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Wendy W

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  1. I didn't read all the post but I do think Obama is very well manner to bow to the elder in Japan. The powerful one doesn't have to raised their head high. Remember when you are in economic crisis you have to turn to the developing country to ask for help.
  2. right accoss the street of the consulate has a underground shopping mall. if you take MTR at Citic PLAZA. 1 stop away is huge shopping area.
  3. wa, I wish you will have a good trip. get a AC you will beat the weather.
  4. hahaha , that's interesting!! hey is your fire lighten??
  5. so... my flight from guangzhou - beijing departs on 11:45am. I have to be on airport to change my boarding card before 11 am. on 9:10am I arrive at the agent to get my new ticket and collect my refund from old ticket. and i arrive at post office at 9:40am to pick up my visa. there were 23 person waiting in front of me I had to beg them to let me take the visa before them, i begged and explained very hard Thank you to those folks who let me jump the queue. I run to taxi again , oh did I said that the taxi was with me from home- ticket agent-post office-airport . all the same taxi to saved time and my giant suitcase can not fit in the taxi. so it has to be lay in the back sit instead of the behind (che wei xiang). I arrived the airport in time to catch the flight ohh more trouble to come.. I will post later....
  6. we checked from internet and find the possible flight that i can leave later on saturday. YES!! Guangzhou-Beijing-chicago- oklahoma. when Dylan 's flight was Guangzhou-toyko-chicago-oklahoma. the flight took off in Beijing on 5:20pm. So I need to buy the other ticket from Guangzhou to Beijing. no discount. was painful to pay it off
  7. ok. the 3rd day in the USA, i try to wash off the dirty cloth, but i can not make the washing machine start. i swear the do the exactly as how Dylan taught me. now everybody are gone to work. i am alone at home. I wish to be on candle to pass some time. maybe i will pay some QQ game later. the air here are super clean and I feel my skin does not need anymore estee lander cream. What did I wanted to write? yes. the visa and the flight to OKC. We plan the travel date to Oklahoma was 7th march and we buy the ticket before interview on 6th March Friday afternoon i check the EMS on 5:30 pm. no visa yet. Dylan was very upset. he wants to be back home with me very much. I begin to stress out too. but still I try to cheer up my dearest Dylan. We were thinking of if to delay both of us ticket to sunday, but hell it cost too much. and we brough the ticket from different agent. so we decide only change my flights and Dylan would get on the plane on time. on 6:20pm. I check ems again!!! visa was there!!!!!!!!! I try to call the post office and the 11185 service center and explain we need their help to get the visa so to catch our flight. they were very willing to help and manage to helped us. but still. the packages were transfered to the other room which the worker were already off work and gone. so we have to wait the next day-saturday morning on 9:30 am to get my visa package. our flight took off on 10:30 am.
  8. i want la chang pizza. peperroni??? how to spell the name?
  9. Thank you everyone. saturday was a magic day. I didn't make the same flight with Dylan. I cancel the ticket and buy a new one which departs on 11:45. We arrive chicago at the same time and arrive oklahoma at the same time, all in different planes. I will post more later when i get more time. I need to go to store to get the electricity transfer plug for my laptop now.
  10. hey now is wendy's first post from oklahoma. I wish to post when i was in chicago last night, but i couldn't get a wireless. ugh, it is night china time. need to sleep :yawn:
  11. I am ready for some real steak!
  12. He do not like soups. ugh
  13. Thank you all of you for your kind word! Our ticket to oklahoma is on 7th March, Guangzhou - tyoko-chicago-okc. The interview was a pleasure experience. now I am looking to get the visa package at the post office and do the bacterin. We need to do some more shopping too. Dylan is very tolerant me while I am shopping
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