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Posts posted by Russ

  1. And my wife is approved... Thanks so much to everyone on this board for their help thus far! This is such a relief. Also i would like to say that i can wholeheartedly reccomend Mr Yangs Hotel! It was expensive the first night cause he was out of the cheaper rooms, and although the expensive room was very very nice... he got us set up in a cheaper but still nice room the next day... The location was absolutely supreme... I cant think of enough good things to say about him so ill just say stay with him if you possibly can.


    Whats the next step... Enter the country... and then?

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  2. The appointment letter says 26th at 12:30... but mr yang said we go tomorrow for document hand in. The room we are in now he asked 380 rmb a night for. Ive lived in china for 4.5 years. I dont even think in terms of dollars anymore. 380 rmb is alot of money to me... lol. Ive stayed in rooms that cost 20 rmb a night and were nothing more than a metal shed with a bed in it by U.S. standards... it is a nice enough room though. 1-372-484-2886 is the number i called him at. Got it from your post in another thread. Hope its the right guy lol.

  3. hmm... I guess going with what i have is all i can do... Only other thing im concerned about is relationship evidence... with my USCIS submission i included a large quantity of photos, statements from a friend who came with me when i first came to china, and all her brothers and sisters as to the legitimacy of our relationship, copy of my passport, and a lease agreement.. i have spent 11 months out of every year since we met in 2008 in china with her... this should be reflected by my passport and joint leases i would think. we dont have much in the way of emails to each other as we are always together... not really any phone records either :(... i hope they will understand that i have spent my last 4 years in china with her, 2 years of which were before we were married... domicile evidence is the deed to my house... and the address on my current drivers license.. i would imagine that is pretty air tight. idk... im not good with this Bureaucratic stuff... anxiety is really getting to me.. this forum has truly been invaluable, thanks to you all

  4. we got an apr 26 interview date... originally had one for february... but they couldnt complete the health check in beijing in time... and now im totally freaking out because this one is after tax day, but all my i-864s were prepared for an interview before 2012 apr 15... and now i dont know how being after apr15 effects my i-864s... they are still less than a year old.. (joint sponsor signed 9/26/2011 with a most recent year of 2010) and there is no way he could get me a new one in time if he has even filed yet for this year. and my most recent is 2010 tax year also... i havent even thought of doing 2011 yet as i wasnt even required to file due to insufficient income... totally freaking out :(

  5. I-864 Instructions:

    If you were required to file a Federal income tax return during any of the previous three tax years but did not do so, you must file any and all late returns with IRS and attach an IRSgenerated tax return transcript documenting your late filing before submitting the I-864 Affidavit of Support. If you were not required to file a Federal income tax return under U.S. tax law because your income was too low, attach a written explanation.


    If you were not required to file a Federal income tax return under U.S. tax law for any other reason, attach a written explanation including evidence of the exemption and how you are subject to it.



    Yes, I understood that part. My question is about the checkbox that states i am attaching my last three years returns... do i simply not check that?

  6. and about the checkbox about including the previous 3 tax years returns... i have a return for 2010, but i wasnt required to file due to income for 2009 or 2008, so do i just not check that and write a letter that states i wasnt required to file due to income, and sign it. I wasnt required to file for 2010 either but i did because i read somewhere on this forum that at least one tax return was needed, to help with domicile or something, idk

    Income as in below minimum, or income from a foreign source?


    MORE: http://www.irs.gov/individuals/article/0,,id=96623,00.html


    Keep in mind you may not have to pay federal income tax on foreign income below a set level ($80K or so), however are still required to file a 1040 return each year.


    In many cases it is easier to late file returns showing small income than trying to convince the Visa Officer you did not have to file at all.


    If you were a full time student those years without any income, then perhaps provide college transcript showing attending college those years will help.


    Income below minimum. I dont have any foreign income. Im not in the states, and i doubt i have sufficient records to even determine what my income was for the 2008 and 2009 tax years. So filing late for those years would be extremely inconvenient, if not completely impossible.

  7. and about the checkbox about including the previous 3 tax years returns... i have a return for 2010, but i wasnt required to file due to income for 2009 or 2008, so do i just not check that and write a letter that states i wasnt required to file due to income, and sign it. I wasnt required to file for 2010 either but i did because i read somewhere on this forum that at least one tax return was needed, to help with domicile or something, idk

  8. on the i-864 item 25 first checkbox, I have filed the 2010 tax return, but have not filed 2009 or 2008 as i wasnt required to due to income level, do i still check the box stat states i have filed a tax return for the three most recent years and include a written statement as to why i didnt file for 2008 or 2009, or do i not check that box and include a written statement of why i did not file in 2008 or 2009?


