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Lucy Keeling

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  1. Can I know how I can find this famous 95 questions? Is there any link? Thanks, Lucy 1.Who helped you to apply for the K1 visa? -My fiancee has helped me complete the application. 2.How do you know each other? -eg.We met on the internet and then got to know each other via phone calls. And since meeting we have become engaged to be married. 3.[if you answer through the net]which web-site? -eg.Yahoo 4.[if you answer someone introduced you two]Have you any picture of the person who introduced you to each other? What is his name? How do you know him? -eg:I don't know that I should bring the his photo with me. -No, I have no picture of the person who introduced us. His name is xxx. I knew xxx from xxx. 5.[if you answer you knew each other when you were kids]Do you have any photo of his childhood? -e.g. Yes, but I didn't bring them with me today. -or Yes, here they are. -or No I don't. 6.Are you all from North? -eg:yes,even more we come from same city -or Yes, I am from the North. -or we are from different cities. 7.Are you fellow townsman? -eg.Yes, we both come from xxx -or No, we are from different cities. 8,Since when have you known each other? -We have know each other since xxx 9.Where did he live when you knew him? -He lived in xxx when we first met. 10.How long have you known each other? -We have known each other xxx 11.How do you keep in touch? -We use email or internet chat, at least daily. If one of us is travelling we both have cell phones. Occasionally we send letters or cards to one another. -12.In which language do you talk to each other?(if GG is not Chinese) -eg.We speak English and Chinese, since my fiance's Chinese is so wonderful we can easily use that. 13.Have you met? -Yes. 14.when did you meet? -we have met in xxx and xxx..... 15.How often have you met? -eg.We spent a week together in April and 10 days in September. 16.Has he come China to see you? Yes. 17.How many time has he come China to see you? -eg.Just once -or 5 times 18.What are the dates of the visits? -eg.August 31th 2002 >19.[if answer once]Why is it only once? -eg.Because we like to travel to other places too, so we meet in other countries. -or he was so busy and we thought K visa only took short time. >20.[if answer once] Can you marry him only having seen him once? -Yes, I feel I know him very well. We have communicated with each other every day since we have met. I am certain that we are well suited for each other, this is not a step I would take lightly. 21.How long did you know each other before he came china? -eg?? months 22.How long did he stay in china when he came to see you? -eg 1 week. 23.What have you done when he came? -eg. We saw the XXX, shopping in XXX.ate some sichuan food. 24.[if you answer travelling]Where did you go? - We went XXX 25.when did he come last time? When did he leave?? - He came in XXX. we stayed in hotels during our travels. 26.Why did he come here? -To visit me. 27.Have you met both parents?? -eg I have not met his parents but he has met mine. 28.Have you taken any pictures of your visits together? -eg.Yes, we have hundreds of pictures of each other. -29.[after taking out pictures]when and where did you take these pictures? -Some at XXX, some at XXX, some at XXX..... 30.Have you any more pictures? Why didn't you take more? -eg:when we go out have a trip,it's difficult to ask people to help a lot -Yes we have more, but when the camera is on a timer it's hard to get a good photograph. Also, it can be embarrasiing to always ask someone to help us take our pictures. 31.[when you took out letters] What did make you decide to print out these letters???? -eg:There is too much,I only printed out sometime. -I have over 1000 messages. I can only print out some, so I printed some of the ones I didn't mind people reading, they are quite personal items. I understand you may need to see some of them, but I am sure you don't want to see all of them. I chose ones spanning a range of dates. 32.When did you decide to marry? -We decided to get married in XXXX 33.When did you get engaged? -eg.We got engaged when he came to visit me at the 2nd time. 34.when did you marry? -We have not married yet. -we married in XXXX 35.Have you brought the marriage certificate? -Yes. 36.Did you marry when you just met? -Yes. because we feel we just know each other. 37.Did you fill the form yourself? No, my fiancee helped me. 38.What's his full name? -xxxx 39.where does he come from?(if GG is Chinese) -He was born in xxx 40.Where does he live? -xxx 41.How old is he? -xx 42.When is his birthday? -xxx 43.Where was he born? -xxx 44.From where did he move to US? -xxx 45.When did he emigrate?? -xxxx 46.What does he do for living/what does he do/what's his job?? -He is a xxx. 47.where does he work? -xxx 48.How much his salary is? - xxx/per year (or per month,per hour) 49.Has he any other brothers and sisters? -eg.Yes, x brothers and x sisters. 