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Posts posted by Alyse

  1. Mick, we are on same boat. Would you tell me what number you called?I want to try and see if I could figure it out. thanks  ;)

    Thanks Alyse. I dialed the BCIS Information Line at 1-800-375-5283. Good luck. :angry:

    I called the number, and was able to talk to an immigrant officer. He told me it is the job of the local BCIS office to enter the data. I dont know if it is true or not.He gave me a number which was used for SSA to verfify infor with INS before. But I dont think I could persuade SSA to just verify on phone now though they used to do it. Also, he suggested me to file AOS sooner because it might trigger someone to look into our packet. So, I have to keep waiting. :blink: But, I reapplied SSN at a bigger SSA in DC :lol: they are more professional, even sign me a paper with date and person to contact. Wish both of us good luck :wacko: :angry:

  2. Hi Mick,


    Seems like I will catch up with you. :P I applied SSN for 6 weeks now, yet no number assigned because the dumb BCIS still has not verified my information to SSA yet. :lol: One thing I worried is that is it possible that BCIS will forget to input my infor forever? :D For now I could only wait, SSA told me I will recieve it with one month, but who knows? :D :P



  3. Hello all. I landed on 18th this month, and went to SSA office located in Arlington on 22th. The lady said because INS had not inputed my info into the system yet, so she couldnt process my case right away, need 2 months. So I just signed a paper with the infor I applied. And, today I called the 800 number, they say nothing for me in their system yet. Plus , they say I should have a receipt at hand if I applied, is that true? Anybody can tell me?


    I am thinking to go SSA in DC to apply again. I dont know if it is ok to double apply. Should I tell them I ever applied for SSN or not? If I told them no, and as INS might have already input my info, and DC office gave me a number very quickly, then Arlington SSA process my case too, they would find i was already in system, would it hurt or not? I am little worried.


    Comments please. Should I just be more patient ( but I have no receipt, nothing) or go ahead to DC? :D :o

  4. Thanks ttlee and donahso.I have already had my visa safe at hand now :lol: .


    There were only 6-7 persons there to pick up visa today. I rushed to the consulate at the last minute to 11. And I did meet a nice lady with a handsome young boy, from chongqing. :(:lol: We waited long time , and it rained while our waiting, but everything fine, we finally had our visa and packet. ;) It makes me feel so good when I realized that the wait is really over now.


    The lady and the boy told me they would head to NYC on 18th, so I guess it is time for jim to get exicited . Good luck to us all. :lol:

  5. Dear all,


    I am very grateful to read your comments and suggestion.


    I totally agree with what you say, dump this man asap, but it is a hard decision for the girl to take into action.:rolleyes: As a friend, as a looker-on, I will tell her my opinion which is built on the wisdom I learned from your inputs. Most probably, the girl would give a period of time to play this game and find out and disclose his real face. No matter what she chooses, I sincerely hope she wont regret. I will refresh you anytime when I get news from her.


    Here I want to say, Treasure our true love. :lol:



  6. Hi, all. I was gloomy when my girlfriend told me what happend to her and her fiance recently.Well, the girl is already waiting for P4 now.


    She met the man on a chatting and dating website, so everything went on well, been 2 years or so. Of course they both closed the profiles there as they are engaged and committed to each other. But recently, she went there again occasionally and was so surprised to find that her fiances profile openned again, and been active there, and obviously he has updated his profile by mention about his new job which occured after he knows her. so, the girl was angry enough, she sent him a message with another identity and got his reply very promptly and asking her for a picture!The girl hasnt yet raised this problem in front of the man. But yes, she is so sad.


    I was shocked by hearing this. And I dont know how to comfort her. I am too, confused. Why people act like this when they already have such a dedicated and wonderful woman in life,yet still playing and looking around. I could only tell her be cautious and alert . Sigh :mellow:

  7. To my understanding, people will get regualar mail or EMS depends on what kind of envelope they left address on their interview day. If I am not wrong, the earlier days, people only left address on regualr envelope, but I myself, interviewed last month, was able to left my address on an EMS envelope. So, we can expect what kind of notice mail come to us later. hehe, just my thought. :blink: :blink:

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