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Posts posted by griz326

  1. ...don't know if there was a formal translation, but the Franciscans rattled to the pope that the Jesuits had changed the bible to make it easier to get converts. It started the rivalry between those orders.


    I believe that predates and Christian translation by many, many years. Historian John Fairbanks made a big deal of that tidbit in his history of China.

  2. Knowing the varied ownership history, this is to be expected. However, what surprises me most is China's aggressive stance. Mao never sought to expand China beyond the map of China that he grew up with as a boy...or so the story goes. Now it seems that any soil touched by Zheng He, China is making claims to...next it will be America.


    What has changed?

    Is it just the need for oil?

  3. My wife is spooked that her mom is close to the end & dad told her he is lonely, so she's heading back to China at the end of June for a visit.


    Airfare Kalispell to Nanning around $2500+/-...


    ...but what troubled me were the lay-overs with some flights being 40+hours.


    Would I be better off booking her to Beijing, Shanghai, or Guangzhou and have the wife catch a flight from there rather than do the layovers?


    Suggestions of best prices, also appreciated.








    ...ahhhh, but now the Chinese get my former Senator, Max "the drunk" Baucus.


    >>>He single-handedly made AQI known to ordinary Chinese people


    Really? The Chinese people I've known were very much aware of the poor air and water quality long, long ago.


    The ABC / banana thing, not knowing how to speak Chinese, and being a Dali Lama fan surely caused discord and could easily have been considered another insult to the Chinese government and the Chinese people by people like my brother-in-law. The newspaper's op-ed was uncharacteristically harsh for the China News Service.


    My first time to China was on a diplomatic mission (I wasn't one of the diplomats, but the Deng govt extended privilege to all of us). I was shocked and saddened by the ignorance of Chinese culture demonstrated by the liaison office entourage. While it is true, a representative of our government, is just that, sending an empty suit quite the insult. ...although sometimes they succeed luckily.


    As for Max, I'm not sure he has actually lived in Montana for the last dozen or so years... As he said in that YouTube video, he's "no expert on China." At least he knows it. Maybe he'll read Henry Kissinger's "On China" and "World Order" which comes out this fall. He might also read a couple of Kissinger articles, such as: The future of US-Chinese Relations; conflict is a choice, not a necessity and Avoiding a US-China Cold War.


    I've met several POTUS', countless senators & congressmen, governors, and an assortment of bureaucrats. Kissinger stands alone as the most brilliant and gracious of the bunch. In the two hours he gave me, I tried to pick a fight, but he bobbed and weaved in ways that would have made Ali say "Wow," yet he never insulted me or made me feel small (I later did that to myself).


    So, I guess my point is that we haven't done nearly as good a job with China as we might have done. I'll be surprised if Max improves our batting average, but maybe he'll surprise me.


    I hope so. We need to make China more than just a business partner. The global turn of events that we're seeing have the potential to become ugly and remaining on good terms is important.

    • Like 1

    There is no denying the bad of Mao's leadership, but what emerged from the good of it was a focused population ready to take advantage of the opportunities made available by Deng and his policies. Mao was probably a necessary step from a feudal society into what is very nearly a free society today.


    Having been an early visitor to Deng's China, I am happy for the people. But I must confess that I preferred the early Deng China to modern China, although modern China is better for the people. It is my opinion that China will become increasingly free in the years ahead because it will benefit China.


    That's not to say that China will ever be free as Americans think of it, but China will be free.


    Keep in mind that China's leadership is trying to maintain a harmonious society even as wealth and greater freedom is available. There is/will be considerable envy that comes with wealth for some which was less obvious in the older times. Achieving a harmonious society with 1.3 billion plus souls does require careful governance. With good fortune for the Chinese, the once heavy, often brutal hand will become simply a guiding hand.


    I frequently have greater faith in the good intentions of the Chinese government than our own - despite the well-known and widespread corruption. Never in history have the lives of so many improved so much in such a short time. Of course, the winds of change are highly variable. Hopefully the wind will continue flow gently in a positive direction.

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    Life is too short to make this part of your world. ...unless you love the guy...and I'm talking about you, not the sister-in-law.

    I'd suggest an ankle cuff, a little rope, a lead weight, and bridge...it'd be more humane for both you, yours, and Bob the drunk.


    Is this guy a relative or your best friend?

  7. Why are YOU replacing the modem?


    For the last ten years...


    Comcast tech support says I would definitely benefit from a new modem.


    After 10 years as a paying customer, Comcast should replace the modem free of charge, IMO.


    If the modem provides wireless connections, use it and spare yourself the expense of a new router.


    Everything boils down to where the bottleneck will be. Clearly, your link to the Internet is an inescapable bottleneck. That is, if you've got a 100Gb network and you've got 25Mb down and 5Mb up modem/service plan...see where things jam up? Faster wireless or ethernet speeds to and from the modem will improve performance until the packet receive buffers on the modem/router fill and start dropping packets. Of course, modern modems may have huge receive buffers - I don't know.


    I always buy the fastest, consumer-grade equipment available instead of the industrial gear I once bought. In fact, I just purchased the Asus wireless router mentioned earlier in this thread.

  8. I need to provide a pillow book for a backwards brother-in-law.

    I hope to find something like the kama sutra, but with a different style of drawing. The drawings need to be explicit, yet not crude. The book must be filled with illustrations rather than text. My web searches have failed to turn up anything suitable.


    The young man's wife is game and asked Lao Po to ask me to play the role of big brother. I'm fairly certain he'll soon lose his wife if he doesn't begin performing his husbandly duties several times a week.


    There are a few sages here who might know of a solution that I can offer.

  9. I found that while we are noticed, no one cares as long as you mind your Ps and Qs. Long term that may become more difficult as our differences have time to become annoyances. I sensed this in my last trip that was longer than previous trips and the residents of Lao Po's apartment complex became tired of seeing my big nose ;)

  10. Just to keep this fair 'n balanced...


    We've been correlating MAC addresses, source routers, email addresses, and various Internet postings for many years. That's the basis of network security forensics. There are hoops for officials to jump through but if you say "FU!" loudly enough, they can come and get you here too.


    Yea...but if you open a brand new account on yahoo, park yourself at Micky D's or Coffee Cabano... you can send out a whole slew of e-mails, post to boards etc... and leave in an instant. It only will fall on the owner of that IP address.


    Mostly true. ...but there are cameras everywhere these days and if the offense is egregious enough, they'll probably find you.


    Hell, they were waiting for a guy here in Eureka who found & picked some pot about 20 miles into a wilderness area. They walked up to him as he was re-fueling after coming out of the woods. Of course, this is a border area, but ... just sayin'

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