50.Are his parents alive? -Yes. 51.What's his mother's name? where does she come from? -xxx, she comes from xxx. 52.What is his fond of? -eg.Hot spicy food. 53.what color does he like best? -eg.Black - like my hair wink.gif 54.what kind of music does he like? -eg.He likes a variety of music, including some Chinese music I sent him. 55.What car does he drive? -xxx 56.What's his religion? -eg.He doesn't have one. 57.when did he divorc his ex-wife?(if GG is divorced) -eg,xxx. He seperated in xxx, but xxx law requires a year seperation before divorce can be filed. 58.what's your age? -xx 59.to which countries have you been? When did you go there? For how long? How did you get there? -xxxx. 60.Have you ever been to US? when? For how long? What's you purpose to go there? -No. -eg.Yes, I came to xx in xx xxx for x week. 61.What do you do for living/what's your job/what do you do? -I am a xx at xx in xx. 62.Which university did you graduate from? -xxx 63.Which subject you have studied? -I studied xxxx 64.[if anwer trade] What do you think about the WTO?/ What's your comment of the people who protest in front of WTO's gate. -eg.I think the WTO is a good opportunity to improve trade relations between China and the rest of the world. I didn't know there was a protest in front of the WTO offices. 65.Is your job about economy? -eg.All jobs are involved in the economy. I don't understand this question. 66.What's your religion? -eg.I have none. 67.Have you have brothers and sisters? -eg.Yes, I have a brother. 68.Have you married before? -No. -Yes, I was married before. 69.What's your EX's name/What's the name of your Child's father's?(if there is K2) -My ex's name is xxx. he is xxx's father. 70.Can you speak English -Yes, I can. 71.Are you CAP? -NO. 72.[if have army background]Talk about experience in Army? -xxx 73.Why did you go there that day? What's you pupose? -eg.looking for someone chatting 74.Are you belong to any terror organization? -Absolutely not! 75.Which character/quality/nature do you like best about your fiance? -I like that he is .... and .... to me. I am certain he loves me. It's true my LP 76.Please tell me something about him -He is xxx, has xxx hair and xxx eyes. What specifically do you want to know? 77.Are you willing to marry him? -Of course. 78.Why do you want to marry him -Because we are in love and we would like to spend the rest of our lives together. 79.He is much older than you. What do your parents think about this? -I don't think he is so much older. and my parents are happy that I have chosen a man I love. 80.Why do you want to know him. and are going to marry in US? -I know him already and yes we thought K1 could let us to be together fast. 81.As you both know each other in such short time. How do you know he is the most one fit for you? -Time can't decide anything. -Sometimes you can tell a lot about a person, how that person makes you feel.How difficult life is without them. I have never met anyone like this person who can give me those feelings. 82.All your friends and family member are in China. why do you want to go US to marry him? -I want to stay with my future husband, I will be able to visit my friends in China. 83.How do you feel when you will leave your hometown and family? will you feel any sorrow? -Yes, I think I shall feel some sadness at leaving. but I will feel happy to be toghter with my love. 84.You will emigrate very soon. Is this sudden? Are you happy? -I am quite nervous about moving, but I know my fiancee will help me make the adjustments. 85.To which city are you going? -xxx 86.When will you leave china? -I will leave as soon as I get my visa.We we have waited too long. -After I have finished my contract. 87.Where will you live when you arrived? -xxx 88.What kind of profession do you want to do? Do you want to study? what's your plan? -My fiancee and I are still talking about this. He knows I want to be a xxx and we have considered studying, but have no final plans yet. -My husband can support me until I have found suitable work. 89.When will you marry? -we will marry as quickly as we can,because we have been apart for long time -We intend to marry as soon as we can. 90.Where will you marry?Why don't you marry in China? We shall marry in xxx 91.Please tell me your plan of marriage -eg.We can't plan until we have the visa, then we can decide how to get married. 92.Are you going to hold a wedding? -We would like to, until we know the dates of the K1 visa we cannot make any concrete plans, especially those involving a big wedding. 93.Are your parents going to be at your wedding? -I would like them to, my parents will need a visa to enter the US. We may hold a celebration in China at a later date. 94.Do you know you must marry in 90 day after you having entered the US?? -Yes 95.If you can't marry. what are you going to do? -We shall, if not then I know I must leave the US in 90 days. Great! Thanks!
