time.
  3. Hello guys, I haven't posted in a long time but some of you may remember me. Nicola and I are doing great and have two little girls aged two and six. Hope everyone is doing well! My very close friend has met someone in the Philipeans (However you spell it) and he has heard that the immigration laws have changed since I met Nicola in 2003. When I met Nicola it was recommended to get a Fiance visa and we would expect to wait 8 months (which we did) until she can come to America and we have 90 days to get married. He heard its actually better to get married in the Phillipeans now instead of applying for a fiance visa as his wife should get her visa quicker to come to America. Would you please help me confirm this is true and why you believe it to be better. He's around 45 and she is around 40 years old and both have not yet been married. Any advice is really appreciated!
  4. They added Cydia and Rock app to my iphone for the 100 rmb and when you join china unicom (I think that's the 3g provided, there is only one) they make you sign up monthly and join for a long time but you can cancel days before you leave and get your deposit back. If you need the edge code they can put that in for you too.
  5. I bought a Iphone 3gs in January and unlocked it in China for 100 RMB. They also taught me how to install 91 PC suite which is a chinese program that gives you all the iphone apps for free. It was a BLESSING to have the iphone in China with the maps working in english and chinese and it even showed our current location! I loved it. I could also take photos and email them on the spot and I think my U-tube worked but facebook didn't. I wouldn't buy them unlocked here its way more expensive. You are going to love having the Iphone in China.
  6. Wow! So you guys are saying if Mark gets married then his petition is void! And his parents can only petition for him and his new wife only after they become citizens? There is no visa for a married son over 21 where if his parents are green card holders? So what would you all suggest? Should he not get married and just have a wedding party without signing documents then petition for his fiance once he gets his green card or is it faster to get married and wait until his parents are citizens to file for them? Thanks for this great information its going to make a big difference in their lives!
  7. Hi Carl, Thank you for your reply. Mark's parents arrived to Hawaii two years ago and they are green card holders. Can his parents petition for him to come to America even if they are not U.S. Citizens and just green card holders? And from what your telling me it will take five years from the time they petition for him to come and it won't matter if he is married or not. Did I get it right? Thanks for your help!
  8. Nicola's cousin is about to get married to someone in China. His name is Mark and he is 22 years old. His family moved to Hawaii but he was older than 21 at the time of the visa interview so he had to wait until they petitioned for him later. Mark's family called and suggested he does marry yet because they are afraid it will delay Mark's interview time. Anyone have any ideas if that's true. To reiterate just so i'm clear. Mark's mom and dad went to Hawaii because their brother petitioned for them and they waited the ten year time for their visa time. Now Mark's family wants him to come to Hawaii and they already petitioned him to come but they are worried that by marrying it will delay his time to join his mom and dad in Hawaii. Anyone know if this is true? I really appreciate any help at all! Thanks in advance! Sam
  9. NicolaNSam


    Thanks for your advice. I have prepared a POA here in America and then E-mailed it to her to sign in front of a police station, hotel manager, or factory that we buy furniture from and told her to take a picture of her signing it and have the official stamp the POA as a witness. I also had her talk to her notary who knows who she is and she accepted that conversation as proof she agrees with the document so she notarized the document for us. Thanks again it was GREAT advice. I have no idea what I would do without Candle....even seven years later! Hope Don, Carl, and Trigg are all doing fine!
  10. NicolaNSam


    First of all, Hello to everyone from Candle who still remembers Nicola and I HAHA I'm talking about a handful of people who struggled side by side with me to get our wives in America and get through this hard process. Now that all that's said and done.......... HELP! My wife Nicola is visiting China and I need a VERY important financial document notorized and mailed back by the end of next week. I think the fastest way to do that is to get a power of attorney from Nicola and I sign the document on behalf of her. The consolate in Guangzhou will be closed most of next week. Does anyone know if there is anywhere else she can go to the the power of attorney prepared? Is King still a lawyer in Guangzhou and can he prepare the POA? If so can anyone get us his cell phone number. Any other suggestions on how to get a POA prepared in China besides the consolate in Guangzhou. Thanks in advance! Sam
  11. But that is what the letter they received said ... so what should they do? This is normal USCIS speak, it means dont bother us until the card is WAY OVER DUE. Info-pass and get an I-551 stamp in passport, also have them track it, sometimes the card gets lost in the mail, they then accuse you of loosing the card, and make you file an I-90 for a replacement card FEE $370. Its funny because we had our lawyer ask about us during her info pass appointment and they told her it will take six months to print! I didn't believe the attorney until we got a letter confirming she asked about our case and we should wait six months for them to print the green card (Even though her husband already has his green card) its already been four or five months since that damn letter and still nothing. She's not yet traveling out of the country so she wouldn't need the stamp but it would be nice to get her green card on a normal basis!
  12. Hello Everyone! Its been forever since I have posted on Candle. My wife got her citizenship and both her parents have come to America and both were approved for their green cards. Nicola's dad got his green card weeks later but her mom has been waiting forever! When we contacted them we got a letter saying they were printing her mom's green card and it could take up to six months! It also reaffirmed that her green card was approved. Anyone have experience with this? I hope everyone going through the difficult time of waiting for their wives to get a visa realize that in the end the wait is all worth it! Hope everyone is doing well!
  13. The wife and son moved from China to Macao. When they moved China asked for their passport back since they were legal residents of Macao and their citizenship was pending. They were allowed to travel to Thailand with their residency card so its a legal document that allows them to travel. They won't be getting their passports from Macao until they become citizens and again, they had to give up their passports from China since they are legal residents of Macao. The husband is a Citizen and is the only one with a passport. I called our immigration attorney and she said they need any documents that permit them to travel to another country even if its a residency card from Macao and not a passport. The problem is when you look at the UCIS website it says you need to have a valid passport with six months validity to travel into the U.S. This is a bit confusing. Anyone have any first hand experience with this at all? Any information would help. Thanks again for everyone's input.
  14. Hello everyone, Nicola's Uncle is a Macao citizen while his wife and son are legal residents but do not have passports because they canceled their mainland citizenship and had to give up their passport for a Macao resident card. They can't get a Macao passport until they are citizens so can they travel to the U.S. with their resident card and no passport? They went to Thailand with only a resident card does anyone know if they can come to the U.S. to visit with no passport and just the resident card? Thanks in advance! Sam
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