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Last night (1/17) chat summary

Guest Clifton

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Guest Clifton

Firstly, thanks to everyone who showed up last night on the chat room here to discuss the situation with our visa delays.


Secondly I want to apologize for those who showed up to discuss off-topic items and made it difficulr to keep our discussion on-target. I am not in charge of this chat room, so there was not much I could do about that. So next time we may want to choose a different venue, more secure and private.


The outcome was generally very favorable, and everyone there had good ideas and all input was welcomed and has been integrated into our general plan structure.


In general the following is a general outline of our plans to change the visa delay situation:


1) That we need to coordinate our efforts with the China group so as to create a bigger impact with larger numbers


2) That we need to involve all persons in the process, whether waiting for a clearance from an Embassy or if they only have a 1st NOA.


3) That we will take this week (through Friday Jan 24) to refine and fine-tune all aspects of our plans and to give DOS the time they said they needed (2 weeks..that started last week) And to see the response from DOS to our group letter.


4) That if no SIGNIFICANT progress is seen by Friday Jan 24, we put our plan into action beginning Monday Jan 27.


5) That our plans include, but are not limited to, a 'form' letter that will be used by EVERYONE for mail, email and fax. This will be direct and to the point, will have a unifying banner at the top and have identical content in the body of the text, however will have your name and case # or INS number in the header. This shows our unity and numbers


6) That we will mail, fax and email this letter everyday to DOS and our Elected Representatives until the sitation is corrected.


7) That we will contact our Elected Representatives to arrange a meeting in D.C. with them and us regarding the unacceptable situation with family visas.


8) That we let these Representatives know at the same time that if such a meeting does not occur that we will conduct a registered, peaceable demonstration in front of DOS in Wash DC to get our situation into the public view on our terms.


9) That we can purchase strategic billboard space in the D.C. area that will highlight our dilemma.


10) That we can purchase space in the USA Today, NY Times, and/or Washington Post highlighting our dillema.


11) That we entertain other suggestions from the boards this week to add to the above as long as they are legal, moral and ethical.


I for one, am willing to do anything that is legal, ethical and moral to get my fiancee over here. It is imperative that we work together, and stay focused on a group effort. The individual efforts have been largely ineffective, and smaller splinter groups have had marginal success.


Please feel free to contact me at: tltherwzu@msn.com


I have spent the lion's share of almost everyday on this situation. I am only asking you for a firm committment of a few minutes everyday. There will be those who are negative about this...that's alright God Bless them and good luck...I understand their reluctance and bitterness...I just dont share it. An action of this nature is dependent upon 2 things:

1) Actively recruiting as many people as possible to be involved

2) being committed to see it through...


We CAN do this... if you have ideas about what other things we can do...email me..no ideas are bad here!




Totally committed to success,


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