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Posts posted by screamneagle

  1. Well, here is an update ... both my wife and step daughter have received their extension letters and notification for biometrics which are scheduled for the end of this month. I am assuming that since they have their appointment letters in hand, that the one I-751 application with one application fee and 2 biometric fees was the proper proceedure to follow. My question is this ... does the issuance of the biometric appointment letter mean that the documention submitted with the I-751 was acceptable to USCIS or is it still possible to get an RFE somewhere along the line AFTER the biometics are taken? When is it safe to assume that an RFE is not forthcoming and that the I-751application was successful ... then just a matter of waiting for it to arrive??

  2. Congratulations! Just sent in my I-751 a few weeks ago. Only had one bank statement mixed in with a boat load of other evidence including 5 letters from individuals attesting to the on-going marriage. Now, after reading about your RFE for the bank account statements, I'm bitting my nails waiting for their reply!

  3. Yo Tsap:


    I've been up to my neck in aligators! Getting ready to cross swords with the VA again to reenstate 100%! Going in fully loaded this time with a blood sucking lawyer! Getting this whole ROC thing together and filling it with as much purtenant stuff as possible. Your's should be coming up soon ... right? Let me know if I can help you in any way. We still need to get together! In the mean time ... watch your 6 and remember which side faces the enemy.



  4. Well, its that time ... time to file for ROC for my wife and step daughter. My step daughter is now 23 years old and came to the United States at the same time as her mother. My wife came on a K-1 and my step daughter as a K-2. My wife and I were married 6 weeks after her arrival. The daughter was 6 months from turning 21 when she arrived in the States with her mother and received her 2 year Green Card before aging out. My question is this ... does my step daughter's age have anything to do with the filing of the I-751? I have my wife's I-751 ready to go. On Part 5 - Information About Your Children, I have listed my step daughter, her Date of Birth, and her "A" number and "Yes" ... Living with me. Do I just file the one I-751 for BOTH my wife and daughter with one submission fee and 2 biometric fees or does my step daughter need her own I-751 with a SECOND submission and biometric fee? Their 2 year Green Cards will expire at the end of June. Any advice would be helpful and very much appreciated.

  5. No problem here! After a year my wife pretty much likes everything I make for her including lasagna, grilled hot dogs & hamburgers, Italian sausage, Campbell soups, fish ... WITHOUT the head, tail and bones, BBQ chicken breasts .... WITHOUT bones(doesn't miss the bones in fish, chicken or beef at all ... "Western ingenuity"!), London Broil, steak, Mexican taco meat and Vermont cheddar cheese to name a few. She loves French bread, salami, ham, potato salad and pizza. Ever see a Chinese woman eat pizza with chopsticks ... you haven't lived! She never complains about the "Western food" at all and says in is "Very fragrant"! The main staple, however, will always remain her Chinese cooking... not a problem with me! Life remains beautiful!

  6. WELL DONE & HEARTIEST CONGRATULATIONS! Can't wait to hear the rest of the story! Tomorrow is an anniversary of sorts for my lao po, my step daughter and me! They will have been in the U.S.A. for ONE YEAR! I still don't believe it!!! Best of luck to you and your ladies, David! :romantic:

  7. The name of the "game" is PERSEVERANCE!. NEVER GIVE UP ... NEVER SURRENDER! Ole Tzap is the role model here for patience and endurance. Heed his words and advice and I am sure you will do just fine!! Sometimes it is just the roll of the dice but if you present a rock solid case and follow the guides here and on VJ you will, in all likelihood, come out a winner! Best of luck to you on your journey. Keep your head up and continue to drive forward!

  8. We went through the Adult Education Program in our community (Spotsylvania, Virginia) for a registration fee of only $20 and a work book that cost $20. This is a branch of the community social service programs. At registration they gave each person a brief spoken test for placement within either the beginning, intermediate or advanced level classes. Classes are from 6:00 p.m to 8:30 p.m. Mondays and Wednesdays. I found these excellent classes through the local library. It was the best ESL classes I found so you might want to give it a shot with your local community service adult education programs.