  2. Can I know how I can find this famous 95 questions? Is there any link? Thanks, Lucy
  3. Congratulations! Thanks for the encourage. Lucy
  4. First, call NVC auto message to get the date your case left for GUZ. Second, go to DHL website and click EXP XX JUL 2008B to get the tracking number. Lucy
  5. Hi Lucy, 1) We found out they will not mail the visa outside of the guandong province. However, what we have been told is the folks at the Tian yu (spelling, the apartments everyone rents at) will let you send the visa to them, then they will forward it to your home address. The collect a fee for this, but we don't know how much it is yet. We feel like it will be less than the cost of another nights stay in Guangzhou. 2) The CR2 does need to show up with the CR1, but as I understand it the child and parent go to the same window for the interview, and the child is seldom ask any questions. I talked today with my daughter about the interview, and I am certain she would be fine even if they did ask her something. Our interview is this coming Monday, so I will be able to give you absolute answers to both your questions after we return. We are planning to have our visas mailed rather than wait around in Guangzhou . Thanks for the prompt answer. Enjoy the time with your family. A famous Chinese saying, " hao ren yi sheng pi an " . We are waiting for your answers to my two questions after your return Lucy
  6. Good luck to those who are interviewed this month. All of you deserve good life together. Sily questions again: 1. Is it possible for GUZ Embassy mail our Visa to our hometown instead of picking up at GUZ after Pink Interview ? 2. Does CR2 need show up with CR1 in the same window and interviewed by same VO ? Thanks, Lucy
  7. Thank you Credzba. I imagine they will make that possible for K-1 too eventually. Oh well, I'll just wire enough all at once for her to pay for that, the medical stuff, police reports, etc. Middle night shift NVC operator is much more kind, and when you call, do not tell them you need the IIN for online payment, tell them you need the number for your own record. We got our two IIN ( CR1/CR2 ) with this tricks, and it worked. Online payment is quick, and I am sure save you much more time on mail & cash. Plus you need not do any shortcut on the barcode sheet as you can print from online payment system. Try again & good luck! Lucy
  8. Yes,CR-2.... but in my case it will be IR1 / IR2 since they took a long time to process.actually it would only be IR1/IR2 until POE, because we won't have been married for 2 years until next month. NewDay2006, you only need pay $70 for IR1 case, IR2 AOS fee will be covered by IR1 case. But you will have to pay two IV Fee, $400 each, total $800 for IR1 & IR2. We paid on line today, waiting for status update to "Paid". Lucy
  9. Online payment updated today, our IV fee are invoiced, pay online, status show " In process ", hope next Monday, money be withdrawn from his bank, then we can go ahead sending the DS-230 package both for CR1 & CR2. Lucy
  10. My English is OK. I want my husband ( usc ) focus on his job. So far I am doing OK on my Visa Journey since I read ask and obtain a lot of help from another blog. I need be very cautious on all the documents as I do not want get any RFE . Your case is K1 , I am applying CR1/CR2 visa, it is totally different.
  11. NewDay2006, where did you get this form? Are you sure NVC mail this to you under DS-230 instruction package ? I never hear any IR/CR case person talking about this. Pls update. Lucy
  12. 2 things Lucy. 1) You can pay that bill online now, and save some time. Here is the link to the James' shortcut wiki we talked about earlier. It has information to help make each step faster (I hope). http://www.visajourney.com/wiki/index.php/...8IV_Fee_Bill.29 2) The purpose of the label is to help ensure the package actually gets to the applicant. The mail system to remote areas is often a bit unreliable, and if you can give them a good mailing label, the probability it will get to your loved one is higher. Credz, another question, when we print out DS-230 barcode from online payment system after we pay, is the EMS labels mentioned on this barcode ? As we should send our DS-230 before we get the mail from NVC, I worry my husband will make mistake on the EMS labels if he does not any EMS instrudtion from the online print barcode sheet. I use DHL mailed to him , I write my name and address, but I did not write the sender( Guzhangzhou Embassy ) name and address, do you know if we will have any problem not writing Guangzhou embassy name and address ? Someone is saying we need write down Guangzhou embassy name and address as the sender. Pls help me. Thanks a lot! Lucy Lucy please look at the link Credzba gave to you. It has all the info. The barcode only contains the GUZ number. The sender portion of the EMS label will be filled out by the Consulate at GZ. As far as when to send the DS -230, the instructions in the link will tell you when the right time is for sending this document. Hi, did you look at post#24 