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Posts posted by sweetnov

  1. I'm not sure what brand your wife used to use. Check the website of Sasa, very popular beauty products retailer in Asia. http://web1.sasa.com/SasaWeb/eng/sasacms/drive_promo/20120704_360Whitening/promo.jsp?cm_mmc=google000220&gclid=CPnLlL7UjbECFQk5nAodaXEP9A

    They carry products for people of all ages, and sometimes offer free shipping too. Maybe she will be able to find the cream she likes.


    I have sensitive skin too. I personally like NYR, which is a British brand. Their products are organic, and very mild.

  2. I think there are just too many variations based on the differing interests of the people involved.


    Ask your wife.


    But probably the best thing you can do is arrange lots of sightseeing activities.


    Exactly, your wife knows her parents more than anyone else does and I believe she will be able to arrange/prepare most the things. What her parents expect from you the most is to take care of their daughter. So be sure to show them you're a loving and caring husband ;) Also, try to keep them occupied. Whether they drive or not, make sure they'll have a way to get around. Arrange lots of sightseeing activities as Mafan suggested. If possible, find the Chinese community where your parents-in-law can play mahjong and spend time with other Chinese :lol: . If they use internet frequently, install Chinese system on your computer or ask them to bring their own.


    BTW, if your parents-in-law are interested in "gardening", it may not be a bad idea to let them know what plants are not acceptable by the HOA. I'm still concerned that my mom might surprise the HOA with a yard full of leafy veggies--all considered WEEDS here--when she comes to visit.

  3. I'm one of the crazy Chinese wives you guys been talking about. :harhar1: It used to drive me up the wall not to have the windows open but have the AC on low 70s, whether we were in the house or not. We played the turning-up/down-the-temperature game for a while, but that didn't last long. After I stayed in the library and went to the movie theaters, I realized that I'd be the one to change unless I'd want icicles on my eyebrows or eyelashes. I now bring a light jacket with me all the time. I got used to having the AC on low 70s or high 60s and leaving all the fans on year round( we live in FL btw). In fact, we even have a little fan on our 17 year old dog all the time. My husband convinced me that she liked it that way and the breeze made her sleep better. :rotfl:

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  4. From the replies posted I would surmise that once again there is no one size fits all for Chinese women. Just like American women or any other women they are all different.


    How about American men? Sometimes I think my husband is overprotective. He's not too wild about my having male friends or talking to/about them. He argues he trusts me 200% but he doesn't trust the guys. "believe me, I've seen too much when I was in the Navy". Is that just him or it's pretty common ?

  5. I'm Chinese, and my father-in-law has diabetes.When I cook for him, I try to avoid using corn startch to thicken the juice as I do for my husband. But he likes gravy on his rice, so what I do is add some flavor to the rice instead plain steamed rice. Also, I use little sugar.If I have to, I use the Smucker's sugar free jam or other light sauce to add the sweetness,depending on what I cook. I never like deep fried food, the dishes from Chinese restaurants here are way too greasy. I do some stir-fry, but I don't bread the food, which will add in carbs. Instead of rice noodles, I use Dreamfields low carb pasta, or the green bean pasta I get in Chinese market. As far as rice, brown rice is a little bit better, and sometimes I add other grains to it. I seldom cook food in terriyaki flavore. I always make lots of vegetables. When I cook potatoes, I would let them sit in water for a while to wash away some startch. They may taste less mushy, but it's healthier and you may like the crisp in the stir-fry.

  6. Thanks guys for all your help.




    Also after filing the 2009 taxes how long do we need to wait before calling and requestion a transcript? I'm fairly sure it will be a E-file.



    My husband filed the 2009 taxes on Tuesday night, had the 1040 sent to me today.

    I know for the 2007 and 2008's 1040ez , he paid around $30 for each ( if I remember correctly) and printed them out , instead of calling the IRS. I'm not sure if he got the 2009's in the same way.


    Anyway, good luck. Hopefully there'll be a nice surprise for you and hui,if you're still going to the ACH tomorrow :yahoo:

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