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Posts posted by bx26

  1. Charles, You're in that tough spot right now, just like we were, When it was interview time for us CR-1, I was convinced that we were going to get whiteslipped. When Zou came back smiling and said she passed, it was like i was stunned in disbelief for a minute or two, I had to ask her again, did you really pass? Your thinking is clear on this, just preceed with CR-1 wait it out. Lots of frustration and emotion for sure but remember feelings aren't facts. Take care buddy! :angry:

  2. Congratulations, very happy for you!! :huh:


    As a side question; I am wondering how many other people were denied a K-3 & continued with the CR-1 & were approved? Either way, that's awesome!




    Thanks That's why i wanted to post this as i only know of one or two, maybe it will be of some help, i hope so. We were a little (alot!) down in the dumps for so long waiting, and had planned to hire a lawyer etc. but alas, was not necessary!

    I am sure it's a very small number of people... maybe David would know?


    Maybe none of my business, but do you mind me asking why they denied the K-3? And did it come up in discussion with the VO during the CR-1 Interview?


    That's one for the ages, i guess, the only reason we ever got was that because of her testimony and supporting docs we have determined that you do not have a bona fide relationship to the sponsor. i could never get them to elaborate on that. I surmise that the fact that this is an immigration visa vs the non-immigrant k-3 takes more priority. But what do i know, it all seems so arbitrary really, heck it probably boils down to it having to do more with what kind of mood the vo is in that day. It didn't come up during the interview either so go figger. :toot:

  3. Congratulations, very happy for you!! :)


    As a side question; I am wondering how many other people were denied a K-3 & continued with the CR-1 & were approved? Either way, that's awesome!




    Thanks That's why i wanted to post this as i only know of one or two, maybe it will be of some help, i hope so. We were a little (alot!) down in the dumps for so long waiting, and had planned to hire a lawyer etc. but alas, was not necessary!

  4. Congratulations. I wouldn't have the patience to ask for a later interview date, but I am glad it worked for you.


    I was a little leery of asking for it, but was in a tough spot, but Zou said that she knew of someone who had just asked for a reschedule, so I think one time is o.k.

  5. Hello All, To just follow up, sorry i have not kept up my posts. We were originally given an interview date of June 4th, with only two weeks to prepare. I was in the middle of some work i could not stop, so we requested another interview date and received July 26th. I have just returned and am happy to announce we were approved!! To update, we had initially applied for a K-3 Visa last year but were denied, so we just followed through with our CR-1. I submitted a fresh I-864 with three years tax returns with IRS transcripts as well. I had planted a little pine tree on my property after I had returned home from my first trip to China in 2005, when we were married. This little tree we have used to symbolize our marriage, it has grown rapidly and is in good health, so i clipped a branch and brought it with me and had Zou give it to the VO with a letter explaining about it. He smiled, then gave her a pink slip after asking only six questions. So we then waited two days then went to pick up her visa. So, there you have it ladies and gentlemen, I hope my little bit of info may help anyone in that tough waiting period, remember to keep your chin up, because good things can and do happen. Guangzhou in July was 95-100 with 90% humidity.

  6. Something that has bothered me about IMBRA is the Multiple Petition Waiver requirement. The law specifically states it is required "...with respect to two or more applying aliens...". But USCIS has interpreted this to mean it's required for the same beneficiary.


    I wrote an article about it. There are some editing errors I hope they fix. But those C4L members to whom California Service Center is sending out letters stating they need to apply for a waiver to sponsor the same beneficiary, might benefit by reading it.




    I think USCIS blew it on this part of the law.


    This problem is compounded at the California Service Center and the TSC, which sends K-1's to CSC for processing. Unlike Nebraska or Vermont, CSC does not send out NOID letters to returned K-1's.


    So CSC petitioners find themselves in the position of being unable to prove the consulate was wrong in sending back the petition and being forced to apply for a discretionary waiver, without ever having a chance to respond to the consulate's allegations.


    CSC at least, should change the way it handles the return of K petitions from consulates.


    Wow! I am getting to the point where i am considering getting a TEFL teaching certificate and just moving to China so we can be together, Zou is a nurse and together, we might have a nice life . I do like China alot especially the people. Has anyone ever done this? thanks!

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