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Posts posted by Darlene2005

  1. :o i got a email from some guy saying that alot of women are not even meeting with there future husbands who did all the leg work does this really happen or someone being mean .. :unsure: 

    he said that they meet a guy with more and just meet them were ever they land in the usa is this true ???




    Judge it by yourself, baby! :P

  2. My SO can say, laopo, wo ai ni ! He can say ni hao also.


    Are you talking about me Darlene? Thought my wife's name was "Mary". I can say a few other words in Chinese but only my Lao po understands. As Frank says "Laogongese". Actually read more than I can effectively speak- guess I'm tone deaf. Seems weird as I can speak a moderate amount of Thai and be UNDERSTOOD!


    No, My SO's name is Peter. :greenblob:

    Haha~~ :beer:

  3. I am a Chinese American. Maybe I have different culture background from my Chinese origin. But I do not and will never have a prenuptial agreement.  Here are my rationales:


    (1) Do not marry someone who you do not trust 100%. Marriage is very serious and should be well-thought of beforehand.  Look at the tragic stories which happened to others.


    (2) I do not know when I will die.  I may die tomorrow because I am hit by a truck or die from my chronic illness.  I told my wife that I have a life-insurance policy.  If I die, she will have a large sum in $$$ paid from the insurance policy.  For all my U.S. bank accounts, investments and 401K plan, I designate my wife as the sole beneficiary.  In the event something happened to me, she will inherit all my money.  At the moment when I die, I want to make sure my wife and my son will be taken care of, then I will die with a smile.


    Mutual trust, as I believe, is critically important in a happy marriage.  I cannot understand why people would rush into a marriage without 100% trust of their SOs.


    Great post, Paul! I agree with you 100%.


    We should get 100% beliefe from each other before we get marry! If not, why we take the risk? Life is short and we don't always have time to regret.

  4. ¹þ¹þ£¬Ô­À´ÊÇ¡°ÀϸÉÂ衱À±½´!


    ÎÒ²»¸Ò³ÔÀ±µÄ£¬ÄѹÖÎÒ²»ÖªµÀŶ£¡ :ph34r:


    It's not really that spicy. One of my American children tried it and liked it. Try just a little for flavor and it won't be too spicy.


    Ok, I will try it someday! :Dah:

  5. I do everything with my eyes wide open and never let emotion gets in the way.



    I was exactly opposit. I kept my eyes tightly shut while I was in love. I think love itself is emotional in nature. And love is powerful, it can make your life wonderful no matter where you are and no matter how much you make, no matter you live in a palace or in an old trailer. If you are in love, you don't mind paddling 30 miles each day to get to work; you don't mind always eating cold noodles for lunch and having dinner at 11 every night, then having to get up to paddle uphill to school at 7 in the morning; you don't mind carrying 30lb of groceries on you back and walking home once a week... Everything is memorable, even your tears from time to time. As long as you have love and good health (Yes, a good health is also important, it is the basis for a good spirit.)




    You told what I want to say. Thank you, Joanne!

  6. After a few months of being married, my wife asked me to choose a English name for for..... So after careful consideration I gave her an English name, and she was very happy for a couple of reasons.  I put a lot of thought into choosing her name and for the meaning. We even shortened it to make it a daily life name, that didn't sound so formal.


        Several months later, she told me that she didn't like to have an English name and wanted me to call her by her given name.  She only wants to be herself,  and by being herself she has told me that she doesn't want to be somthing that is not!


        So we have nick names for each other and that has worked out wonderful!!!!


    The only time she calls me by my real name is when she is being serious and wants to talk to me about an important matter. so when she does that,,, I know something serious is about to be discussed!


    Good idea! Thanks for sharing! :D

  7. I mean I know that money is a huge factor for an SO to up and leave their homeland to come to the US. They want to know they will have comfort when they come.



    Why would you assume that money is a huge factor for your SO, or even SO's in general? Why move to a strange land, with a much higher cost of living, where you don't know the language or customs, just for money? Ask yourself these two related questions:


    1) Would you be willing to immigrate to China for your SO? That's what you are asking your SO to do for you.


    2) Would your SO stay with you even if you would rather stay in China in stead of having your SO move to the USA?


    I see what might be a red flag. I can't say for certain which of you may be waving it. :D


    Very good questions! :D

  8. ÇëÎÊÂ¥Ö÷corvette£¬´Ó¹ãÖÝÈ¥Ïã¸Û·½±ãÂð£¿ÄÚµØÈ˳ýÁË´ø»¤Õպ͸۰ÄͨÐÐÖ¤£¬»¹ÐèÒª±ðµÄÂð£¿






    ¶àлcorvette£¡ :unsure:


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    лл£¡£¡£¡£¡ :lol:

  9. ÇëÎÊÂ¥Ö÷corvette£¬´Ó¹ãÖÝÈ¥Ïã¸Û·½±ãÂð£¿ÄÚµØÈ˳ýÁË´ø»¤Õպ͸۰ÄͨÐÐÖ¤£¬»¹ÐèÒª±ðµÄÂð£¿






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