  9. Today we got Fengqi's 10 year green card AND both of their Social Security cards.


    I'm puttin' both of them to work tomorrow morning. :lol:


    Actually, lil' rabbit wanted to walk off the plane and go to work. I said, "please baby, just give it a couple of weeks before you join a sweatshop, start sending all of your money to China, and I never see you again." :lol:


    tsap seui

    It's a laugh a minute around here


    Hey Tsap: Be careful of all that laughter! Remember ... the VA is not going to give you any additional disability bennies for hernias caused by laughter ... unless of course ... they are service connected. Be well ... stay happy ... and hope to see you guys soon! :rotfl:

  10. in may2011 guz said ap was complete. now we are back in ap. no explanation why. now in ap total 14 months. that = 1 year and 2 months total ap.

    Davy, I feel your hurt. There is nothing worse than getting a blue slip with no questions asked for you to reply to. You always never get to understand what the problem is....they leave you hanging by your balls with no reasoning on why they are doing this to you and your woman. People who get blue slips with questions asked for can't begin to feel the loss and hurt you feel when they don't ask you for anything.


    There is nothing else I can say but give you empathy. We lived your life for 10 months before they finally gave us a white slip of denial....then they extended the torture by taking 13 more months to even send the case back to the USCIS.


    Saying hang in there sounds so lame, I am ashamed to even say it...other than I know it is the only thing a couple can do when in this posistion. Congress men and their liasons are totally useless and helpless in this situation, same thing with lawyers...GUZ will stonewall them both and you will find that you have been placed in a totally helpless situation with totally no regard to you and your wife as human beings.


    It will end. They will dick around and finally make a decision. For us it was a denial.


    Oh what I would have given to have been denied at the damned interview instead of a freakin' blue slip with nothing else asked for.


    GUZ was wropng about my wife and I from the get go, USCIS quickly (in three days from the time they finally got the case in their hands until they sent me the reaffirmed letter) reaffirmed our case and sent it back to the consulate. The consulate set up another interview but after 2 damned years of waiting on GUZ we had married 3 months before I got word that GUZ had even sent ourcase back, much less that USCIS had reaffirmed us. the DOS would NEVER tell me, and neither would the consulate even answer over 75 e-mails I sent them asking, the one simple question..."Have you sent our case back to the USCIS?"


    I have no doubt that you and your woman have done absolutely NOTHING WRONG. You are caught up in yet another witch hunt by idiots.


    I never said this before, but when my wife called me from the 5th floor of the consulate and said she had gotten a pink slip at her second interview....I ran up to the 5th floor to be with her and our son and I've gotta tell you....Yes, I was overjoyed at our success, but I stood there with those two good people and I had PURE RAW UNMITIGATED HATE for what had been done before to us by GUZ. I literally was torn between sheer joy and feeling like I would PUKE from being on the same floor with those bastards who had so blindly and heartlessly stomped us as flat as they could.


    And they WERE WRONG from the get go....F--K them and the horse they rode in on. "Did not prove a bona fide relationship at her interview"....my ass.


    Sorry, that's as nice as I can speak of the leaders of GUZ and the practices they teach their visa officers. :lol: People who get the easy pink slips the first time around will never understand what I'm talking about.


    Yes, four years after the first interview we were treated with respect and a niceness beyond all dreams a person could have. We are safely at home in America with plastic 10 year green cards in hand, but we have seen the devil, smelled his foul breath, and helplessly got drug through years of pure bullshit to get here.


    I am not dragging this bucket of crap around on my back everyday anymore, but this fine morning seeing your situation again, sure brought up those deeply hidden thoughts I try and keep myself in control of. I never hated or felt the distain towards the North Vietnamese soldiers who shot me down so many times as I feel for GUZ. At least those North Vietnamese had a logical reason for their actions, and they were lead by clear thinking adults.


