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Afraid To Send Complaint Letters?

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Hello everyone. I am new to this site, but read a lot of postings about sending letters to the DOS and Congressmen.


This is a great idea, but I think that some of us are afraid of a backlash from the DOS... don't want to get on some list. This fear is probably irrational, but it is enough to hamper the momentum of any letter campaign.


However, jtaylo69 recently had a good idea of contacting the media. And he got some good responses. Then I figured, why not contact one of the largest national radio networks... one that is always looking for cultural stories. National Public Radio!


They have a story suggestion page.


Click Here To Suggest A Story


We can all write to NPR in mass with Zero worries of backlash from the DOS. Finally, it would be a great media tool if you want to get the attention of policy makers. I studied public relations in college, and learned about the importance of media pressure. Any drawbacks?

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Hello everyone.  I am new to this site, but read a lot of postings about sending letters to the DOS and Congressmen. 


This is a great idea, but  I think that some of us are afraid of a backlash from the DOS... don't want to get on some list.  This fear is probably irrational, but it is enough to hamper the momentum of any letter campaign.


I think it's a fine idea Cody and I would send in a suggestion if it gets off the ground. I don't know if they need 50 suggestions. If they like the idea it should only take one.


But I am really bothered that people are so worried and so mis-trustful of the DOS/the US government/Big Brother, etc. If I have to live in fear of my government like that maybe I don't want to even be an American anymore.


My SO has a friend also going through "the process". This "friend" told my SO that her K-1 would go through channels faster than ours becasue her fiance' made more money than I do and therefore paid more taxes and therefore would be moved to the head of the line. I thought this terribly funny/sad and explained to my SO that OUR government does not do things like that. That OUR government treats us all equally. And if it doesn't, if I have to worry about exercising my rights as an American citizen and I'll get put on some "blacklist" then I say, F*ck THE WHOLE THING. :angry:

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Hello everyone.  I am new to this site, but read a lot of postings about sending letters to the DOS and Congressmen.  


This is a great idea, but  I think that some of us are afraid of a backlash from the DOS... don't want to get on some list.  This fear is probably irrational, but it is enough to hamper the momentum of any letter campaign.


I think it's a fine idea Cody and I would send in a suggestion if it gets off the ground. I don't know if they need 50 suggestions. If they like the idea it should only take one.


But I am really bothered that people are so worried and so mis-trustful of the DOS/the US government/Big Brother, etc. If I have to live in fear of my government like that maybe I don't want to even be an American anymore.


My SO has a friend also going through "the process". This "friend" told my SO that her K-1 would go through channels faster than ours becasue her fiance' made more money than I do and therefore paid more taxes and therefore would be moved to the head of the line. I thought this terribly funny/sad and explained to my SO that OUR government does not do things like that. That OUR government treats us all equally. And if it doesn't, if I have to worry about exercising my rights as an American citizen and I'll get put on some "blacklist" then I say, F*ck THE WHOLE THING. :angry:

AMEN!! Here ! Here! I Second That.!

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