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Posts posted by fw1010

  1. I have had bad ones too...... One time a lady refuse to check the computer for the info. I requested. I ask her how does she know the info doesn't exist if she didn't check the computer? Her reply was, she work there long enough that she knows everything. I was quite irritated, but not pissed off. I just told her to transfer me another rep. who can help me, so she routed me back to the que again. The next person anwsered my call was very helpful and I was able to get what I wanted. Don't let the bad ones get to you, keep calling!

  2. Panda, Are you a K1 or K3? I filed our K1 on 5/26/02 in CA and my fiancee's interview was on 12/30/02, her case cleared 3/31/02. She just picked up her visa today. Did you contact DOS, your local congressman/woman regarding your case? According to your interview time, you should get the visa soon. Good Luck!

  3. I use to buy phone cards from Chinese store, but I stopped two years ago. You can buy them onlone for cheaper and also save you a trip to the store. The best deal I have found so far is from http://www.phonecardforsale.com, I been using them for over a year now.

    I pay about 2 - 4 cents a minute, it's very convinent. You get the card instantly via email after placing the order . The 2 cent card give you a lot of minutes but the quality varies. I find the 4 cent/min. card is much more consistent and reliable. You get 1 free card after the 10th purchase.


    ** Read the card description carefully, because some card have different rate with 800 number versus local numbers **

  4. All, Just called DOS and got good news that my fiancee's case was cleared on 3/31/03. It was cabled to GZ. Her inteview date was 12/30/02. The Visa specialist I spoke to today was very helpful, she also provided me the cable number for the case.


    Here are some info. I found out today:

    I called DOS 2 days ago, and some lady told me as usual my case was pending and it was be automatically re-submitted after 90 days, call back next week. I think she was just trying to get me off the phone. I felt very dissatisfied because, it's been 90 days and our case still haven't been re-submitted. So, I decided to call again and try to speak with a supervisor. After speaking with another helpful lady today, I found out, the 90 days re-submission was no longer valid because the re-submission was causing duplicate problem a while back. First, the lady looked up my case in the standard database and, it was shown as pending. Then she said, she will look into another database, there she said my case was cleared on 3/31 and cabled to GZ. She said the standard database needs couple days for the cleared status to appear, because GZ needs to update them. I think I have read some post about this...... It seems DOS has a database with GZ and another database with gov. agency issuing the clearance...... The clearance is cabled to GZ first, then updated in the standard database by GZ, then DOS hotline can finally see the status change. This is just my speculation. I will keep everyone updated on our case status. Good luck to all.

  5. My fiancee interviewed on 12/30/02, so far the case is still pending. :D

    I am getting a little frustrated now... but not much I can do about it. Sigh....

    I contacted Andrew Simpkins at CA, he told me that her case is not being process at the moment. It's been two months and the case been sitting somewhere gathering dust....... :angry: So, he recommended either I contact GZ to resubmit her papers or wait for couple weeks and DOS will have some new process to cover these cases. Well, I think it's better to be pro-active than sit around waiting for shit to happen. I have emailed GZ and is currently to get though their number. Has anyone interviewed in December got cleared by DOS?

  6. PJ, A great note to close out this nightmare! Please try to stay positive and know that you should be proud of yourself for many reasons.....


    1. You are a Man of your word, you have kept your promise to your Grandma.

    2. Your misfortune is a wake up call for others who could be in similar situation

    3. You will come out this experience stronger and wiser.

    4. You have two wonderful parents and family members that will be there for you

    5. You have got rid of the evil Ring and gained the respect, friendship and support of many people like us


    I have seen a quote from a CFL member post, "The gem cannot be polished without friction, nor man perfected without trials". This quote really applies to you well, your "Heart" is battered and torn through this ordeal, but it shine brilliantly in the END.


    Take care,



  7. Yep, I got the same answer today, when asking for Simpkin..... A lady told me that he does not deal with K1 VISA issues. I think we have depleted this resource already. I was transferred to 1225, but a lady answered the phone and took my phone number and fiancee's VISA info. She said a VISA specialist will get back to me.... I don't have much hope they will get back to me. I also got a call from my senator's office, they said they can't expedite the clearance process and they are not able to get any info. from DOS either......Crap! :(

  8. Frank,


    I had my interview on 12/30 as well. I, too, got contradictory information from the infamous hotline. Two told me that something has been done in the timeframe of last September/October and not since. One insisted that a namecheck has been submitted around the interview day. Now my biggest fear is that the namecheck has never been initiated. Anyways, I know it’s the time to go inside rather than the f***ing hotline.


    Good luck to all of us.

    Vince, I don't know if you read Owen's post regarding the currently procedure in GZ:


    "....This explains also why DOS does not show the latest re-submits for some people. GZ skipped DOS entirely and sent the information directly to the FBI."


    It does make sense, because DOS may not have the updated info. Anyways, good luck too all. Cross my fingers and toes.....





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