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Posts posted by randxuej

  1. We are finally home. After the interview and going to Karamay, for a few days. My Little Sweet Pea, Is home. Oh boy Are we Tired today.

    I found out one thing, don't try and take a picture f your Sweet Heart as soon as you get off the Plane. I was rushed by Customs afficals and told you are not allowed to take pictures.:rolleyes: They took our Camera and was going to remove the film. After a talking a long time with them they let us go. We went on and Laughed. All that is in there is Walls and windows. But the good thing is that we made it .home. :) :greenblob: :greenblob:

  2. I guess by now you all know by the Topic Title. I am a very Happy Man :D and My sweet Pea :D is a very Happy woman. Her interview went very fast. She was the first to interview. And i was exspecting a long wait. I was outside talking to a man and there she was with the biggest smile on her face. We pick up the Visa this afternoon, after 4 oclock. It could be raining cats and dogs, but i would not care i am so happy.

    Thanks everyone. I will let you know of our travels to the states

    I guess it is time to celebrate. :blink: :lol: :lol: :redblob: :redblob: :redblob: :redblob: :P :greenblob:

  3. Just a little note from GZ. We made down to GZ fine. At least I am with my sweet pea . It is hot and rainy. Our Interview is monday. We can't wait to leave here. Even though we both think the food is great down here. At least what we have had so far.

    I will let you know how everything goes on Monday.

  4. I am so excited.:D I can't even sleep. This time tomorrow, I will be almost to Shanghai. Where my beloved will be waiting at Pudong Airport. The long wait is almost over now. We will be back on the 28th. I will let you all know what the outcome is next week after the Interview. I want leave without her. :wacko: ;) :blink: :redblob: :o :redblob: :D

  5. Oh what a good day it is today. To wake up in this morning and My Sweat Pea. Tells me the great news. Oh I don't think i will be able to sleep at all. I remember a post on Candle of house cleaning a few months ago. Well I guess i had better get to cleaning. I have to set up the christmas tree and place her little stocking up. on the fire place and feel them full of sweets for the sweet. Since we didn't get to spend the holidays together.What a beautiful June this will be. :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :angel: My Angel will be home

  6. Xuejing and I just want to thank all of you. For all your support. When you set here and think. Which a lot of us have a lot of time to think. Not only do we have Her family, My family, Our family. But we have another family, that we haven't even meet and that is all of you.

    In these time of troubles we all have went through, or still going throuh. It is great to know that. There is great people out there that understand.

    Thank you again and My God bless all of you.


  7. I wish all of you to say a little extra prayer, for my Sweet Pea. When i talked to her this morning. She could hardly get her breath, she was crying so much. Her grandfarther, died early this morning. Oh how bad i feel, for not being there with her right now.

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