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Posts posted by darianstarfire

  1. Hi all,


    Lizzie and I are a CR-1


    SO is in US now, but the fun doesn't get to end right now. She gave an address that my parents have moved from, though most likely whatever she sends will be forwarded as long as we make the post office aware of the situation.


    Neverless, I'd like to change the address, and I am not sure if there is just an address change through the local immigration person we can do, or if we have to do the centralized address change


    See, I am sure it will be forwarded as long as it is sent within 90 days or so, but I still would like to make them aware of a better address, and I really don't know how to go about making sure that will happen. I have addresses, but I don't know their effect on our case.


    The same goes for my SSN, but I think we can take care of that easy enough, but the address is still different than what it is now. I know I have to fill the AR-11, but I am not sure how it will effect her receiving the conditional green card and SSN


    Thanks all, I feel busy and hope I can come back to help more people like all of you have been helping me


    Dan and Lizzie

  2. Hi,


    I certainly appreciate the input and I can certainly add this thought. Lizzie got loads of shot while in Guangzhou and she explained that hte shots in America she needs to get (within 4-8 weeks) and they are the secondary part of the shot process for the MMR and Tetenis.


    As for chicken pox, she seemed inclined to think she does not have to do that again in America.


    I am mostly concerned about her doing her shots again so quickly, though it seems to be part 2, or another shot to get her immunization kicking, though the concern about her getting pregnant is certainly warranted.


    I'll have a better idea soon, though this is mostly to prove to the government that we follow directions, because we don't have to file for adjustment of status for a good awhile now, at least two years.





  3. Hi all,


    Lizzy has already had her vaccinations on June 16th, 2005 and is wondering what other girls did when they arrived. It seems she still needs to do the tetanis shot and also the MMR. We would like to know what other girls have done.


    Thanks all, she is coming very soon and I am becoming more and more excited.



  4. My SO would like to know what she needs regarding our marriage certificates. We are CR1, so really we just need to change her status and that's all. The question is that we don't know if my wife needs to get a notarization of our Chinese marriage certificate in China, or if we need anything but fill out the forms and submit for permanant residency.


    Does anyone have any good links? Hope everyone is doing well, Laopo will come in about one month.




  5. Hi there,


    Lucky for me, I am/was in the same boat.


    Now, see I just wrote a letter explaining that I didn't make enough, or because of X, I didn't file.


    Did you even file with the IRS at all? Have you ever had to file? Did you make enough to file with the IRS while in China. You can make up to... around $8,000 without having to file. This is based off federal and not state.


    So if you didn't make enough, make sure you know why and get it notorized. Since you have a co-sponsor, you income means bupkis anyway. Well that's how I feel about my job, even though it's enough to sponsor her.


    Anyway, have your mom call the IRS and get some transcipts if you did file. Have her fax or scan them and you print them out. You need a letter notarized, any proof of what you've been doing to not make enough too.


    I used my contract from my school in China (though the VO apparently didn't look at it)


    I am little confused though, cause I'd like to know what part your on, because the I-864 is generally for CR-1, so when are you having to file this, where you at on this?



  6. Hi all,


    Lizzie called me about 20 minutes ago and told me that she passed. What no exclaimation mark you say. I think I will be more thrilled when she has that visa in her hand. As it is, I am glad she passed the Interview. A lot of people were praying and she did a good job I think. Proud of her I am.


    She went to Embassy at 9:30am, and she got a white slip (which she thought was a blue slip). Most likely like permission for embassy, she wasn't sure. Still she was nervous. Anyway, she called me in the middle of the day and told me she would be going back later after lunch.


    So she lines up around 12:30pm to wait for her turn. She said she didn't go first and asked the words "second round." Meaning, she was not last, not first.


    One note: She took an umbrella and still ended up very wet. Right now is a bad time of the year, and it seems to rain a lot. Ask your SO to take a powerful umbrella.


    I asked her to tell me what the VO asked her so I could share it with you guys.


    Honestly, think she was asked a great number of questions. Certainly, more than I expected. Below is a couple notes for those of you interested in questions asked. I still wish I could have been there with her.


    Lizzie talked to a, not young, not old, white VO with a big blue sapphire ring on his hand. He was pretty nice to her and she seemed to think that she clicked with him.




    Here are some of the questions:


    "How we met"


    "When we met"


    "When we got married"


    "Why husband came to China"


    "What did I do in China"


    "Why did go back to America"


    "Who is your husband's co-sponsor"


    "Where does she live"


    "Why did your husband's parents not come to the wedding"


    "Where husband lives"


    "Where do you live right now"


    Asked for pictures


    He laughed


    Talked to VO a long time about pictures, very nice when talking about pictures




    These are just what I heard from Lizzie. I tried to capture what I could. Sounds like he asked questions to find out the truth.


