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Hai Yan's Grandmother Died Last Night!

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Hai Yan's grandmother died last night! She had been ill, off and on for the last six months. She was 89 years old. Hai Yan was very close to her grandmother, and had spent a lot of time with her grandmother growing up as a child. Her grandmother lives in a small village in Hunan province. Hai Yan lives in southern Guangdong province. She must take a train and two buses to get there, since there is no airport nearby. It takes almost a full day to get there.


Does anyone know the usual protocol or customs for funerals. How soon after the death is the funeral?. Is there a funeral? Hai Yan did not want to speak about her grandmother at all today. She was feeling too sad and distraught.


In addition Hai Yan has her interview in three days on thursday March 24th. Has anyone on CFL ever rescheduled an interview for a death in the family. If anyone knows of this actually happening, I would like to hear about it. If the interview is rescheduled for this reason, can it be rescheduled in the near future. I will leave all decisions up to Hai Yan about rescheduling the interview. I would like to give her advice on what might happen, however.

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John, Sorry to hear about Hai Yan's grandmother. Jingwen was already here when her dad died, and I don't know if the customs differ with respect to parents and grandparents or male vs. female. I do know that Jingwen wanted to return to Zhanjiang as soon as possible, but we had to wait on her advance parole. Here's a thread that I posted about customs and traditions observed by Jingwen's family. Maybe it will help. http://candleforlove.com/forums/index....8060330c8633587


I know you guys have waited a long time for the interview. It would be a real shame if you had to re-schedule. If at all possible, try to get the interview behind you.


If you want, I'm sure Jingwen would be willing to give Hai Yan a call. Just let me know.

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John, Best to ask her what her family will do or a close friend. China has widely differing customs in this. Regional, religous, governmental and personal practices vary radically. In China it is very difficult to presume which way a family will follow. I saw several funerals which were burials with traditional musical processions going to the grave site. Cremation is also used. Burial location varies by place as well from local cemetaries to family plots on family land. Some families even still take the body to be buried in a traditional location such as a mountain.


The main thing is to listen and be supportive. This is an emotional time made even more difficult by the timing of the interview which both of you must have been very anxious about.


Best Wishes to you both.

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So sorry John. Please pass our condolences to Hai Yan. I would recommend, with only two days to go, she just get the visa (try for one-day service) and then go straight there. But then I don't know what her family expects and if that will be very frowned upon.


The timing is frustrating, but in a sense though, it's good it happened before she leaves China.

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Thanks for all the well wishes and condolences! They are all most appreciated. Hai Yan also sends her thanks. I just got off the phone with Hai Yan, and she has decided to go to the interview. Then she will go to her grandmother's hometown immediately after picking up the visa.


I don't know the details about the funeral. She doesn't know many details either. We only talked briefly. The extended family and friends will gather together for a meal, and some traditional music. After a few days they will bury her. She doesn't know much more at this point.


She will be leaving for GZ in a few hours and has lots to do before she goes. Yesterday she didn't want to talk about her grandmother or the funeral at all. That's why I thought I would throw it out to CFL.


Frank, Thanks for the offer to have Jingwen call HaiYan. Talking to another Zhanjiang woman from the U.S. would always be a plus. Everything seems to be OK for now. Right now she barely has time to talk to me. She has a lot to do the next 48 hours until the interview. I will not be at the interview. We'll be meeting in Hawaii in a few weeks.

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Fei and I discussed this at some length...


... she also is from Hunan, but she thinks that there is a more basic custom in play here...


--- namely that the Grandmother needs to interred within three days of her death to find peace...


That families who prolong the process are disturbed, and more concerned with "earthly" matters...


So I think Hai Yan makes the right decision to go to the interview and THEN to the family... since it would be impossible to travel to Hunan, and then back in time for the interview

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