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Posts posted by thgg


    Hi all,


    Has anyone as a foreigner used to live in China manage to get the Police Certificate recently? Any update on the process?



    You probably won't find any information other than what's already in this topic, except by going through the "process" yourself.


    You need to find someone either in the PSB where you registered your stay or your employer who is willing to provide a statement of no criminal record 无犯罪记录 (Wú fànzuì jìlù) in Chinese.


    Take this to the Gong Zheng Chu, or 公证处 for a 未受刑事处分公证书 (wei shou xing shi chu fen gong zheng shu) or "No criminal sanction public certificate".


    You will want to document ALL contacts made - take names, and take notes about what you were told - in case you are unable to acquire the statement of no criminal record.



    Thank you.


    I have managed to get the statement of no criminal records from the universities I studied at but in a scanned format, is that acceptable? And can I take those records to the Gong Zheng Chu in a city different from the one I stayed and got the records for a "No criminal sanction public certificate"? For instance, if I studied in Beijing and have the records, and now take those records to Guangzhou for the Gong Zheng Chu, would that be possible?

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