    Very imperative to have pictures. To Lizzie, it seemed like the only thing he cared about was the pictures. Lizzie had prepared a bunch of pictures and ones that showed time pass. My hair was shorter in a bunch of the pictures, just showed that we had known each other longer then a few minutes.


    She said seemed to think she would get the visa in hand two days after the interview.


    Now I didn't really ask her a lot of questions before she went. I told her to be herself.


    Anyway, so far so good. My heart is one step closer to feeling like I can breath :lol:


    Daniel and Lizzie

  7. Hi all,


    I am very grateful to all of you that have helped Lizzie and I on our case. She has her interview later today... well tomorrow, on the 21st. I was not able to be there with her due to financial concerns. We both agreed that I should come to China and then come back with her to America. If any of you are in Guangzhou, she is the cute chinese girl with brown eyes and black hair (yeah I know, making a rather lame joke).


    Anyway, I would appreciate prayers and best wishes for her. I do not expect problems, but the GUZ is all knowing and God really only knows what's going to happen.


    Lizzie says that Guangzhou is pretty nice. I asked her if it was nicer than Shanghai and she said no, but that's no surprising. Niceness is certainly subjective.


    Oh, on a nice note, for some of you who are wondering about the hospital. Lizzie went to the hospital without an appointment and was able to pick it up the next day (which she paid extra for). The vaccinations were not a problem and did not make her sick as far as we know. She has a canker sore which will make her sound like she can't speak. I told her if she told the VO that she has a canker sore, that they would probably be impressed that she even know what the sore was called.


    Anyway, here for hoping wifey keeps good notes for her interview


    Dan and Lizzie

  8. Katrina,


    I am sorry that this has happened, but I was always under the assumption that you had to go, in person, to the embassy. Lizzy and I went to Beijing directly to the Kerry Mall, where the Homeland Securty Office is located. We received the NOA notice as soon as we turned it in, it turned out to be a receipt that the man asked us to keep.


    I was certainly under the impression that you had to personally turn I-130. I honestly recommend you call the US embassy and make an interview with the Homeland Securty Office. I'd go there personally.


    If you can't get these forms straigten out, then I really recommend try to make an interview in Beijing.


    Lizzie was approved in about 2 weeks, the whole process should take about 7-9 months. I know this doesn't help, but give the embassy, Homeland security a call if you can. I don't really trust the mail system in China, though I have not run into problems. If you can't resolve this mail problem, go in person. The cost for a hard sleep is around 260 yuans for Ztrain, at least from Wuhan in central China.



  9. Hi all,


    should the I-864 be stapled or not stapled. The form asks that sections, like taxes be stapled together. I am sure this to keept hings organized, but I would like to know what others did. The forms says too, but I doubt we'd fail the case cause we use paper clips instead.


    To staple or not to staple that is the question


    Time is coming soon, getting nervous


    Dan :unsure:

  10. Tell Lizzy that we all said hi.. she is part of the family !!


    The bank statement is definitely required.. don't skip it...   if your asked and don't have it, then you risk the wrong color slip.


    I'm going to stay simple and to the point:

    1) Get the tax transcript as you say

    2) Don't worry about explaining anything

    3) The VO is NOT going to check on it... there is no time...


    If there is something at some point in the future to be corrected on the taxes , then take care of it at that point.. for now,  be consistent with your current state of income, taxes,etc.

    For the bank account, when it was opened

    amount deposited for past year

    and present balance


    I sent lizzy a stamped on bank paper showing the last three months deposits and all...


    guess I'll be going to the bank to get that filled out, and have it scanned and sent to Laopo (lizzy) and ask parents to do that too.


    David you are certainly a blessing, thank you for your help. I will heed this advice and go ahead with what we have now and pray.


    Dan and Lizzy

  11. Initial K-3 application did not require the I-134- not needed until interview. acw

    so, you can present whatever you want, including last minute amendments.

    If it is a part of your tax return, you can submit it.. Athough I believe the Tax transcripts (that are acceptable) are only showing a summarized view of the return... that with a copy of the W-2 is enough. SO, for I-134, not sure what amendments are going to do for you, unless as Frank suggests it affects your 'gross'...



