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  1. Why did your mob(this word was used in oregonknl's original post) get so mad?want me out here with your immature action?don't be silly. 1 thing I can do now-laughing at you all of mob here,ha ha ha ha ha. Actually I really respect some people here that they tried a very good way to explain this big mistake making by oregonknl and oregonknlsfei,some of them ever sent me messages to let me learning how fake some mob are. Anyway I don't want to bother others here that they really want helps of Visa Discussion.I will welcome the mob to open another forum in somewhere for argument of this topic. Anyhow some mob will try to attack me more,just do that if you get angry,please go ahead and non stop if you can,ha ha ha ha ha,your dumpishness will never let me down or sad,my life is still full of happiness.
  2. ha ha ha ha ha,it's so funny that immature kid Jeikun wants to shut me up,this is a open forum,why those liars could post BS,I couldn't post here? last post of oregonknl in this subject was in Nov. 6th,no one replied his post for almost two days,but oregonknlsfei took it up again with BS today,what's wrong of her?was her purpose to make more argument? maiyademama and Jeikun,please think and talk like normal people with brain.don't be used by those trouble makers who are bored and waste time in talking BS.
  3. in my and some girls(who joined the gathering)'s point, oregonknl and oregonknlsfei(bbcute on 001) should say sorry to all for their lies as oregonknlsfei thought by herself making mistakes of the gathering with none truth in her original post.
  4. To oregonknl and oregonknlsfei(bbcute on 001): I hope you both can give some ideas about your big ¡°American humor¡±. why were you both afraid to answer my questions?because you could never be albe to answer them with the truth?how come oregonknlsfei try hard to bring more excuses for her lies?please be brave to talk something on 001 if you didn't lie about the policeman has never told us leaving consulate(we have never turned back by police).you both posts ever caused argument of 001 girls,are you both happy to do that? 1)10 women all members of the same organization called 001. Q:please make sure how many girls joined this gathering first,the answer is 12. 2)Fei (my fiancee was there too, and told me all about it!) Q:did your finacee really tell you all about it or did you just guess? 3)I don't know the whole story ~! Q:why did you say that your fiancee told you all about it if you didn't really know the whole story? 4)about 6 pm. they ALL decided to take a stroll over to the Consulate to see if they could "expedite" things..... Naturally, the guards saw em' coming (and know "trouble" when they see it!) Q:actually 1 girl left about 6pm,then other 11 girls left lucy's bar at 7pm,they all decided to see where consulate is and how does consulate looks like before they left lucy's bar.all of 10 girls knew that,except your fiancee?we all didn't know there was any trouble to stand outside of consulate since we all could stand there. 5)--- so before they could get very close, confront them and tell em' they can't get any closer ---- at that point, they know they're whipped, and tell the guards some BS like: "Oh we just wanted to SEE what the Consulate looks like!" (Yeah sure, whatever!) Q:we all have never talked to policemen there,and the policeman didn't ask us don't get any closer,he just told us don't take pictures there.but so sorry that a girl already shot a picture before he said that. 6)My fiancee Fei, actually took pictures ~!! Q:did she take pictures by herself with her camera?what did you mean of this? 7)not only of the: "GANG OF TEN" at Lucy's bar, but also a picture of the POLICE at the Consulate ~!!! (turning back the storming mob ~!!!) -- Q:again,not10, there were 12 at Lucy's bar,there were 11 to look around consulate.yes,a girl took a picture of consulate look.but the policeman has never yelled at us that he let all leaving there.how come you could write (turning back the storming mob ~!!!) ,what's this mean word"mob" meaning? 8)If you want the photographic PROOF --- contact her at banjemins@yahoo.com Q:why did you post your fiancee's E-mail address to get other's attention?why did you wanna to show the photographic PROOF ?no purposes?who believe? 9)--- you are talking about THE WRONG PERSON --- Fei is NOT the peson you refer to. Q:I think my English isn't poor as yours,did you wanna type"Fei is NOT the type person you refer to"?how come an educated American didn't know what's different between the person and the type person? 10)Hummmm..... Fei is very generous, and doesn't speak badly about other people without good cause, and to me, she only spoke well of everyone at that meeting --- just had a good time.... Q:huh,if she is that great like you said,why didn't she tell the whole story and the truth first? 11)When I said you had the wrong person ---- what I meant is that the person you described is not Fei --- she is not jealous, she is not materialistic, and she does not show off... In fact, she avoids specifics when women waiting for the K visas start comparing notes about the wealth of their husbands or future husbands in the states - Q:we all girls didn't really know what type person your fiancee is,and we didn't start comparing notes about the wealth of their husbands or future husbands as your fiancee told you or you guessed,please tell us who even told others how much their husbands or fiances have?who wanted to know others wealth?only your fiancee wanted to know or did she wanted to lie about that?why could you bring this BS up?did you wanna mess up more in this wonderful gathering?your fiancee and all of us really know no one has ever talked about wealth in the gathering. To oregonknlsfei(bbcute on 001): 1)I also rev'd an email from a 001girl today about the big controversy on 001 and CFL. I didnt know what happened so I just check it out. hahaha... funny. Q:the big controversy,how big was this controversy in both websites?there were just few people to talk about this,is it big?please don't think you can make anything big.huh,do you really feel funny to mess up others by all lies? 2)obviously cookie misunderstanding my Kim. well Cookie,yes I am the girl who show everyone my new clothes that day. but not like what you said " show off ". you know when women have new clothes, usually like to show to her friends. I treat all of 001 girls as my friends.and I treat you as my friend as well, though so far I dont know who you are. tell me where you stand in the picture. anyway. glad to know you. Q:I hope I really misunderstood you both in your big "American humor",even if you tried to show us clothes,please tell us who ever cared about your clothes showing?you would never make this big"humor" if you really treated all of 001 girls as your friends.it isn't matter who I am in the standing picture,it's enough to know I am one of them. 3)I didnt lie. I just told my Kim how happy we were together that day and told him after luck'bar,we walked down to the consulate and just wanted to "check it out". the police man came up to us and asked : "what were you doing. dont close here... etc "and we said nothing, then left. Q:if you really knew we all just wanted to check where consulate is,and you really were honest to tell your fiance,why wouldn't you tell him the truth? yes,of course we said nothing to policeman,because of the policeman didn't ask us anything or he tried to force us leaving there.how come your fiance posted"at that point, they know they're whipped, and tell the guards some BS like: "Oh we just wanted to SEE what the Consulate looks like!" (Yeah sure, whatever!)" did we really say that to policeman?or you lied? 4)different language and different culture.it's not big deal. Q:of course there are different language and different culture in different counties.do you both think to make this big "American humor" is funny or playful?in fact,lotsa lies in your big American humor,how come you both wanna make lotsa excuses after you both lied to others? 5)I wanted to explain this on 001, but I forget my passwords. so I could not sign in. and only post it on CFL. Q:if you really forgot your password,you could get ID back with your applicating information on 001,didn't you know that?or you could make a new 001 ID to tell others that is you,then you can post what you want to talk about the gathering,right?how come you didn't explain in Chinese to 001 JMS,because you know some 001 girls don't know English very well?or you wanted to hide the truth?or you have no face to type Chinese on 001? Please read what 001 girls talked:they all could prove you both lied to others in CFL. I said you both are trouble makers,so what?sue me?sue me if you can.
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