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Posts posted by Daniel1122

  1. "... I hadn't mentioned before is that I am 60 and she is 51...." Yep, I agree, this takes significant pressure off in the eyes of the VO. A woman of 51 is much less likely to scam for a green card, first because you and her are more emotionally aligned, and her options are more limited as a single woman in America. New suspicions might revolve around various nuclear family members trying to tag along.

    The information I've gotten here has been helpful. I need to know what I'm dealing with it looks like its going to be a bit more of an uphill slog than I first thought. I was hoping to have a faster resolution so we can get on with our lives, its not like we have another 20-30 years of quality life ahead of us. The rest of her family is settled and established so I wouldn't expect them to want to tag along.

  2. I want to thank all of you in sharing your experiences and thoughts. I used a lawyer the first time around and thought I might be able to avoid that this time but it doesn't look like it. I will take my time to get everything organized including writing out the "letter of evolution". Something I hadn't mentioned before is that I am 60 and she is 51. We don't have a lot of time to spend in the "waiting mode"...I will consult with an attorney and see what is the best path to take.

    Thanks again to everyone for responding.

  3. I don't think you have completely disqualified yourself, but with your history of four marriages and recent divorce with Chinese wife, it will raise red flags for sure. Someone suggested a good immigration attorney and in your case that might be wise. Don't mean to be negative, just realistic. Were any of the three marriages prior to the Chinese lady to a foreign woman, requiring a visa? :blink:


    No, they were all American. The the main reason I went to China for a wife was to go to an entirely different culture. I had never before noticed how truly beautiful Asian women are so I was pretty enthusiastic about my trip there. In the past I had a way of attracting women that have been badly hurt and they see me as an easy mark. Took me a while to figure that out...The lady I met recently is not broken or damaged. She is very happy and healthy and in love with life. I don't feel the same attraction for her that I have felt with the others so I find that encouraging.

  4. There are two things that have come up in my wanting to marry a Chinese woman.

    I am in the midst of divorcing my first Chinese wife, she was only after a green card and long term support. Fortunately this came to light before she got her 10 year card. I am not divorced from her yet, it is in process.

    We had been separated for 4 months when I met another Chinese woman. I have met someone new and want to know if I would be rejected to try to bring her here either as a fiance' or wife. Which would be the better way to try?

    The other thing is that I have already been married four times counting my most recent Chinese wife.

    I know I have a lousy track record but is that enough to reject my request for her visa? I appreciate your input....

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