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  1. Our case was very similar to this with my wife’s daughter. Only the father had full custody of ‘our’ daughter, but my wife managed to get him to sign a notarized document saying it was all right for her to travel to the US. The issue was never brought up at the interview and I am not sure anyone really looked at it. However, we were glad we had/have this document just in case. We have been back and forth to China without any problems and her biological father has seen (and can see) her then.
  2. My wife says maybe this and/or perhaps the body has too much heat So, sometimes we eat a lot of cold food
  3. My wife (K-1 at the time) didn't need a visa in 2008. She flew from Guangzhou to Narita and then on to Minneapolis. Good Luck!
  4. It may be just another crap shoot¡­ Mama and Baba got a visa on their first try. There is nothing extraordinary about their life, income or family for that matter that would keep them in China. My wife is an only child, Mama has some family, but Baba doesn¡¯t. This made us think it was on our shore that made the difference. Mama and Baba got asked three questions. Why are you going? (Visit our daughter and two grandchildren) What does your son-in-law do? (Works at the University) How long are you staying? (Three months¡­ but really they want to stay six months) After the questions, the VO did a cursory check of the paperwork we sent to Mama and Baba for the interview, with pictures, etc., but Mama and Baba both felt all of this was decided long before they got to the window for the visa, just like the K-1 was for my wife. In fact on this day, Mama and Baba said everyone got a visa while they were there. (It was a Tuesday and we set it up about a month and a half out for Mama and Baba, if this helps) We were all prepared to be rejected (we really expected it) and then reapply ASAP, but for an unknown reason we were lucky. Mama and Baba know a couple who have a daughter and grandchild in the US and have been rejected three times. They told us that this couple was wealthy and had no need for any kind of support on this bank and that they also have a son in China with grandchildren. I think you have to be persistent and be a little lucky. I wish you the best and I hope you get yours soon!
  5. ¡°Raining cats and dogs¡± ¡­ got a funny look on this one, but the girls sort of figured it out
  6. My wife and daughter like the Sleep Number bed that we bought for Mama and Baba. They are coming to visit us next spring. I am not sure a Sleep Number is anything more than an expensive glorified air mattress. However, Mama and Baba have different preferences and one likes soft beds and the other likes "upholstered rocks", as Carl put it. Mama can crank her side of the bed up to 100 and get the stone effect, while Baba will be next to her enjoying something around 55. I still sleep on a very firm Sealy. Something soft kills my back¡­even though I found some beds to be rather firm in China, I would take those instead.
  7. Thanks, Dan. I wanted to get these, but you never know what they are really like until you get it home to watch.
  8. It is good to hear you are making progress again, Griz. Best of luck on that recovery. I imagine it is also good Lao Po is collecting your neighbors eggs instead of their children to sell. Lao Po threatens to sell me on the internet about twice a year. I don't know if this qualifies as business or not, but I might be able to fetch enough for a purse, LB or donkey purse, or whatever they call these in China.
  9. She did say, please¡­ Not sure why it is, but I never expected my wife to have the sense of humor she has. I get a ration of crap all the time, but I love it¡­ I like how you never missed a beat, got to remember that line, Tsap!
  10. The ¡°Flying Tiger¡± insignia was created by the Walt Disney Company. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flying_Tigers I wonder if Mickey approved?
  11. Yeah, ditto on that Griz. I hope to read about you dancing the night away, somewhere down the road, after you walk there.
  12. Best of luck with the goats, sheepies and cats, uncle Don. I know your tai tai and proctologist will keep you in line Thank you for helping all of us out.
  13. Once you pick a school you are comfortable with, I¡¯m sure you will be calling the admissions director about a few things. I would expect they will tell you all the things you will need ahead of time. For instance, up to date shot records are a big thing this year for us. Even though we have health insurance and the doctors say we have what our daughter needs, the school is requiring more. Here are a couple of posts from before that may or may not help. http://candleforlove.com/forums/index.php?/topic/32174-does-your-step-daughterson-adapt-well/page__p__419589__hl__%2Bkids+%2Badjusting__fromsearch__1#entry419589 http://candleforlove.com/forums/index.php?/topic/43098-need-advice-on-chinese-daughter-of-my-fiancee/page__p__571399__hl__school__fromsearch__1#entry571399 Other than that, I spend a lot of time getting to know the teachers and making sure they understand my daughter¡¯s needs¡­ which I am pretty sure you will do anyway, TSAP I hope he makes the adjustment easily/quickly and finds good friends. Best of luck, Dad!
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