replied by Xiaofeizhu under this topic? She is saying we should fill in Sender( Guangzhou Embassy ) name/address too. James' shortcut mentioned about the EMS labels, but did not say clearly if we need sender's name and address, so where did you get this information that we need not do? Just a double check since I do not want with my husband asap and do not mess my documents waste time. Thanks a lot for your help. Lucy I was told to let GZ fill out the sender portion but it really doesn't matter. As Credzba said, the label is used to ensure the P4 goes to the beneficiary's correct address. The return (sender) address is used only if it does not make it to it's destination so it can be returned back to the Consulate. The critical part is ensuring the beneficiary's address is correct. If you use the shortcuts link you were given then be certain and read it closely and read it all and make sure you understand it. If you make a mistake then this will delay the petition. Hi, I understand, but there is no details how to fill in EMS labels regarding the sender on James' shortcut or somewhere else, I hope someone can write something which she/him already done on CR/IR case for this EMS labels. Lucy
  13. 2 things Lucy. 1) You can pay that bill online now, and save some time. Here is the link to the James' shortcut wiki we talked about earlier. It has information to help make each step faster (I hope). http://www.visajourney.com/wiki/index.php/...8IV_Fee_Bill.29 2) The purpose of the label is to help ensure the package actually gets to the applicant. The mail system to remote areas is often a bit unreliable, and if you can give them a good mailing label, the probability it will get to your loved one is higher. Credz, another question, when we print out DS-230 barcode from online payment system after we pay, is the EMS labels mentioned on this barcode ? As we should send our DS-230 before we get the mail from NVC, I worry my husband will make mistake on the EMS labels if he does not any EMS instrudtion from the online print barcode sheet. I use DHL mailed to him , I write my name and address, but I did not write the sender( Guzhangzhou Embassy ) name and address, do you know if we will have any problem not writing Guangzhou embassy name and address ? Someone is saying we need write down Guangzhou embassy name and address as the sender. Pls help me. Thanks a lot! Lucy Lucy please look at the link Credzba gave to you. It has all the info. The barcode only contains the GUZ number. The sender portion of the EMS label will be filled out by the Consulate at GZ. As far as when to send the DS -230, the instructions in the link will tell you when the right time is for sending this document. Hi, did you look at post#24 replied by Xiaofeizhu under this topic? She is saying we should fill in Sender( Guangzhou Embassy ) name/address too. James' shortcut mentioned about the EMS labels, but did not say clearly if we need sender's name and address, so where did you get this information that we need not do? Just a double check since I do not want with my husband asap and do not mess my documents waste time. Thanks a lot for your help. Lucy
  14. 2 things Lucy. 1) You can pay that bill online now, and save some time. Here is the link to the James' shortcut wiki we talked about earlier. It has information to help make each step faster (I hope). http://www.visajourney.com/wiki/index.php/...8IV_Fee_Bill.29 2) The purpose of the label is to help ensure the package actually gets to the applicant. The mail system to remote areas is often a bit unreliable, and if you can give them a good mailing label, the probability it will get to your loved one is higher. Credz, another question, when we print out DS-230 barcode from online payment system after we pay, is the EMS labels mentioned on this barcode ? As we should send our DS-230 before we get the mail from NVC, I worry my husband will make mistake on the EMS labels if he does not any EMS instrudtion from the online print barcode sheet. I use DHL mailed to him , I write my name and address, but I did not write the sender( Guzhangzhou Embassy ) name and address, do you know if we will have any problem not writing Guangzhou embassy name and address ? Someone is saying we need write down Guangzhou embassy name and address as the sender. Pls help me. Thanks a lot! Lucy
  15. Hi, I have some cocerns regarding DS-230 and supporting documents, from what I understand, we should submit NVC below supporting doucments with DS-230 Part I: 1. Cover letter 2. DS-230 Barcode Sheet print from online payment system 3. 2 photos 4. Copy of biography page from passport 5. EMS Question 1: Is there any more supporting documents? Question 2: What is included in NVC DS-230 package when they send to my husband except the Barcode sheet? People is saying a checklist which I will use when interview in GUZ, do you have this form name and what does it look like? Is it called OF-169? Can anyone help answer this questions? Sorry for my sily understanding. Lucy
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