    Lame as the words sound right now Davy, "hang in there" NEVER let the bastards win. They hope you will give up and go away. You and that fine woman of yours stand tough buddy....the road may have more pitfalls for you along the way but just keep a laser focus on the fact that one day justice will be served and she will get her visa. :)


    tsap seui


    Phewww....I thought I had all of that out of my system. Once it started it was like a volcano. :lol:


    Tsap: COMPLETELY UNDERSTANDABLE!. As I told you before ... I could have never put up with what you went through in New Jersey AND with GUZ. They would have dragged me down ... kicking and screaming ... into a dark place, over the shattered remains of their fellow colleagues ... never to be heard of again! You fought it! You weathered it ... and now you've won! Don't let them cloud up your present happiness with memories of their inexplicable stupidity!! We're stronger than that ... all of us! And Davy ... remain resolute and strong! And even though it doesn't seem like it now ... you WILL persevere in the end!!

  11. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


    Good one Tsip, oops excuse me Tsap. You don't want to be a tsip.

    Tsip, stap, pist, past...it's all the same to me Douggie. The last time I was serious was back in 19 and 62...that experience showed me that the main thing is that we all have a good time and laugh a lot as we make our way through this wacky life.


    I found the name tsap seui inside the decoder ring I got out of a box of Extra Chocolate Kap'n Krunch cereal. After I woke up on the floor from the sugar buzz the cereal gave me, I looked inside my new decoder ring and saw the name. Didn't know what it meant, actually thought it was a coded message from David Bowie's Spyder Men on Mars, but figured it would be a good stage name on Candle. :lol:


    tsap seui



    Mr. Chop Suie... you and I must gave gone to different grade schools together.. :smartass: . I had one of them rings too!!!! :stupid:





    You sure you guys are not talking about the Little Orphan Annie decoder rings that you get from sending in your Ovaltine labels??? :xmastree:



    :greenblob: :redblob: :greenblob: :redblob: :greenblob:


    So glad this long-awaited dream has finally come true for you, tsap. And yes, it was great to read about Screamin' Eagle and his special welcome home for you. If ever a man deserved it, it is you. I don't know you Eagle, but from the bottom of this old 91A10 Combat Medic's heart, thanks a bunch for thinkin' of cuzin' tsapper.


    Get some rest and I'll see if I can surface that Stevie Ray post you didn't get to see while you were in China.



    Hey Mick:


    I appreciate your kind words and thoughtfulness in posting them. As I told Tsaper, it was our pleasure to try to provide something very special for him and his family upon their initial arrival home upon American soil. As a vet and after all that he has gone through in his life, I felt the call to reach out to him and do what little I could to welcome him and his beautiful family home. He sure as hell didn't get it 40 years ago. In addition, I was very moved by Tsap,s past post about his encountered with that immigration official Alpha Hotel turd and all his insulting remarks and innuendos to a guy who was just trying to find peace and happiness in his life ... a guy who was, and remains as sincere as hell ... a guy who was just playing THEIR stupid "red tape" game and doing all he could to find his personal piece and happiness ... and an guy who deserves to be respected because of the sacrifice he made in placing his life in harm's way to give this punk the right to insult him the way he did. You just don't do that to a veteran who has served his country faithfully and hororably ... who has survived the ordeal of combat service in South East Asia ... even if it was 40 years ago. I understand this customs guy had no way of knowing any of this about Tsap ... but Tsap deserved respect as an ordinary citizen in any event ("ordinary" ... hell ... we all know he is something special and if you ever have the privileged of meeting him you will know that "special" is an understatement!) OK ... so we're older. We're gray haired. We're a little slower. We're sometimes not as sharp as we used to be but ... damn ... that is no reason for disrespect by anyone ... and especially by a government official whose salary we pay! It goes beyond unacceptable ... and is in my eyes ... unforgivable.


