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Posts posted by Ying&John

  1. My Ying passed her interview on Wed. 10-25. It was a teffifying experience after a long year of waiting and preperation. She spent one hour on the phone every day for the last year learning English from me and we had an attorney make sure all forms were filled in correct. These both helped because they asked several questions in English and looked closely at the forms for mistakes. She stayed at the Tian Yu Garden hotel, which was also helpful-preparing her for questions, going over forms, and taking her to the physcial. She had an early 7am appointment and drew #38 but then had to wait over seven hours for the interview. They called over 190 others first and then hers at 3pm in the afternoon. There were about 200 in line, only four k1 Aps, and one K1 passed (Ours!). They asked first for my financial support papers and just a few questions. She was very on edge because of the long wait of so many numbers called before her. Her daughter is attending college in Japan. I will meet her next week in Chicago and we will come to Florida and live at our home in Clearwater. It will be another world for her compared to her life in Remote China (Mudanjiang). A lot warmer too! I am looking forward to showing her a very good life in America. I have not posted on this site due to being very busy at business and filling out forms but appreciate all the helpful information from the forums. John Warr




    hello my lover, i love you and miss you as always, now i tell you about my interview.


    I went into guangzhou consulate at 7:15am, other applicants came at about 7:15,8:00,8:30,9:00am.etc.

    When I submitted my papers, I was No.38. I had interview at more than 13:00 in the afternoon, but I had to wait till they finished interviewing more than No. 190. there only about ten people behind me who didn¡¯t having interview.

    The K1 interview is very strictly. There had four k1 applicants on that day, only me who passed.

    The process of my interview:

    First asked in Chinese

    1. show your tax sheet and other paper.

    2. show our photos together.

    3. question: do your fianc¨¦ has children?

    4. question:why your fianc¨¦ divorced with his ex-wife?

    5. they asked me if I speak English.

    asked in English:

    1. they ask where my parents live.

    2. they ask about my sisters.

    3. they asked why my daughter doesn¡¯t follow me going America?

    4. they asked what occupation I want to have after I go America?

    take care till me come.

    love you forever

    your YING

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