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Posts posted by Stellar

  1. Long story short my wife was has received her IR1 visa but it expires before we are ready to move to America. What should we do?

    We are making arrangements to move to America perminatly. We originally wanted to move in the spring but we have decided that we want to wait until the summer to let our daughter finish school and tie up some other loose ends. However my wife's IR1 visa expires in less than 6 months. If we aren't going to ready to move then what should we do?

    It is possible to extend the visa and additional 6 months or so? How would we go about doing this?

    Would it be okay for her to fly to America for just a few days and apply for her green card before her visa expisres? She would then return to China for about 5 or 6 months before moving to America. Any problems doing this? Could we just have the green card mailed to my family's home in America and have them shipped it to China? How long would she need to stay in the USA to apply? What other issues should we consider?

    I realize that maybe we should have planned this all better, but life happens and plans change so what do we do from here? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

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