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Posts posted by sandhiller

  1. UPDATE:August 7,2010

    she had the interview on August 4th,2010 .all was going well and consular starting doing a pink,then stopped and gave her a blue paper,strange.Now they want my EX spouses name(which they already have),SSN,current address,and phone #. Also want a statement about how I met my Ex,why we divorced,how long we lived together before separation or divorce.why they want her SSN is beyond me and should be something my Ex should furnish due to privacy.They also want a notarized copy of my passport(which they charge $50.00 for).It is back to USA to start gatering info again.

    Sounds like they are being very nit-picky.


    There so sorry you have second refusalI wrote a long reply to you explaining some of their thinking about asking for stupid things

    wanted by the Consulate.Something happened to it, disappeared before could finish.

    Have to check computer again as US Government has put Key stoke on my computer 2 times now since 2007.

    In 2007=8 Government filled my inbox full of porn after reported bribe attemt inside Consulate.

    By law Your Former wifes SSN is something your former wife would have to agree to.

    Your passport by law is not supposed to be copied. This is a new one never heard of. My self everytime sent copy of it on photo

    paper with every document fish by the USCIS. DOS, NVC.

    Just say good luck maybe you can overcome blue paper request.

  2. I hope you will be prepared for another refusal. My wife and I met in 2003. My wife and I were married 09-11-2006, I-130 filed 2006 and interview

    was not given till July,09,2008.

    At the interview of 5 minutes she was given the white slip, stating no boni-fide relationship and sent back to CIS for revoke.

    The 797 was sent July 8 2009 one year after the interview and given 25 days to respond.

    The reasons given under oath by VO in the 797 were all lies about me and my wife.

    I answered all the lies and fraudulant statements by The VO. Our case was reafirmed and sent back to NVC, Notice said sent back to Guangzhou

    for issue of visas for my wife and son.

    US Guangzhou Consulate sent notice for the second interview for July,20,2010 This is 4 years since we were married.

    My wife and son went for their interview with more documents then the interview letter said to bring.

    The VO wanted new 230 paperwork, my wife had them, wanted to see 864 as filed, wanted more tax records she had everything that was asked for.

    My son was forced to sign papers and documents to register for the US draft.

    My wife was interviewed for 5 minutes using only English the VO asked same questions she was asked before. My wife was not allowed nor would

    the visa officer accept deeds to a home in the USA and our home in China with both names as owners. The VO said they mean nothing. MY wife and

    son were again refused visas , stating on the white paper no boni-fide relationship.

    The VO's under oath are using Under Color Of Law made up laws by them,lies, and fraudulant statements to refuse me and my wife A Right and a

    Privilege under the Civil Right Laws and the Laws for family unity.This also a violation under International Laws signed onto by the US government

    Parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,


    Just be prepared for lying and fraud. Michael Jacobsen and Janice Jacobs of this Visa unit Guangzhou seem to have a Kingdom like a black hole.

    They do not like to be overturned by USCIS. USCIS, Able to talk with ICE managers say these people return more family visas to them then almost

    rest of all othe Consulates.

  3. My wife had her interview on April 20th,2009 and it was denied . application was sent back to USCIS for review.I got notice on April 21,2010 (A year to review case) that they reaffirmed the I-130 application.Notice stated that application was sent to DOS for action.


    Has anyone been though this? Does it mean that it is being back to Guangzhou for another interview? Or is it going to be approved now?


    I am not sure what the DOS action will be?? Any info would be kindly appreciated.. thankyou



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