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Any Recent CR-1 visa approvals ?

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My opinion based on the little data collected so far, is that the wait appears to be about the same. Not certain if they are doing the same things as K1/k3, although I would infer that they are, otherwise it should be longer, or shorter a wait time. Waiting for more data.

Since your time line covers all bases, recent time lines show an average of 70 days from NOA2 to a P3...maybe your K3 will arrive sooner than the CR1.

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Thanks nooneufo.

My wife's DS230 IV according to NVC was generated May 9th according to there automated phone system and if all follows suit I should receive it tomorrow. Is this the equivalint of the P3 that GZ sends with the K3? and if so I assume that it is then sent to GZ and following a name check a P4 is then sent. Or am I just being optomistic.

Thanks for the help I have been following your timelines.

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For CR-1's I am using the three following pieces of information to track.

DS-230 Sent to NVC

Case Complete at NVC

Case At GUZ from NVC

Right now with the few numbers we have, it appears to me that once the case is at Guangzhou, it gets put into the same waiting line time wise as the K1/K3. However, that is using only five peoples time lines. Using data from 001, it also appears the same, but the data is not as clear because people there can only report one date when they could mean one of three or four dates.

Since it takes the same time, I assume they might do the same things, like a name check. However, I have my suspicion that if they don't do this, that in realty, each persons application goes into a stack, and when your turn comes up, it comes off the stack, and then it is checked to see if all things are completed. If not, back into the stack you go. So for a CR1, I think this question could be answered by calling DOS, and asking the status, for example if they say you are waiting for a name check. However you are not at this stage yet. So one of the other CR1' s who are further along will have to answer that.

Bahan is a CR1 who is at this point, and it is 165 days from when he sent his ds-230. jgrier5 was 155 days from when she sent their ds-230. Using some time lines from 001, I think there is a margin of 20 days +/- from then to a P4. (add up to two months after P4 for interview datee). Averagely speaking, because their are other CR1's who are waiting longer on 001, but maybe they are not updating. The trouble with using this date, is that the time between different people varies from then to when it is complete, which is why I think it is more reliable to go from when Guangzhou has the case complete papers. We use all thre times for now, because it does give a generally consistent estimate so far. But if I were to guess, I think it is sent out for a name check, because the time at NVC is not long. If names checks are not done by Guangzhou, or NVC, I assume it gets requested at Guangzhou. NVC just appears to do their thing....whatever that might be.

It appears that you are also doing a K3, that this could go faster, as this happend to someone recently, but I forget who for now. I also think someone got the K3 changed to a CR1 when they went to the interview, but I could be mis-remembering that, maybe they changed from a CR1 to an IR1.

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