    I don't know if any of you gentlemen here have had the pleasure of being in an airport when one of the "Liberty Bird" airplanes arrive at the terminal and the World War II veterans deplane and are escorted through the terminal with an honor guard. I just happen to catch one of these last year. I was in Reagan National Airport here in Washington, DC waiting to catch a flight up to New York to make a connecting flight with Air China to Beijing when I noticed a commotion and heard a lot of applause and cheering a few waiting areas away from the one in which I was waiting. When I went over to see what was going on I saw a sea of people extending down both sides of an open isle through which frail, old and feeble men were being wheeled in their wheel chairs in an endless line ... coming through the arrival gate and being pushed from behind by a younger person wearing a "Freedom Bird" tee shirt and ball cap. Each wheel chair had a small American flag flying over it and each vet had a ball cap on with things on the front such as, "World War II Veteran", "Iwo Jima Veteran", "Battle of the Bulge Veteran", "5th Marine Veteran", "8th Air Force Veteran", "1st Division Veteran" etc. Some of these veterans were walking slowly next to their wheel chairs ... still too proud to have to depend on anyone for anything ... but all waving to the crown and acknowledging the special attention they were receiving ... and most of them with tears in their eyes. I asked a person who was obviously an event official what was going on and she told me that this was a special flight ... one of many ... for World War II veterans to bring them to Washington, DC to see their new World War II Memorial. She told me that that the flight and all accommodations were provided free of charge to each veteran and to members of their families. These men were in their upper 80's and 90's and wanted to see THEIR memorial before they passed on. It was so very moving to see the appreciation that these men were still receiving from old and young alike ... even after all these years. My friend, THAT is respect! Well deserved respect!! It is that same type of respect that Tsap should have received from that customs dork in New Jersey... the same type of "Welcome Home" he should have received and did not get upon his arrival home. So ... welcoming him home the way he should have been welcomed home was just our way of saying THANK YOU to a fellow vet who I knew would appreciate and understand our gesture. And as I said ... it was our true and sincere pleasure to do so.


    Mick, I don't know you but I will tell you this ... I hold ... and will forever hold all you combat medics, corpsman and nurses in a very special, deep and private place in my heart. You guys were the BEST of the best. You want to talk about courage and heroism under fire ... you guys were it ... a very special breed indeed! Thank you then ... and thank you now, Mick! Lest we forget!

  13. Well tsapper.....I figure you is on U.S. soil by now. Hope you surface soon. I know the two of you are tired, but take that snorkel off for a few minutes, take your meds, and say hello to all us bozos on this here bus. B)



    We made it to Dulles airport last night around 7:30 pm. Went through customs (no more problems for me at all this time) and went through immigration. Wenyan and Fengqi got their IR-1/2 visas stamped and got told to wait a month or two to get their 10 year green cards in the mail but that they oculd travel now it they want to. THey also got told, "Welcome to America".


    Everything went smoothly and I was with them both every step of the way through everything.


    We got through everything, got our bags and walked out of Homeland Security land to the regular airport and there we got one of the nicest surprises I have ever gotten.


    A poster here, ScreamingEagle, his Chinese wife and her daughter, as we'll as Screaming Eagles son and his wife met us. Man, he is one of the nicest people you could meet, as well as his whole family.


    They gave Wenyan a glass vase loaded with red roses, two American flags, and gave Fengqi a very special Welcome to the United States card that also had something very special in it as a gift to Fengqi.


    I got a hug from this Vietnam vet, a "welcome home" I never got as a vet, and a welcome to America from him.


    Our wives chatted, as well as the two of us Nam vets and then my sister and daughter met us up on the arrivals apron and off we went.


    If you read this Screaming Eagle, I will be calling you, those gifts you gave Wenyan and Fengqi were incredible. Your heart is a mile wide and you and your family have to be the nicest people I have ever met. To take the hour at least it took for you to drive up from Fresdericksburg, then wait another hour or so to meet us, is beyond compare.


    Okay, we visited my sister and her family and my daughter and her boyfriend today and then took off from Herdon, Va and headed west to the PA mountains. We were all three shot and Fngqi slept the whole way....but buddy, I couldn't have given enough money to pay for the joy I got to see in Wenyan's eyes the farther west we drove into the mountains.


    Some of her impressions were, "the mountians are so beautiful and big"...."the air is so clear"...."the sky is so blue, I never saw or knew the sky was such different shodes of blue"....."YOu must really love me to say that you would lose this and move to China to live with me if we had a problem in Guangzhou".............


    It's late, I'm brain dead from jet lag, and got to start moving some htings into the apartment in the morning.