    Supporting evidence should consist of:


    A. Statement from an officer of the bank or other financial

    institution where you have deposits, giving the

    following details regarding your account:

    1. Date account opened;

    2. Total amount deposited for the past year;

    3. Present balance.

    B. Statement of your employer on business stationery,


    1. Date and nature of employment;

    2. Salary paid;

    3. Whether the position is temporary or permanent.

    C. If self-employed:

    1. Copy of last 3 years income tax return filed; or

    2. Report of commercial rating concern.

    D. Employees need one year of tax returns

    E. List containing serial numbers and denominations of

    bonds and name of record owner(s).

    At work I certain was... :P


    David and Frank, I am quote David's quote and I agree that all of this is necessary. I am not sure if the bank statement is necessary if you make enough money, but the "sink" method is always useful.


    The problem is in overall income. My parents informed me that there is no way for them to be able to resolve the IRS problem in less than a week, plus even by DHL, getting anything to Lizzy takes at least 5 days. If I change anything then it means a plane trip. Lizzy is going to Guangzhou soon because of the medical appointment necessity.


    Keep in mind this is the I-864 which apparently is something a person would file in the US as a K-1. This is an important legal document that binds my parents to whatever Lizzy does to incure debt towards the government. Between my parents and I, we have the capacity to show a potential for near $40,000 for support.


    Doesn't matter in the end.


    See, I'll break it down. My mom claimed around $15,500 from one job, can prove it. Can prove another $9,200 from pensions, can prove it. But she made the mistake of filing something for $4500 (not a deduction but part of income), cannot technically prove that. Basically, it is a form for retirement which she received for the 2003 tax form, not the 2004 tax form. She claimed this amount in two concurrent years.


    I'd be happy for my parents to amend it, if I believed that the VO would not check up with the IRS and do a doublecheck. Then the VO may wonder why there is $4500 less dollars. This may make them wonder if my mother made mistakes in other areas.


    Now, the amount still adds up to being more than the necessary amount for 4 years in a row, plus add the fact that I currently have a job. I mean none of this may be good enough I know.


    The question is this: I asked my mother to get the transcipts from the IRS. This will match up with what the IRS has and that should be enough, no matter what the VO thinks. Still, I don't, I'd like to believe we could just write a letter and explain things, but I hate giving the VO an inch.


    I hope this explains a little more, simply a matter of wonder if I should we should submit the current form with what the IRS already has and still have that $4500 on both years. Truthfully, the VO wouldn't know if there was a special circumstance for doing that.


    I still don't like this though, I really don't want it to come down to this. I wish we could write a letter and explain. It irritates me that there are many girls/guys who defraud through this process and make it difficult for us normal guys.


    It comes down to whether we should try the amendment or try as normal. The money isn't the problem, it is the idea of one mistake that taints it.


    Appreciate, as always, all your help


    oh and lizzie love you for saying something

    Dan :lol:

  12. I sent my SO a certified copy of my front passport page. Honest just useful for VO in showing that someone is doing work and I think they just want a copy for copies sake. I went to the bank and had them notarize my copies... I got them to do many things (very nice bank). Will it help, it can't hurt.


    A notary really just shows that everything you say in this page is true. It is like swearing an oath on the bible I suppose, at least I think of it that way.



  13. Hi all,


    Much to my greatest dismay, I am currently having a problem with the I-864. I did okay, but the problem is my joint-sponsor, my mom's 2004 tax return.


    She accidently claimed a form frlom 2003 on accident and while this does not reduce the minimum amount needed, it can call into question whether what my parents did is true or not. The important W-2's for 2004 are fine, but what my mom submitted for 2004 is off because of a filing error. The error is simple and explained easily. Alas, this may be enough to kill the case, even though we have more than enough evidence to show the contrary. I actually make enough money to support my wife myself, but I have no history and thus am dependent on my co-sponsor to help. I believe in my heart that all should be fine, but I don't want to take any chance. My mom suggested that we find someone else, though this is frustrating because my parents are fine, except for this one error that doesn't even reduce the amount needed to sponsor 3 people, let alone 4. The history is fine, everything is fine, except that clerical error.


    I am not sure how to approach this, I would not forgive myself if she failed because of this and my parents would forever blame themselves, and I don't want that. In truth, the numbers are more than sufficient, but it isn't perfect, and GUZ is simply too irrational to trust.


    The interview is the 21st of this month and time is certainly not on my side. I know all will be alright, but this is certainly not helping my stress level. Please pray for our situation. I am terribly afraid of things going wrong and neither of us need this kind of stress.


    Thanks all


  14. great explanation nooneufo


    I will use this to my advantage, I can't get a VHS video so I think I will send an mpg of some of the videos I took in China and ask Lizzy to take her U-disk to the embassy in case they need it. Maybe they can't use it, but I need to do whatever I can to help because i simply can't afford to go there in june and july... but will do whatever I can to help her



  15. Hey everyone,


    Laopo wants to know if she has to make an appointment with Xiamien Hospital in Guangzhou, or if she can just show up.


