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  • Birthday 10/02/1977

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  1. BTW, the VO did not look at our phone records, email, MSN chats...nothing else but my tax return and I-134. She was focusing mainly on the pictures we took. I was told that she spent her majority time on fliping around the photo albums.
  2. Alright, first of all, I truly want to sinecerly thank to all the CFL family members because I have learned so many precious information from this site. I also received the support when I needed it, too. thanks. Anyway, here is a brief statement on how the interview goes. She got her number called approximately 2 hours after she had done with the fingerprinting and everything. The VO she had was an really old lady. My girl says she looks a little intimidating in the beginning. However, as the VO goes on and asks the regular questions...(how and when you met)... my lady actually saw a little smile on her face, i'm not sure what exactly made her smile though, however that actually helps my lady relax a little bit. Anyway, my lady did mention that the VO questions were focused more on how we met as opposed to how our relationship was developed. I guess it's because we met each from a friend's wedding 2 years ago in Shanghai. the whole interview lasted about 2 min. and there, she gave me a call right after she got out from the building. Good luck to all other ppl who have their interview coming up soon.
  3. Think pink... and have a cold one on me! Thanks for your treat cuz it does bring me luck cuz it's PINK!!!!
  4. Thanks for everyone's luck. But I'm starting to get a little worry, it's already 10am there but she hasn't called me yet. I wonder how she is doing now...
  5. Hello Everyone, After 9 long months of exhausting wait, I have finally reached to the day that I have always been waiting for - my girl's interview at GUZ. Because of my work at the States, I can't be there with her to show my full support. However, I think we have very well prepared. I'm hoping she will successfully receive her pink slip today. Wish her the best LUCK!! Man, I just can't concentrate at my work today.
  6. Hi, I'd like to have my timeline posted. Thanks.
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