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Who will live back in China ?

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of course...that is our problem, we are powerful and rich! Shame on us!

Hey, let's all split.  Last one out, turn off the lights.

I have no problem with powerful and rich except when it is also disrespectful and wasteful.


I would hardly say China is like the U.S. of the 50's & 60's. I found it to be much less safe for the majority (never locked our doors in the 50's & 60's) and much safer for the minorities (didn't see the KKK there). Wouldn't want to go back but hope we do things better in the future.

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What i think is interesting is that this is similar to religious considerations, but instead it is social and political systems we don't agree with.


The way of life in this country is materialistic commericialism, self-promoting self-fulfilling, and the bully on the block mentality. Even Europe is constantly poking fun at our political behaviors--thinking of the recent lifting of arms embargo to CHina by Europe. I just want to know: Why was the US so shocked and outraged by this? Becuase they did not think of it first? Or because as the 'bully', they were outnumbered and would not concede they were maybe wrong. Instead, all of Europe is wrong !


I've always felt that one reason for our self-indulgent inflated ego way of living is because we've not have the local devasatation of our land that others have had due to wars. WHen I read of memoirs of those in Europe or Japan, or the harsh life in China, one is moved by the impact on the people and how it has tempered and redefined life.

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I notice that this is a southern port area... Seems like it would be hot and humid...


Weatherwise,  this potential heat doesn't bother any of you looking at this location?

I'm from Alabama, it's the cold that bothers me. I may have to winter in Thailand :unsure: The two times I was in Beihai were in January. It gets pretty cold and is damp, cloudy and windy. It wouldn't be that big a deal, but there is no escape from it. Heat is practicly non-existent (even in a four star hotel room) and doors are always wide open. The good news is it only lasts for a month or so.

It gets that cold in Beihai??? Its not that far from Hainan, and Hainan doesnt really get that cold...the lowest I saw it go was in the 50s. The empty buildings sound similar to Haikou....although I hear they are finally getting around to completing a lot of them now.

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My 2 cents-for what it is worth.  I want to say that I can't understand the person who said he "couldn't understand" why someone would want to live in China-but then I have come to realize how the stereotypical american thinks.   I don't want to be in the US anymore.  I can't wait till it's time to retire and get the hell outta here.  People in China are ALIVE!!!!!   They live each day, and it is a wonderful place to be.   I am not oblivious to the problems, and the difficulties for me/the Chinese people.  In my opinion China is just like the US was in the 50's and 60's-before we became powerful and rich.  Our power and wealth has destroyed america, and if it is to become anything worthwhile again, it will require we reinvent ourselves, and do so with a leadership that is different and better than the perverted, subversive people now in government.    This filth has shown us what they are all about.  They have the time to rush back to Washington to pass legislation to further the agony of a woman who died 15 years ago, but no time to discuss the impending train wreck of our economy and such things as the price of oil, health care for the living, etc.   We have 300 billion to spend on killing/war but no money for the essentials of life.   How pathetic.  





I do not think that it is much like the 50's and 60's in the US, but it seems to be doing better so far than the US and the EU were doing at their same point in development. And the history and culture are wonderful, not to mention the food.


We are not sure where we will go, but China is higher on our list than staying forever in the US...at least presently.

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And for summering, well, I would prefer Vietnam to Thailand -- less expensive, foreigners are treated better, people are nicer and less out to take your money. Both are equally beautiful!


But, in reality, I am just dreaming...as we can not afford either location at the present time!!!


But, to keep our eyes open and ears open, and prepared for a more compassionate, environmentally conscious future, one in which people matter and communities develop and one which does not first rotate around wealth, sounds like a good one to aim for. So, quite possibly, you may see us there!

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It gets that cold in Beihai??? Its not that far from Hainan, and Hainan doesnt really get that cold...the lowest I saw it go was in the 50s.

I watched the weather very carefully this past winter between Hainan and Guangzhou. My SO lives in GZ and she and little sister #2 froze their tails off in their apartment. Of course they have NO HEAT because you don't need any heat in southern China...hahahahahaha. Hainan never got nearly as cold. When the wind is out of the North GZ gets nailed with it but evidently Hainan, being surrounded by warm water, stays moderate... :o :D

We will very seriously consider

something on Hainan for the winter... :unsure:

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It gets that cold in Beihai??? Its not that far from Hainan, and Hainan doesnt really get that cold...the lowest I saw it go was in the 50s. The empty buildings sound similar to Haikou....although I hear they are finally getting around to completing a lot of them now.

Did I mention I HATE cold weather? Maritime climates can be tricky. If you would be expecting Cancun, you would be disappointed. There were many days that were in the 40's and low 50's for highs. Warm enough, but add to that wet, dark, windy. Bone chilling. That is Ok except there is NOTHING heated in Beihai except Do & Me (there is a new McDonalds that I haven't been to). No chance to go inside, warm up, and go back out.


I don't mean to discourage anyone from looking at Beihai. I'm not looking anywhere else. It can be just a little "uncomfortable" for an underwieght deep South guy for a couple of weeks.

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My husband and I have been talking about living in China with me later . You know everything is so very cheap in China . esp my city _ Shangrao . And we will save lots of money to travel if we live in China . Both of us just want simple but happy life together . I don't care  where we will live . I only want to live with my husband . My problem is my husband can't live in Shangrao with me cos it is a forbidden city . So we are thinking about living in some place where the weather is nice and my husband can make some friends who come from USA too . my question is who will live back in China ? which city will you live in ? maybe we will live in the same city ? then my husband won't be homesick when he stays in China . hahaha!



i think if you want find a nice place to move. i think better in zhuhai of guangdong . zhuhai is a beach city , rich life and cheap price for house and apartment ,warm weather . beautiful city in china . only 1 milllion people , zhuhai has vast sea area and 164th islands ,

if you want back usa . then you can go to macao and hongkong by plane .10 min walk to macao . boat to hongkong only 1 hour. a bridge will build from hongkong to zhuhai . driver to hongkong 20 min . here many foreign people live here too , zhuhai is a good busniess city .



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