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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/05/2014 in Posts

  1. Good questions! We received a white form with my wife's name and case number filled-in by hand near the top and a checklist of requests for further work on the application; for us, the "updated police report" item was checked. I think this form is called a 221(g), but it didn't have this code on it so I may be wrong. We didn't pay any fees at CITIC for sending forms, and I turned in the documents without an envelope so that the bank employees could inspect them before they were sent. Hope that helps.
    1 point
  2. Hi, Just wanted to update that I have FINALLY received the approval to schedule my interview!!! It only took 3.5 months of anguish and a grueling wait. I'd like to share my story ,for all those whom may stumble upon this irritating glitch in the future (and I've been told I'm not the only one)... 2 weeks after having submitted my DS-260 I received a phone call from GZ consulate telling me my form was incomplete. They claimed I was missing information in the Work/Education/Training Section. After a few weeks I finally realized (thanks to this amazing forum) that I was missing the specific tab intended for this info on my form. Once having realized this was not a mistake on my part, and the only ones capable of fixing this problem are the Consulate, I started reaching out to them in every way possible. They dismissed my emails and there's no way to reach them my phone. I also spent hours on the phone with the NVC and anyone else who might be of help, with no luck. After 3 whole months of wait, I became so very desperate, that my husband and I scheduled an appointment for the American Citizen Services section here at the Beijing Embassy and begged them to help us. I explained that I had hit a dead end and without their help I would not be able to proceed. Even though they do not handle anything having to do with immigration, they were nice enough to contact the Consulate for me. Sure enough, within a few days the Consulate finally contacted me. To my dismay, I was instructed to submit the same exact "faulty" form again, meaning they had stalled me throughout those 3 months for absolutely nothing. How very unprofessional! Hopefully things will start looking up from now on and move along smoothly... Either way, it's a great relief.
    1 point
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