    Also some issues with part 4. I have maintained domicile in the US through bank accounts, internet accounts, all addressed to a home i own there where we intend to live however i am living in china with my wife... what should i put for 12 and 13?


    also part 2 principal immigrant, on my fathers completed i-864 he lists the address of an appartment we still hold the lease to and will for the forseeable future, but we have since moved to another city in china, one of my wifes relatives is staying in our old appartment now, and we can recieve mail there, should i list the same address on my i-864 or the address where we are currently living for the principal immigrants address?



    also i have become quite adept at manipulating PDF in linux including reducing size, attaching and seperating pages, etc, id like to post it somewhere if it may be useful to others, but im not sure where, if anyone has a good idea where i might post it.

  9. hehe, im afraid im at the mercy of the copy shops scanning capabilities.. dont have my own scanner, but ill see if i can find some app to strip the color from these PDFs and strip out the unnecessary pages from his passport. Deed on the home is gonna be hard to get cause im in china. Perhaps a bunch of the other stuff.. or maby a printout from my counties property appraiser page that lists me as the owner.. idk..

  10. So, I have my and my fathers i-864 sitting here, he is a joint sponsor.


    He was to fill i-864 and not i-864a correct?


    I noticed he did not fill it all capitols and it seems like i saw some where that it should be all caps, is that going to be a problem


    I have elected for electronic processing, Do i send his as well as mine electronically?


    Do i need to afix the barcodes if it is going to be filed electronically?


    Thanks much for your assistance. This site and its members have truly been helpful



  11. This is a massive pile of alien paperwork... Im not sure how she can feel comfortable with any of it... I know im not.


    One last thing to wrap up this 230.. The question about educational institutuons attended. Is it for universities... or include primary, middle and highschool?

  12. will this effect domocile? Im returning to the US for 1.5 months in 2 days.. Does this then mean im living at my house at the time the form is sent?



    also, im considering opting in electronic processing.. I havent filed choice of agent yet.. she has moved appartments from when we filed i-130... what is the best way to handle it..



    Don't over think here - where you LIVE is where you hang your hat (if you happen to wear one) every day. Your DOMICILE is a more permanent residence that you can go home to after an extended stay.


    Just like a college student living in a dorm at school, who still receives mail at their parents' home, you can maintain a US domicile while living in China. This is desirable from an immigrations point of view. It sounds like you have done this - why would you not show this?


    Thanks, Good Point.


    Question 44. Were you assisted in completing this application, Seems like it should be Yes, as i assisted... but someone above said its intent is for attorneys...

  13. will this effect domocile? Im returning to the US for 1.5 months in 2 days.. Does this then mean im living at my house at the time the form is sent?



    also, im considering opting in electronic processing.. I havent filed choice of agent yet.. she has moved appartments from when we filed i-130... what is the best way to handle it..

    Where did you file the I-130? USCIS in the USA or to the DHS office in Beijing or Guangzhou? If field in the states you have the electronic processing option, if filed in China, there is no electronic option due to NVC not being involved.


    As for domicile, if you have been living outside of the USA for a period of time you will need to prove that living abroad was temporary and provide evidence of maintaining a US Domicile, without US domicile you cannot sponsor an immigrant to come to the USA.


    Showing US domicile.

    • Showing past years IRS returns
    • Copy of an unexpired state ID like a driver's license.
    • Copy of a deed or rent of a residence in the USA
    • Proof of obtaining a job or job transfer back to the USA
    • Mail to a residence in the USA
    • Copy of a bank statement from a US Bank

    Domicile is a common topic:





    Note is is NOT You who is filing the choice of agent, it is the prospective immigrant, the beneficiary that mails or emails this to NVC. When sending choice of agent, and DS-230 to NVC, provide the new foreign address.


    More about the electronic process: http://candleforlove.com/forums/index.php?/topic/37703-i29fk3-changes-and-nvc-electronic-processing-for-i-130cr1/

    I filed it in the US. On the I130 i listed my home as where we would stay, my dads office with my name as the mailing address as my room mates are unreliable.

    On this one I want to have mail going to me go to my fathers address, and mail going to her go to china, Even though im in china with her. and field 39... I consider my address to be either my fathers address or my home in florida.. Even though im currently living in china with my wife.

    Well, I own a home and maintain all my bank accounts in the US... Idk..Im just trying to figure out whats best for this ds-230... Specifically field 10 with reguard to the name requirement... and if i should say im living here.

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