    Not sure, Chinese hospitals are generally never that organized. Chaos is more like it. So she needs to know if she can even make an appointment


    I know so many questions, but the time is coming! Feeling more and more crazy



  16. Thanks all,


    the 29K number is the 2004 amount for taxes for my mother. I kept that on the form and sent it to my taitai


    Geocities never worked for me in China. I asked my wife to open it too, and she couldn't.


    See, the I-864 is confusing, because it does mention that what you make now seems to be important, such as check stubs and others, and my mother and myself have that. I argued with my father for many minutes about the embassy also requiring (but not asking) for 2005 info, at least for the first few months. One, by having your employment write a letter, is telling the embassy that things haven't changed, and apparently that is also very important, along with history, of which I have none.


    anyway, thanks all for the help



  17. Thanks Jocelyn and David,


    I think the advice is sound, I am not sure that particular number matters as much as the proof I have to back up how much she ought to make this year, for myself and my mom.


    I just don't want to worry my SO. I am going to leave it the way it is, though I am tempted to write a letter, but I don't need to send that in the package, I can scan or email that to my wife.


    I am terribly unfriendly, I know this all is making me crazy. That along with having a job where I am suppose to be able to speak Chinese. That isn't working out too well, luckily most of my call are English. (I work for GM)


    I believe it will be okay, I just wanted to make sure that the number isn't so much important as the documents behind them. We can only estimate my mother's end year salary, and mine also, since I'd rather be working somewhere else with more human contact and less talking on the phone :rolleyes:


    Thanks all for listening! I just hope that they are strickler for that particular page and put more weight on the 2004 tax return and recent pay stubs, then it shouldn't be an issue


    My sig doesn't want to work, so I'll have to paste it in

    Moved to China -- August 26 , 2003

    Filed I-130 at the US Homeland Security Office in the Kerry Mall in Beijing - November 30th, 2004

    I-130 approved -- December 9, 2004

    Approval received -- December 20th, 2004

    P-3 received - December 30, 2004

    P4 Received

    Interview - June 21st


  18. Hey David,


    Proving we make that or even more is easy, but that number is simply an estimation, but not the exact amount she will make for 2005. So my real question is whether that number is sufficient, because showing she will make that or more is not a problem, because we will provide at least 3 months worth of paystubs showing that she will make at least that much, or at least pointing to making that much.


    That number is from the 2004 Tax Return, that is easy.



  19. Hi all,


    I need some help with one page of my I-864 to make sure I can do the best for my laopo (SO).


    below is a link that goes to a picture of the second page of I-864, it is a scan of what I did, or well my parents, but the problem is the annual salary. My dad filled out the same amount as the previous year, though we have no idea how much my mom would end up making at the end of the year, that really is only an estimation of what she ought to make. This is the only part I am worried about, and fixing it is easy, just some whiteout will fix it and another number. There is no set salary, but that is the number from the previous year and I really would like to know what to do. I need to send this out tomorrow and I hope my opinion can be validated, because that number is only an estimation and nothing more. My parents (as joint-sponsors) have three years of proof and enough to sponsor her, but this number and field is bothering me.


    You will see, it is under the Sponsor's Employment of the amount 29,576.00. I wish I would have caught this awhile back.




    This is my long abandoned website, but it is useful for my purposes here. I do feel quite stressed out, because my wifes english is good and our relationship is easy to prove, so she is depending on me to make good. I would love help in identifying the problem. THough I am not too worried, this is always something I can fax her, or send in a scan. The rest will go out tomorrow, except this one


    Thanks all, my wife will be going to GZ on June 21st



  20. Hey ya all,


    I am only familiar with DCF and the process has taken roughly 7-8 months to get to the interview. I am already married and we filed the I-130. See, we weren't any different once we sent the P3 back, before that, you save a lot of time by avoiding the American centers. Plus, she is CR1, but she will still have to apply for adjustment of status. If one is truly determined, get married in China, live there for two years and then come America.



  21. Jenny,


    Thanks and congrats on babies and your husband passing! That is wonderful news. Thanks for the answer, my SO just wants to know that others did that too.




    My parents are sponsoring my SO. Just wanted to know if I need to put three or four on the I-864. I have no history for the last two years. I live with my parents currently, but suspect it will be extremely short-term. I just want to make sure that my parents don't need to count me on their form. I believe they don't and Jenny said I don't need to do so.


    BTW Jim, whereabouts in Portland you reside?


    Dan, Camas, Washington (currently)

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