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Posts posted by lubmahgrl

  1. My hunny arrived there about 6:30.


    read my letter first then asked 4 questions.


    when we met, whats my job. when we met again. and why so few visits.


    Hunny, said she answered everything good, and was very polite "yes sir, no sir, etc.."


    Looked at pictures and that's about it. Hunny wanted to show some other things but he just nod and saying its ok and your approved!



  2. :lol: she's so cute. She told me today she loves our government because they are so sweet.


    I was like what!? your crazy hunny.


    She then proceeded to tell me they call her sweet names when ever they send her email or papers.


    confused? yeah me too.


    Its because of the "Dear, Yaoyao" stuff at begging of our letters she thinks they are calling her sweet names :lol:

  3. Hi all,


    I have been looking for a decent translator service for my Wedding certificate. I came across a business called "Midwest Translation Service LLC". I called the number last night at around 9:30 PM Eastern to see if their voicemail would detail their location. The phone answered, some garble came out and the line went dead. A minute later my phone rings and its Midwest Translation Service LLC, asking if someone just called this number. It struck me odd, considering the hour. Now I talked with the man, explained what I needed and he asked me to scan and e-mail it to him for an estimate. I did this and they e-mailed me back saying they ask for paymeny via paypal. I'm not too tech savy and am concerned that this business that operates at 9:30 PM eastern and asks for payment via paypal may not be legit. The websight is Midwest Translation Service LLC. Any idea wether this is legit? And please forgive me if this is a dumb question, I am just leery of buying over the internet.


    Thanks Appaullo


    Its probably a guy who works this out of his home. That's what it looks like to me. He probably just acts as a middle man and adds a little on the top for himself. I don't see much signs of fraud with this. Just get quotes from a few places, to make sure your not being over charged.


    I do tons of shopping on the net, and I also do a lot of billing on the net as well for a small web development business from home. Its not that big of a deal. Just be sure of what your doing, what your getting. ALWAYS read every detail so you don't end up signing up for multiple things along with the one thing you thought you was getting, I think that is the most common fraud >.>

  4. Since when has anyone ever needed to get a learners first?


    If your over 18 you don't need a learners, you just have to pass the written test and the road test. Maybe this is just VA tho I dunno. I know I never took a drivers ed or had a learners permit when I got my license at 18. Tho I had been driving since I was 13 maybe they just figured it was about time to give it to me :blink:)


    The learners is probably a good idea tho if she needs to actually learn to dive :sosad:


    The thought of my baobei first learning to drive using my 5speed bimmer scares me greatly ><' but I was planning to take her to the country and some parking lots and let her go at it some. It would be about time for a new clutch anyway :sosad:)


    In Texas, it's illegal to drive without a driver's license. That's the first thing they'd notice if you tried to take the driving portion without a learner's permit.


    Its illegal here to drive with out a license as well. I guess it doesn't pertain to the driving test since you are with a instructor.

  5. Since when has anyone ever needed to get a learners first?


    If your over 18 you don't need a learners, you just have to pass the written test and the road test. Maybe this is just VA tho I dunno. I know I never took a drivers ed or had a learners permit when I got my license at 18. Tho I had been driving since I was 13 maybe they just figured it was about time to give it to me :blink:)


    The learners is probably a good idea tho if she needs to actually learn to dive :sosad:


    The thought of my baobei first learning to drive using my 5speed bimmer scares me greatly ><' but I was planning to take her to the country and some parking lots and let her go at it some. It would be about time for a new clutch anyway :sosad:)

  6. I'd stay out of it. This is between Al, Jin, Jie, and Auntie.


    However, The man needs to be introduced to Jie before his visit. Jin needs to come clean to him, that she is married and has just been speaking for her sister Jie.


    Landing in china only to find out all of this then would be the worst possible way for these ladies to go about getting what they want.


    This is NOT your responsibility to tell him it is theirs but it needs to be done. It is pretty sicking what they are doing even if it is for the right reasons. It is not the way to go about it. Honesty first, and no one would have been in this situation.

  7. OK, tell me. All you intellectuals and just plain folk like me. I want to know why you decided to go marry someone in a foreign country who can hardly speak a lick of English and you can't speak any of their's.


    Why in the hell can't you just find a good mate here in the USA and why in the hell do you have to go around the world to do this????


    I just don't get it!



    Oh, and Randy is not allowed to respond. :D


    I've always only been attracted to asian woman so naturally I was looking for a asian girl. I figured one locally tho :ph34r:. Just happened Yaoyao had another plan and she quickly stole my heart, So now I am here and my love is in china :lol:

  8. My wife is coming back from Beijing next Tuesday.

    I called Continental, and they say she will go through Customs in Newark. That doesn't make sense: there is only a 1 hour 20 minute layover. There is no way she can get her luggage, go through customs, then get her luggage back on the plane for Houston.

    So I called them back, and they say the luggage doesn't go through customs, just she does. I asked if she goes through customs again with her luggage in Houston, and they said no.

    That doesn't make sense, either, because every time I've gone through customs, it is with my customs claim form, and if I don't answer the questions right, they search my luggage to see what I might be hiding, and pay duty on things if I have gone over the customs/duty limit. If they handle it the way Continental told me, then you would end up skipping this process.

    I was trying to explain why that didn't make sense to me when they hung up on me.


    Has anyone flown continental through Newark?

    Hey, I'm sorry I made a very poor reply to you. My girl and her son just came through Newark on Nov. 6. This is how it was done. They picked up their checked baggage and went through customs. After they were cleared, Customs sent their luggage back to Continental so it could be forwarded on to Norfolk. My girl and her son did not have to take it back to the airline themselves. They exited customs and we rode the shuttle to the proper terminal (Terminal A that day), and then we went through security with carry on luggage. We boarded the airplane together and came home.

    Thanks. I hadn't caught that bit before about THEM sending the luggage on to the aircraft for you, if anyone else mentioned it.



    Flying continental from Beijing to Newark To Virginia.

    After laning in Newark you grab your checked luggage. You head through customs, Its wasn't a long wait. Then right after customs you go and stick your bags back on a conveyor belt and head to your next flight. Should be plenty enough time to get it done.

  9. You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink.


    I have heard this before :D


    Reminds me of a joke my uncle told me when I was a young'in



    Two men had a very sick donkey. So they decided to take him down to the creek and try to get him to drink some water.


    The donkey refused to drink. So one of the men told the other to push its head in the water to make the donkey drink.


    Still the donkey would not drink the water.


    So the other man said "Look, You hold his head down and I will go to the other end and try to suck the water through him"


    The men proceeded as planned. After a little while of attempting to get the donkey to drink, the second man looked at the first man and said shouting "Now wonder the donkey can't drink you have his damn head stuck in the mud"




    Not funny I know haha sorry ^^Y Why its stuck with me so long I dunno ><'

  10. I would say 'Welcome to CFL!' but since you're just lurking around, and you seem to know the place inside and out, I will just ask that you start posting more. Otherwise I will arrange mop slap(s). <_<


    Negative. Baobei does not know of this yet. Please don't teach her :angry:

    Isn't she Chinese and a woman? :ph34r: , if so then she already knows, :rolleyes: shew's just not letting you know she knows :huh: .

    Wait till you mess up :unsure:


    Dunno, She is a spoiled only child, All she does when upset is pout. It works tho ><'



    I'll add you to K1 timelines to help get the posting party started, aight?

    Yes sir, that is fine.

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