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Posts posted by geraldandfurong

  1. Catherine, Hello. You didn't click on the correct thing. You clicked on the bottom of the post ( I think). That does take you to a song. A very pretty song. You have to click on the triangle of the photos. In the center. It is Karaoke not Karoke. Some of the other things that were listed DDR. I never heard or seen that one. Some type of dance machine activity. Anime and Cosplay were also listed. And walking around, SAN BU. I am curious to see if you agree with the list. also they talked about bubble tea. What is bubble tea? Most of the other things had to do with food. I wonder where these guys got some those things. Hope you had a good Holiday. Danb


    About that song at the bottom of the post. That is posted on You Tube. I was assuming that you were about to access You Tube. Now after rereading your post I guess you can't so I am not sure what song you heard. The other items listed were eating,hot pot, buffet, ramen, Hello Kitty,and taking photos.

    I know this is old news.... but I did not see anyone explain "DDR".... It stands for Dance Dance Revolution and the video shows it pretty well. It was a huge, very brief, fad a few years ago. Or was it a few decades ago???

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