    Two more surprises....my realtor told me he may have a nice house coming up for sale in a week or so, so we may not be in an apartment to long. And after two years, the VA has okayed my two stays in VA PTSD clinics back in 2009 for full temporary 100% pay for the almost 6 months I was in them. THey had denied me twice but clearly were in the wrong with the denials so after 2 years of wait, a decision review officer corrected the mistake and the VA deposited a nice chunk of moola in my bank while I was gone. :lol:


    THe money is very nice, but I got the lil' rabbit and Bubba Jr sound asleep in hotel room in Bedford, PA right now.....never letting go of each other and of our dream has finally worked. Wenyan in firmly on American soil now. I am so happy I am giddy....or is that jet lag? I don't know rather to wag my watch, or wind my tail.


    tsap seui


    Tsap, thank you for the kind words! It was truly our pleasure to be there to greet you and your family. You are a true brother and you really deserved a special welcome home ... even if it was 40 years late! I know what it meant to you ... what it means to us. We were all so happy for you, Wenyan and Fengqi that it was hard to contain our excitement at your arrival and triumph! It was also a wonderful experience to meet your American family and see all the support and love they were giving to you and your "new" family as the cars were loaded. We were chattering with excitement in the car all the way home and commenting on what a great experience Wenyan and Fengqi have in store for them as they settle down into their new home and new life! Chaojian, Haiyan and I are only a phone call away my brother. If YOU need anything or if Wenyan or Fengqi need help or advice in understanding their new environment please pick up the phone anytime day or night. As I mentioned to you in the airport, EVERYTHING will be new to them and they will have a tendency to become easily frustrated with the English language, the new fangled machines, stores, shopping and technology in general. It is really important for the wives, sons and daughters to network with other Chinese people and families who are sharing this almost overwhelming experience with them. Don't despair ...they will settle in just fine. Let them rest and get used to the new "clock" ... 12 hours difference. They will find comfort in being able to communicate with their relatives and friends in China via Skype on the computer and telephone as well as having someone here in the U.S. who they can turn too and consult with in their own language ... someone who has gone through the changes and experiences they will now face. Make sure to get them their own cell phones and a stack of calling cards as soon as possible! It will make them feel comfortable, connected and less alienated. A Sony Cyber Shot digital camera and a lap top computer are also essentials. I believe I purchased the Windows 7 Preimum Plus operating system with Chaojian's lap top as it has a Chinese language package included with it. She is on that thing every morning and night and it was really worth the expense to see all the enjoyment she gets from it. You will also have to download the Chinese QQ program on the machine as well as that will allow our ladies and their families and friends both in the U.S. and China to remain "connected"! Let the technician install it for you and save yourself a headache!


    I had the same experience with Chaojian concerning the sky, the fresh air and THE CLOUDS! She took pictures of the sky and clouds for almost a month after she got here and only stopped after I assured her that they will always be there for her to enjoy. Speaking of the fresh air ... do you remember what it was like when you came back from over seas and after touch down on the Freedom Bird when they opened the door and let that beautiful U.S. air into the plane? Never in my life have I ever smelled anything sweeter and it is one of those wonderful memories I will carry with me to the big dirt nap.


    Well, Tsap, I will sign 30 for now and wait to hear from you. Don't rush anything. Relax and enjoy your time together with Wenyan and Fengqi ... settle in and wind down. The dream is now a reality, my brother! We'll set up a visit as soon as you feel it is right for you. I am so happy for you guys and will look forward to getting together soon!



  14. I'm just wondering if some of you could tell me how long it took you to get your AOS (2 year green card) from the time you sent it in till you had the green card in your hands. I've heard numerous people say that they didn't have the interview also. How many of you had this happen? As I had said, one guy in Rosie's English class took only 2 months to get his AOS green card from the time he sent it in till they mailed him his card (without interview). So just wondering what some of you have experienced. Rosie came in on a K1 and we got married before the 90 days. Thanks! Sorry to ask so many questions but the wife is freaking out over these problems and I'm trying to find anything I can to settle her down. Less time to process I hope being the #1 thing.



    7 Months for us! We mailed application on January 2nd, had an interview on May 23rd and received our green cards on July 8th.

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